
On the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted a certificate of outstanding party members and posted: I wish the motherland prosperity!

author:Light after a cold night


On July 1, Beijing time, Liaoning men's basketball coach Yang Ming won another surprise honor, on the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted the honorary certificate of outstanding party members of the Liaoning Provincial Sports Bureau, and then Yang Ming posted: How fortunate to be born in China, witness a hundred years, may the mountains and rivers be safe, bless the party, bless the prosperity of the motherland, and the peace of the country!

On the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted a certificate of outstanding party members and posted: I wish the motherland prosperity!

The party group of the Liaoning Provincial Sports Bureau was awarded the advanced party branch in June, and Yang Ming was also awarded the advanced party member of the Liaoning Provincial Sports Bureau. In the past four years, Yang Ming has led the Liaoning men's basketball team to win three consecutive CBA championships and a gold medal in the men's basketball team of the National Games.

On the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted a certificate of outstanding party members and posted: I wish the motherland prosperity!
On the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted a certificate of outstanding party members and posted: I wish the motherland prosperity!

It is worth mentioning that Yang Ming not only has outstanding achievements in the basketball career, and many times in the post-game speech interview, embodies the pattern and sublimation of the spirit of Liao basketball, his Shenyang speech not only touched hundreds of millions of ordinary people but also positive energy through sports, such a sports talent with both ability and political integrity, was awarded the outstanding party member is the greatest honor and his efforts.

On the same day of the founding of the party, Yang Ming posted a certificate of outstanding party members and posted: I wish the motherland prosperity!

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