
"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

author:Doudou on the past and the present
"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life
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"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

In 2022, the spring is cold, and 64-year-old Yang Liping stands at the crossroads of her life, with confusion and helplessness in her eyes. The "Yunnan Reflection" art troupe, which she worked so hard to condense, was forced to disband under the impact of the epidemic.

"We can't maintain normal operations anymore...... she said to the media, her voice filled with powerlessness.

To add insult to injury, Wang Di, who co-created her artistic dream, chose to end her life due to depression, leaving behind two minor children. This sudden change was like a hammer, shattering Yang Liping's heart.

And her fantastic Erhai mansion is at risk of being seized due to sewage discharge problems. The once radiant "Peacock Fairy" is now like a peacock with folded wings, falling into the darkest moment of life.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

In the green mountains and green waters of Yunnan, a thin figure shuttles through the fields, it is the young Yang Liping. Her parents separated at an early age, and she had to shoulder the burden of caring for her three younger siblings.

Planting rice, chopping wood, and herding cattle, this stubborn little girl did everything well, but there was always a fire burning in her heart - a love for dance.

Whenever the work is over and the sun sets, her dancing figure can always be seen on the field. With the mountains as the stage and the streams as the accompaniment, she incorporates the agility of nature into her dances.

At that time, she may not have known that she would eventually become a "peacock fairy" that amazed the world, but the seeds of dance had taken root in her heart.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

By chance, the Xishuangbanna Song and Dance Troupe discovered this unpolished diamond. For Yang Liping, this is the golden key to open the door to a new world. However, she was so gifted that she had never received formal dance training, and she could not complete even the most basic lower back movements.

Faced with questioning eyes, Yang Liping did not flinch.

She began an almost frantic practice, repeating those unfamiliar movements thousands of times. Every dawn, every moonlit night when the stars are scarce, her tireless figure can always be seen in the practice room.

Sweat soaked her clothes and wore out her shoes, but her eyes were always like torches, flashing with her dedication to dance.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

After eight years of cold and summer, she finally ushered in her first stage performance in her life. Under the spotlight, Yang Liping's beautiful dancing posture amazed the audience, like a peacock flying high, so beautiful that people took their breath away.

At this moment, the little girl who used to dance silently in the mountains finally shined brightly on the stage.

Her dancing posture has both the majesty of the mountains and the grace of the stream; There are both the splendor of wildflowers and the vigor of eagles. The audience was overwhelmed by her unique charm, and applause poured in.

At this moment, Yang Liping knew that she had finally found her own stage and found the meaning of life.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

However, this was only the beginning of her artistic career. A bigger stage and more serious challenges are still waiting for her. But at this time, Yang Liping was ready, she wanted to use her dancing to tell the story of the mountains and convey the beauty of life.

From then on, the little girl dancing in the field began her long journey to chase her artistic dream.

In the early 1980s, Yang Liping ushered in a turning point in her life. She was transferred to work in the Central National Song and Dance Troupe, which was a bigger stage and a more serious challenge.

In the face of this sudden opportunity, Yang Liping was not carried away, but worked harder into her dance career.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Her charismatic peacock dance soon became popular all over the country. The audience was impressed by her soft and powerful dancing, every movement seemed to tell a story, and every look seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

People marveled at her performance and praised her as the "Peacock Fairy". This accolade is not only an affirmation of her dancing skills, but also a recognition of her perseverance over the years.

However, success did not stop Yang Liping. She is constantly exploring and innovating, pushing folk dance to new heights. Her efforts have been widely recognized, and she has won many awards from the National Centre for the Performing Arts of China, becoming one of the outstanding representatives in the field of folk dance in mainland China.

The famous director Feng Xiaogang was full of praise after watching her performance: "She is not an extraordinary person, but an elf, a fairy."

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

However, behind the glamorous stage, Yang Liping has made unimaginable efforts and sacrifices. In order to maintain her perfect figure, she has never tasted rice in thirty years.

The number of rice grains at each meal is precisely controlled, and no more than twenty grains are allowed. Her total intake of three meals a day is not even as good as the average person's meal, and most of the time she can only rely on fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach.

Even more surprising were her long nails, which lasted for more than forty years. These nails, which she regards as the soul of the Peacock Dance, need to spend nearly a million yuan a year to maintain, and even buy insurance for this.

However, during a recent dance performance, one of her fingernails accidentally broke, which undoubtedly hit her with a huge blow.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

In 2003, Yang Liping founded Yunnan Reflections, which became the pinnacle of her artistic career. "Reflections of Yunnan" is not only her personal artistic dream, but also the spiritual sustenance for most of her life.

Since its premiere, this work has gone through 19 spring and autumn seasons and has been staged more than 7,000 times, becoming a classic of Chinese dance art.

Yang Liping has used her life to interpret what is the ultimate pursuit of art. Her success was not accidental, but was bought with sweat, tears, and even health.

Her dancing has amazed the world, and her persistence has touched countless people.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

On the stage, Yang Liping is the radiant "Peacock Fairy"; And in life, she is an ordinary woman who gives everything for art. Her story is not only a history of an artist's growth, but also a life allegory about pursuit and sacrifice.

Behind Yang Liping's brilliant artistic career, there are two unsatisfactory marriage experiences. When she rose to fame with the Central Song and Dance Troupe, her first marriage followed.

Her husband, who is also a talented dancer, was like-minded and soon fell in love. They supported each other and got through the difficulties together, thinking that they had found their destined other half.

However, life after marriage is not as poetic as they imagined. The busy work schedule makes it difficult for the two to juggle the family and sometimes even have dinner together.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Her husband hopes that she can pay more attention to her family, but Yang Liping can't let go of her love for dance. The contradictions accumulated day by day, the disputes intensified, and finally the two chose to part ways.

