
Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

author:Follow the trend for 2020


Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Zhang Wenzhong and Yu Minhong talk

If Yu Minhong said in a conversation with Zhang Wenzhong that the Oriental Selection is now a messy statement, and there is a modest element in it at the time, today's Oriental Selection is really a mess.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Oriental selection anchor paused

On June 26th, Dongfang Selection anchor Dunton publicly "bombarded" the company on the Beautiful Life Account, accusing Dongfang Selection of not respecting the anchor and opening a new account without consulting the anchor.

In the view of the management of Dongfang Selection, the anchor is only responsible for selling good goods, and the company's decision-making has nothing to do with the anchor, so there is no need to communicate with the anchor.

This is a typical management style of Sun Dongxu, and there is no doubt that the real trader of Dongfang Selection's current business is still Sun Dongxu.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

The anchor of Oriental Selection clearly uses broken mountains and rivers to describe Guizhou

Before Dunton's "bombardment" of Dongfang Selection, Dongfang Selection Yunguixing also caused an uproar on the Internet because of the improper expression of Dongfang Selection's anchors.

The Dongfang selection anchor obviously used the term "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the topography of Guizhou during the live broadcast, which caused overwhelming criticism from netizens and caused a great negative impact on the local cultural tourism in Guizhou.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Oriental selection anchor YOYO

Oriental selection anchor YOYO publicly complained in the live broadcast room of tens of thousands of people, the weather in Guizhou is hot, the hotel accommodation environment in Guizhou is poor, there is a big spider in the room that is longer than her legs, and when she sleeps at night, there is a lot of noise outside, give feedback to the hotel, the hotel front desk is off work, and no one cares.

Originally, I came to promote Guizhou Cultural Tourism, but the improper statements of the Oriental Selection anchors smashed the field of Guizhou Cultural Tourism.

At present, Guizhou Cultural Tourism has deleted the promotional video of Oriental Selection, and after this incident, when Oriental Selection does outfield again, cultural tourism in other provinces should also be treated with caution.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Sun Dongxu said that Dong Yuhui is not suitable for management

Sun Dongxu once asserted in an interview that Dong Yuhui is not suitable for management, he said that Dong Yuhui's ideas are unreliable, it is okay to talk exaggeratedly, and it is useless to really do management work.

Now Sun Dongxu, who claims to be a management expert, has made a mess of Dongfang's selection and management, while Dong Yuhui, who was asserted by Sun Dongxu that he does not understand management, has managed it in an orderly manner with Hui, which is undoubtedly a great irony.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong

When Yu Minhong personally drove Dong Yuhui out of Dongfang Selection, he would never have thought that he could surpass Dongfang Selection by walking with Hui no matter what.

The anchors who walk with Hui are marginalized and not valued in Dongfang Selection, and the warehouse with Hui is shared with Dongfang Selection, which has taken up most of the area, leaving only a small part of the area with Hui.

In Yu Minhong's original planning, Walking with Hui only appeared as a foil to Dongfang Selection, and the purpose of establishing Walking with Hui was only to settle Dong Yuhui, help Dongfang Selection complete the de-Hui, and clear the obstacles for the development of Dongfang Selection.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

The names of all the people who premiered with Hui are listed

Dong Yuhui led the team with Hui to start from scratch, moving forward in exploration, learning while live broadcasting.

The marginalized anchors who were selected in the East became shiny after walking with Hui, Dong Yuhui did not block the light of other anchors, but provided a bigger stage for the anchors.

At the end of the premiere with Hui, Dong Yuhui deliberately showed the list of behind-the-scenes staff, and Dong Yuhui did not bury the efforts of everyone in the team.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Walk with Hui to the west

The provincial field activities with Hui have organically combined cultural tourism publicity with the sales of local characteristic agricultural products, creating a new model of cultural tourism publicity.

Because of its outstanding performance in cultural tourism promotion, Walking with Hui has become the object of invitation from cultural tourism everywhere.

Now the sales of Hui have surpassed Dongfang Selection, you must know that the team with Hui is only more than 160 people, and Dongfang Selection is a large team of more than 2,000 people.

Walking with Hui and Dongfang Selection have been divided, who is Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who doesn't understand management?

Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu

Now in the contest with Hui and Dongfang Selection, the winner has been divided, Dong Yuhui and Sun Dongxu who don't know management, I believe everyone has their own opinions!

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