
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!


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How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

Traveling to North Korea is not the same as traveling to other countries. North Korea has its own system of tourism programs and living expenses. So how long can 10,000 yuan play in North Korea? Today we are going to talk about this topic.

Watching the sharing of netizens was an eye-opener for me

How many exchange rates does North Korea have?

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!


How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!


How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

Is it so exciting?! Originally, I planned to go to Russia, but I thought that I would go to North Korea not far from it, and I went to North Korea to satisfy my curiosity

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!


How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

‬韩剧 爱的迫降 有讲外国人去朝鲜生活最低需要1个月1w美金

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

That's the people's Maybach, and the general just has 24-hour access [dog head]

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

‬女警:你也不希望你违法交易的事被人知道吧。 Remember, buy a badge first, don't wear jeans

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

A cold noodle of 20 yuan is equivalent to a person with a monthly income of 10,000 yuan before tax, which is a cold noodle of 2,000 yuan. No wonder Yu Qian's old man is nicknamed a cold-faced killer

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!


How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

In fact, it is a journey through time in the true sense of the word! Travel back in time to Chinese society in the seventies and eighties! The match is more than 95 percent!

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

Ordinary people don't usually use banknotes worth more than 50 euros to go to small convenience stores, and 20 euros is the norm

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

10,000 yuan will not take long in North Korea at all, because China cannot use North Korean currency in North Korea, cannot buy things like North Koreans, and must buy things in designated foreigner shopping malls. Therefore, the price of goods is actually about the same as in China, and some things are more expensive than in China

How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!
How long can I travel to North Korea for 10,000 RMB? Netizen: Consumption is more expensive than South Korea!

After reading the sharing of netizens, in general, how long you can play in North Korea with 10,000 yuan depends on the exchange rate there, as well as your travel style and spending habits. But no matter what, the most important thing about traveling to North Korea is to experience the country's unique culture and scenery. Whether it's spectacular group gymnastics or beautiful natural scenery, these are unforgettable memories of your trip to North Korea.

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