This failed marriage made Yang Liping doubt love, and she decided to devote all her energy to her dance career. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her.

Just when she was no longer looking forward to love, a man named Liu Chunqing broke into her life.

When they first met, Liu Chunqing was impressed by Yang Liping's charm and shouted her name regardless of everyone's gaze. After that, he began a passionate pursuit. Although Yang Liping did not appreciate it at first, and even admitted her marriage failure, Liu Chunqing's sincerity and persistence finally moved her.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

In 1995, the couple held a luxurious and romantic wedding in Beijing. Liu Chunqing's long hair is flowing and heroic, standing with Yang Liping, who is also full of fairy spirit, like a beautiful picture.

After marriage, Yang Liping is still busy touring the world, and Liu Chunqing has given her the deepest love. Once, Yang Liping fell ill due to overwork, and Liu Chunqing rushed to his wife's side to take care of her, regardless of thousands of miles away.

After seven years of married life, they are harmonious and have a deep relationship, as if they were born as a couple. However, the cruelty of reality tests the relationship again. Liu Chunqing was born in a wealthy family, and as an only son, the family industry needs him to inherit.

Under pressure from his parents, he asked Yang Liping to have children.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

In the face of this request, Yang Liping was not stubborn, she went to the hospital for relevant examinations. However, the results are heartbreaking: due to long-term dieting, the body is weak, fertility will be extremely difficult, long-term conditioning will be required, and the success is still unknown.

This cruel reality put Yang Liping in a dilemma. She loves Liu Chunqing deeply, but she also knows that she can't meet the expectations of the other party. After a painful struggle, she made the difficult choice of ending the marriage.

This decision not only deprived her of an important partner in her life, but also made her the focus of public opinion again.

The failure of two marriages made Yang Liping more determined in her pursuit of dance. Perhaps in her heart, dance is her most loyal companion in life.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Yang Liping's marriage experience reflects the common dilemma faced by many artists: how to balance career and family? How to live up to the expectations of your lover while pursuing your artistic ideals? There may not be a standard answer to these questions.

But Yang Liping's choice undoubtedly provides us with a unique perspective on the price an artist pays to pursue his dreams.

In Yang Liping's artistic career, there is a name that cannot be ignored - Little Bunting. As the daughter of Yang Liping's sister Yang Limei, Little Bunting has shown amazing dancing talent since she was a child.

Yang Liping was keenly aware of the potential of this niece and decided to cultivate this new dance star herself.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Under the careful cultivation of Yang Liping, the little bunting rose rapidly like a dazzling new star. In the Spring Festival evening of 2014, the 16-year-old Little Bunting became famous in one fell swoop.

She set a Guinness World Record for four hours in a row, a stunning performance that is still talked about today. For a while, people praised the little bunting as the "second Yang Liping", as if they saw the hope of the Chinese dance community.

However, as he got older, Little Bunting seemed to start questioning this established path. In an interview, she confessed: "I don't want to be the second Yang Liping.

This sentence is undoubtedly like a hammer, shattering the expectations in Yang Liping's heart, and also causing the outside world to have a lot of speculation about the relationship between the master and apprentice.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Little Bunting began to try its hand at the film and television field and signed contracts with well-known film and television companies. However, her development in the entertainment industry has not been smooth, and she has never been able to get rid of the label of "Yang Liping's niece".

Negative news such as her early love and heavy makeup began to circulate on the Internet, and her once innocent image was questioned.

Faced with the choice of small bunting, Yang Liping could not hide her disappointment and anger, and bluntly said in the interview: "She is too rash!" This sentence not only reflects Yang Liping's disappointment with Little Bunting, but also exposes the pain in her heart.

She put so much effort into it, but watched her carefully cultivated successor take a completely different path.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

However, Little Bunting seems to have made up its mind to go its own way. Even in the face of the company's cold reception, she still chose to go to the UK alone to further her drama course. This decision not only shows her desire for self-realization, but also reflects the deepening rift between her and Yang Liping.

The breakdown of the master-apprentice relationship not only caused Yang Liping to lose a right-hand man, but also a relative who was regarded as her own. For Yang Liping, who has no children, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

However, everyone has the right to choose their own path in life, and perhaps this is another life topic that Yang Liping must face.

This master-apprentice relationship is not only Yang Liping's personal regret, but also reflects the conflict of ideas between generations. It shows us that even the most intimate relationships can be separated by differences in dreams.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

For Yang Liping, this is perhaps the most difficult failure of her artistic career to accept.

Today, 64-year-old Yang Liping stands at another crossroads in her life. Her achievements are undeniable: numerous honors, rich fortunes, and two splendid palaces by the Erhai Sea.

However, when night fell, she was the only one in the huge mansion.

With no children and no partner, Yang Liping has dedicated her life to dance. She interprets the ultimate pursuit of art in her own way, but is this pursuit worth it? When faced with the remark that "a woman's biggest failure is not having children", Yang Liping chose to deal with it indifferently.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

"People will eventually grow old, and no one can stop this natural law," she said. However, as long as the spirit always maintains the vitality of youth and the breath is still full of beauty, it can exude a unique charm.

These words are not only a response to the doubts of the outside world, but also an affirmation of his life choices.

Perhaps, for Yang Liping, dance is her life and her most loyal companion in this life. Her life may not be measured by a simple win or loss, but a pious pilgrimage to art.

On this lonely and glorious road, she has paid an unimaginable price, but she has also reaped unparalleled artistic achievements.

"Peacock Fairy" Yang Liping: In her 60s, she has no husband and no children, whether she wins or loses in life

Yang Liping's story allows us to see the persistence and sacrifice of an artist. Is her life a success? This is a question that perhaps only she can answer.

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