
Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

author:Follow the trend for 2020


Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Oriental selection of Yunguixing

After driving away Dong Yuhui, Dongfang's selection of outfield has never been successful.

Whether it is Oriental Selection Fujian Bank, Oriental Selection Anhui Bank, or Oriental Selection Hunan Line, Oriental Selection is a failure.

Not long ago, the Oriental Selection of Yunnan and Guizhou not only overturned again, but also played a negative role in the promotion of Guizhou Cultural Tourism because of the improper statement of the Oriental Selection anchor.

Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Oriental selection anchor Mingming

First of all, when the anchor of Oriental Selection clearly described the topography of Guizhou, he used the word broken mountains and rivers, such a statement directly refreshed the three views of netizens, and netizens shouted that Oriental Selection is not here to help Guizhou Cultural Tourism do publicity, this is to smash the field of Guizhou Cultural Tourism.

Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Screenshot of YOYO Weibo, the anchor of Oriental Selection

The Oriental selection anchor obviously had just finished smashing Guizhou Cultural Tourism, and YOYO came on the field immediately after.

YOYO directly opened a complaint about Guizhou in the Dongfang selection live broadcast room to tens of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room, she first complained about the big spider in the hotel where she stayed was longer than her legs, and then said that the hotel where she stayed was noisy, and she gave feedback to the hotel that the front desk was off work, and no one cared.

Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Oriental selection anchor YOYO

The original intention of Guizhou Cultural Tourism to invite Dongfang Selection to come over was to let Dongfang Selection help publicize and promote the local scenery and good things in Guizhou, not to invite Dongfang Selection to come over and smash their own fields.

Oriental Selection Yunguixing not only did not play a role in promoting the local scenery and good things in Guizhou, but because of the improper expression of the Oriental Selection anchor, it made a reverse negative publicity for Guizhou cultural tourism.

Some users who originally planned to travel to Guizhou in the summer watched the live broadcast of Oriental Selection, and they couldn't help but retreat.

Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted the promotional video of Oriental Selection

But this can't be blamed on others, it was Guizhou Cultural Tourism itself that invited Dongfang Selection over and smashed its own field, who is to blame?

There are lessons from the failure of Fujian, Anhui and Hunan outfields, and Guizhou Cultural Tourism has to let Dongfang Selection to do the outfield, which is also the result of Guizhou Cultural Tourism's own self-inflicted efforts.

As public opinion continues to ferment, the official account of Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted the promotional video of Oriental Selection.

With the rollover incident in Guizhou, I hope that Oriental Selection can be a little self-aware, don't go to the provinces to be embarrassed by the outfield, and it is difficult to be cheap for others, why bother?

Dongfang selected Yun Guixing to overturn again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies

Yu Minhong

Yu Minhong once talked about the reason for the explosion of Dongfang Selection in an interview, and he said that other anchors and team selections have followed.

Dongfang's selection of Yun Guixing overturned again, completely exposing Yu Minhong's lies.

Since Dongfang Selection drove Dong Yuhui away, not only has the traffic of Dongfang Selection's live broadcast room fallen off a cliff, and the number of online users has often fallen below 10,000, but Dongfang Selection's outfield has been a failure, after Dong Yuhui, none of the anchors of Dongfang Selection can play.

Yu Minhong said that the other anchors of Dongfang Selection followed, which was purely an outright lie, and Dongfang Selection was always the only one who was popular!

Now the hopeless selection of the East is also God's backlash against Yu Minhong's unkindness to Dong Yuhui in a certain sense.

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