
Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

author:Alpha Psychology
A psychological counselor takes you into your own inner world, like the attention of it!
Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

Text/Old K

Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from depression and anxiety, and stress is certainly everywhere in life.

Since we can't change reality, can we change our state of mind? That's a trick I'm going to teach you today, and if you learn it, it will definitely help you a lot.

And this technique is the transfer of thoughts.

What is a change of mind? To put it in layman's terms, it is to change our thinking, that is, to change our cognition and thinking.

If psychology has a history, the greatest psychological discovery of the 20th century must be in the field of "cognition".

As psychologist William once said, "People can change their lives through their mindset, and this is the greatest discovery of our generation." ”

It has been found that most of the negative emotions that cause people to have are not necessarily the state of reality, but cognition. More precisely, people's attitudes towards how things are going lead to different emotional states.

Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

To investigate this concept, Dr. Alan Beck, a leading figure in American psychology (who has just passed away), founded Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the 60s of the last century.

The CBT theory is also based on the fact that it is your thoughts, not your current situation, that influences your feelings and behaviors.

Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

So in practice, we try to record those thoughts when we are in a bad mood, and then discuss with the counselor whether the thoughts are reasonable. Then the corresponding record is corrected, and in the long run, the cognition will change unconsciously.

Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

A meta-analysis showed that 42% to 66% of patients no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for depression after receiving CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).

In terms of the effectiveness of antidepressants, 22-40% of patients can get better by taking drugs. From this point of view, cognitive therapy is no less than medicine.

In fact, the power of turning thoughts was discovered by many philosophers as early as ancient times, and the Buddhists said:

There is no phase in the heart, and the heart is born with the heart;

There is no heart, and the phase is extinguished with the heart.

This is the earliest application of cognitive therapy, where a person's appearance changes with the mind, and with the change of mind, the appearance will also change.

The same is true of circumstances, for example, there are too many truths that the situation changes with the heart. I remember that when Lao She was introduced in primary school textbooks, his "Camel Xiangzi" was created when he was unemployed and depressed.

At that time, he didn't have the money to get in a car, so he walked, and he didn't have money to go to the restaurant, so he cooked by himself, laughing at himself that the taste was not as good as the restaurant chef, but the fish and shrimp were fresh.

Safer than antidepressants, learn this mental energy trick and relieve half of your depression and anxiety

I don't have money to go out for entertainment, so I go out for a casual walk in the sun, and he is still happy:

"It doesn't cost money and it's close to nature."

If Lao She lies flat all day long complaining about bad circumstances, then how such a classic work comes out is that his optimistic attitude has changed his bad situation.

I like a quote from someone who has recovered from depression:

A person who is truly healed from depression will slowly learn to change the idea of "why this is happening to me" to "what is this trying to teach me".

This change in mindset marks the beginning of a person's understanding and acceptance of everything in life from the depths of their hearts, no longer confrontational, but going with the flow.

A person must have the courage to accept the good and the bad in order to be worthy of a life without regrets, we cannot predict the future and circumstances, but we can deal with our attitude towards the situation, which is very important. Learn this skill, and maybe you will have a lot less worries and depression for the rest of your life.

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