
Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

author:Uncle Diet said

Hello, sisters! Hello guys~

Many friends have been curious about how I lost from 150 pounds to 95 pounds. Today, I finally sorted out the weight loss methods I used and shared them with you without reservation! At present, I have been eating again for two weeks, and not only has I not rebounded, but I have also lost 2 pounds! Therefore, it is also very important to re-eat in the later stage, and you must not overeat!

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer is the best time to lose weight, because the body's metabolism is the most vigorous at this time, which is suitable for "summer fasting". With proper fasting, we can effectively eliminate toxins from the body and promote fat burning, so as to achieve rapid weight loss. Next, I will introduce the methods and specific steps of summer fasting in detail, and I hope everyone can lose weight healthily!

1. Preparation stage: regulate the spleen and stomach

  1. Adjust your diet

    In the week before the official fasting, it is recommended to eat small, frequent meals, avoid greasy, cold, spicy foods, and mainly focus on light and easily digestible foods. This can help regulate the spleen and stomach and reduce discomfort during fasting.

  2. Increase exercise

    Doing more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as jogging, brisk walking, yoga, etc., helps to improve the body's metabolism and enhance physical fitness.

  3. Stay in a good mood

    Losing weight requires a good mindset, keeping a good mood, and avoiding anxiety and stress in order to better stick to it.

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

2. Fasting stage: detoxification and fat reduction

  1. Day 1: Fasting with clear water

    Drink only warm or lightly salted water throughout the day, with a glass every hour, to keep your body hydrated and help eliminate toxins from your body.

  2. Day 2: Fruit and vegetable juice fasting

    Squeeze fresh vegetables and fruits into juice, such as cucumber juice, celery juice, apple juice, etc., and drink a glass every two hours to replenish vitamins and minerals and promote metabolism.

  3. Day 3: Rice soup fasting

    Boil millet, red dates, etc. into rice soup, remove the slag and take the soup, and drink a bowl every three hours to replenish physical strength and maintain basic energy needs.

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

3. Re-eating stage: step by step

  1. Week 1: Light diet

    In the first week of re-eating, mainly light and easy-to-digest foods, such as white porridge, steamed vegetables, fish soup, etc., avoid greasy and spicy, and gradually return to a normal diet.

  2. Week 2: Increase protein

    Gradually increase your intake of high-quality proteins, such as eggs, chicken breasts, fish, etc., to help repair muscles and strengthen your physique.

  3. Week 3: Return to normal diet

    Eat back to normal, but you still need to eat small, frequent meals, avoid overeating, and maintain a balanced diet to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

4. Consolidation phase: Maintain a healthy weight

  1. Maintain good habits

    Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, arrange your work and rest time reasonably, avoid staying up late, and ensure adequate sleep.

  2. Exercise regularly

    Do aerobic exercise at least 3-4 times a week, such as jogging, swimming, yoga, etc., to keep your body active and boost your metabolism.

  3. Regular self-testing

    Measure your weight and body fat percentage regularly, adjust your diet and exercise plan in time to maintain your ideal weight and healthy posture.

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

With the above four steps, we can easily achieve our goal of healthy weight loss during the summer months. Not only can you lose weight, but also detoxify and improve your physical fitness. I hope that everyone can have a healthy and beautiful body through the summer fasting method of traditional Chinese medicine!

Traditional Chinese medicine says fasting in summer: Chinese medicine teaches you how to lose weight healthily and lose 20 pounds in a month

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