
With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

author:Renja Wilderness Q4

Recently, Russian President Putin's visit to North Korea has undoubtedly become the focus of international attention. The two countries have not only strengthened strategic cooperation, but also signed a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty, a move that has caused quite a stir in the international political arena.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

It has been learned that the contents of the treaty signed this time are very heavy, and the most eye-catching clause of the treaty is: When one side of Russia and the DPRK is invaded by another country, the other side will provide necessary assistance. This clause not only clears the way for the Russian army to send troops to the Korean Peninsula, but also brings new uncertainty to the current Russia-Ukraine conflict.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

The North Korean leader expressed firm support for the cooperation, saying that he would unconditionally support all Russian policies and further strengthen strategic cooperation between the two countries. The escalation of Russian-DPRK relations has undoubtedly aroused strong repercussions in the US and Western camps.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

The South Korean side believes that this move by Russia and the DPRK is tantamount to the formation of a military alliance and will shake the world security pattern, so it is paying careful attention. The United States and its allies are "very worried" about the fact that the treaty has enabled Russia and North Korea to form a "breakthrough new partnership" and strengthened the "united front against the West" between the two countries.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

In the face of doubts and concerns from the outside world, the Russian side has shown firmness and self-confidence. Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov stressed that cooperation between Russia and the DPRK is not aimed at a third party, but is based on the common interests and needs of both sides. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova criticized the West's hysterical and fierce reaction to Putin's visit to the DPRK, saying that such a reaction was groundless.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

It is worth noting that the escalation of Russian-North Korean relations also raises another question: will Russia help China in the face of the same situation? In fact, Putin has long given a clear answer to this. While attending a meeting of the Valdai International Debate Club, Putin made it clear that China and Russia are not aligned, but if something happens to China, Russia will also stand up and respond in a timely manner. This statement has undoubtedly injected new vitality into Sino-Russian relations and also reflects the profound friendship and strategic mutual trust between the two countries.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

How do you view the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations? This is the result of extreme pressure exerted by the United States and NATO, which lifted a stone and shot itself in the foot. At present, both Russia and North Korea are under blockade and sanctions imposed by the United States and the West, and it is almost inevitable that the two countries will join forces to resist. And the Russian army's dominance in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the failure of the West's plan to isolate Russia around the world, have put NATO at a disadvantage.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

The escalation of Russian-North Korean relations has also brought about a series of immediate effects. According to the treaty, the Russian side does not rule out the development of military-technical cooperation with the DPRK, which will further enhance the DPRK's military strength and exert certain pressure on Japan, South Korea and other neighboring countries. At the same time, it will also bring greater challenges and uncertainties to the activities of US military bases on the Korean Peninsula.

With the escalation of Russian-DPRK relations, Russia will work together to defend against the enemy if there is something wrong with North Korea, but what about China? Putin replied with 26 words

Although relations between Russia and the DPRK have escalated, this will not affect the exchanges between China and Russia. Relations between China and Russia have reached an all-time high, and the two countries are more like allies than allies. The current upgrade of Russian-DPRK relations has also provided a new platform for Sino-Russian-DPRK dialogue. It has been learned that Russia and the DPRK have signed an agreement on the construction of a bridge across the Tumen River, and the implementation of this project will be inseparable from the coordination and cooperation between China, Russia, and the DPRK. This also reflects the deepening of strategic mutual trust between China, Russia and the DPRK.

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