
Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

author:Sister Yan talks about food

Hello everyone, I'm Sister Yan talking about food, as summer is approaching, we are about to usher in the hottest dog days of the year. At this time of year, the heat is not only uncomfortable, but also prone to various health problems. In such weather, our eating habits are especially important. Although fried food is delicious, eating it at high temperatures is not only easy to catch fire, but also may increase the burden on the body.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone adjust their diet, eat less fried food, and eat more light and nutritious dishes. The following is an introduction to you that the dog days are coming, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully, come and take a look.

1. Millet porridge with mung beans and lotus seeds

Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

Prepare the ingredients: mung beans, millet, lotus seeds


1. Soak mung beans and lotus seeds overnight, and put them in the refrigerator in summer to prevent spoilage. After the mung beans are washed, add water and put them in the refrigerator to freeze so that the mung beans are easier to bloom when they are cooked.

2. Put the soaked mung beans and lotus seeds into a pot with water, bring to a boil over high heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

3. At this time, pour the cleaned millet (just rinse it once under running water to avoid the loss of nutrients caused by hard scrubbing) into the pot and continue to cook over high heat.

4. After the millet boils, continue to cook for 10 minutes to fully stimulate the aroma of the millet. Then, cover the pot and turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, until the mung beans are fully bloomed and the millet is boiled in rice oil, and then enjoy.

2. Red bean glutinous rice cake

Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

Ingredients: red beans, glutinous rice flour, sugar, water


1. First of all, clean the red beans and soak them in water overnight in advance so that they can be better cooked.

2. Pour the soaked red beans into the rice cooker and add two pieces of rock sugar, the sweetness of the rock sugar will make the red beans taste sweeter. Then press the cook button and wait for the red beans to cook.

3. The boiled red beans have a sweet and soft taste, you can eat them directly, or you can use them to make various delicacies, such as red bean buns.

4. In another container, mix the red beans with glutinous rice flour, add a spoonful of sugar, and gradually add some water, kneading into a softer dough by hand. Make sure the dough is neither too hard nor too sticky.

5. Take a bowl and brush the bottom with a thin layer of oil to prevent sticking. Place the red bean glutinous rice dough in a bowl and compact it with a spoon or hand. Then cover with plastic wrap and stick some small eyes with a toothpick on the plastic wrap so that the steam can come through. Place the bowl in a pot and steam over high heat for about 30 minutes.

6. The steamed red bean glutinous rice cake will swell up, take it out and put it upside down on the oil paper, let it cool slightly and cut it into small pieces to eat. This red bean sticky rice cake is delicious and nutritious, making it ideal for breakfast or afternoon tea.

3. Stir-fried edamame with radish

Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

Ingredients: Radish tassels, edamame, green onions, garlic


1. First of all, we wash the radish tassels thoroughly, and then sprinkle them with an appropriate amount of salt for pickling, and the pickling time is half an hour. Doing so removes the bitterness of the radish tassel and makes it more crisp and refreshing.

2. Next, we peel off the shell of the edamame and chop it slightly with a knife, which not only makes the edamame easier to taste, but also improves its texture and makes it more delicious.

3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, and when the oil is hot, add chopped green onion and garlic cloves and stir-fry to give it an attractive fragrance. If you prefer something heavy, you can add some extra red or sharp peppers to add flavor.

4. Then, we put the chopped edamame in the pot and stir-fry for half a minute, then add a little boiling water along the edge of the pan and continue to stir-fry until the edamame is broken.

5. Finally, we chop the pickled radish tassels, add them to the pot and stir-fry them together with the edamame. Depending on personal taste, salt can be added in moderation for seasoning.

Fourth, cold eggplant

Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

Ingredients: eggplant, coriander, garlic, green and red peppers


1. First, cut the eggplant into sections and divide it in half. Subsequently, prepare a basin, add 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar and stir well to soak the sliced eggplant in vinegar water for 10 minutes. This is a crucial step in ensuring that the eggplant retains its vibrant color during cooking.

2. Next, put the soaked eggplant into the steamer, remembering that the eggplant skin should be placed facing up, which can prevent the eggplant from changing color. Steam on high heat for 8 minutes, if the eggplant is finely chopped, the steaming time can be shortened until the eggplant can be easily inserted with chopsticks.

3. Prepare the ingredients, mince the garlic, cut the green and red peppers into small pieces, and cut the coriander into small pieces. If you like spicy, you can also chop some millet peppers to add.

4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, heat it and stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant. Next, add 1 scoop of light soy sauce, 1 scoop of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and stir well.

5. Wait for the steamed eggplant to cool slightly, then tear it into small strips by hand and stack them neatly on a plate. Finally, arrange the chopped green and red peppers and coriander evenly on the eggplant, pour the sauce that was prepared earlier, and mix well when serving.

5. Mutton soup

Dog days are approaching, eat less fried food, eat more 4 dishes and 1 soup, healthy and delicious, and spend the summer peacefully

Ingredients: lamb bones, lamb, green onion, ginger, salt, coriander, garlic sprouts


1. Put the mutton bones and mutton into the pot together with water and ginger slices, boil over high heat and cook for another five minutes to let the blood foam be fully released. Subsequently, remove the blanched lamb bones and lamb and rinse them with warm water.

2. Add hot water to the casserole, add the blanched lamb bones and mutton, then add green onion and ginger, and start cooking over high heat. Here's a tip, after blanching, you need to put the lamb in the pot with hot water, so that the meat will be more tender.

3. When the soup starts to boil, don't rush to turn the heat down. Skim off the foam and continue to simmer over high heat for 15 minutes to allow the flavor of the lamb to fully integrate into the soup. When the soup is milky white, turn to low heat and continue to simmer for an hour.

4. After an hour, remove the lamb and let it cool naturally. The bones are left in the pot and continue to simmer for half an hour.

5. Cut the cooled lamb into slices and prepare the coriander and garlic sprouts as a side dish.

6. Take out two large bowls of boiled mutton soup and pour it into a wok. This is the original soup, and the color is as white as milk. Next, add the sliced lamb, salt and pepper to taste.

7. After boiling the soup over high heat, sprinkle with coriander and garlic sprouts, and a delicious mutton soup is complete.

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