
The Illusion of the Middle-Class Family: The Ups and Downs of Dividends and the Confusion of Education

author:KK tells the truth

When delving into the social phenomenon of middle-class families, we must first make it clear that the so-called "middle-class families" are not simply labels, but represent those groups that benefit from social dividends and improve their living standards through specific opportunities.

The Illusion of the Middle-Class Family: The Ups and Downs of Dividends and the Confusion of Education

Looking at these families, it is not difficult to see that many of them have been lifted out of poverty seemingly overnight, and property is often the key to their wealth accumulation. For example, some locals who were originally struggling to make ends meet, but have acquired a property due to policy or other reasons, and thus have a certain degree of economic freedom, they may choose to buy a good car, or even live comfortably on rent.

However, middle-class families are often out of reach compared to the truly affluent, and at the same time, they appear relatively carefree because they do not have to face excessive stress in life. In such an environment, they sometimes fall into poor imitations of the life of the wealthy, such as buying designer groceries or teaching their children skills that are not practical.

The Illusion of the Middle-Class Family: The Ups and Downs of Dividends and the Confusion of Education

From an educational point of view, there is a clear difference between middle-class households and nouveau riche. Nouveau riche tend to place more emphasis on substantial investments in education, especially in their children's education, and they are willing to invest significant resources. I have spoken to some mine owners and their children in Xiangxi, and despite their rough words, their respect for "professionals" is impressive. They are more inclined to listen to professional advice than to make their own decisions.

In contrast, middle-class families are more intense in their quest for a sense of existence. They may seek recognition in other areas because they are unable to achieve an overwhelming advantage economically. This mentality is especially evident in those working in the service industry. They may fall into the situation of being led by the nose by the business because of the blind pursuit of "elite education".

The Illusion of the Middle-Class Family: The Ups and Downs of Dividends and the Confusion of Education

We must recognize that social dividends are not eternal. Those middle-class families who rely on social dividends to rise are likely to face huge challenges after losing these dividends. For example, if they are asked to give up everything they have and go to another city to work again, whether they can achieve their current social achievements again is a question worth pondering.

Finally, we must remain rational in the discussion of "elite education". Does this form of education really bring about a real change for children, or is it just a poor imitation of the wealthy? We need to be wary of businesses that use the concept of "elite education" for business hype, as well as those misguided middle-class families. True education should be based on children's interests and talents, rather than blindly following trends and imitations.

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