
became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

author:Sauce sauce readings
became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping
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became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

At the 2014 Spring Festival Gala, a 15-year-old girl named Little Bunting shocked the national audience with her amazing spinning skills. Her continuous rotation for more than four hours showed her dancing skills beyond ordinary people, and instantly became the focus of attention.

People marveled at her talent and called her the successor of dancer Yang Liping, as if they saw the future star of Chinese dance.

However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly. Just a few years later, the name of Little Bunting began to be associated with negative news and scandals. Some people accuse her of giving up her dancing career, having a good figure, and poor acting skills.

Why did this genius girl, who was once pinned on high hopes, embark on such a different life trajectory? What is the true pursuit of her heart? Let's uncover the mysteries of Bunting's growth and explore her tortuous journey from stage superstar to disorientation.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In 1999, in Shuanglang Ancient Town, on the shore of Erhai Lake in Dali, Yunnan, a girl named Wei Caiqi was born. This ancient and beautiful place became the starting point of Little Bunting's life story.

She was born into a family of artists, her mother was a well-known painter, and her aunt was the internationally renowned dancer Yang Liping. Such a family background seems to indicate that the little bunting has formed an indissoluble bond with art.

When Little Bunting was three years old, a chance chance completely changed the trajectory of her life. When she saw her aunt Yang Liping dancing elegantly, her little heart was deeply shocked.

At that moment, the seeds of dance quietly sprouted in her heart. Since then, she began to pester Yang Liping to learn dance, showing extraordinary enthusiasm and talent.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Yang Liping soon discovered the difference between the little buntings. This little girl is not only amazingly soft in body, but also has a far better sense of music than her peers. Looking at the little bunting, Yang Liping seemed to see herself when she was young, and her joy was beyond words.

She decided to nurture the little girl herself, teaching her what she had learned all her life.

Under the careful guidance of Yang Liping, Little Bunting's dancing talent has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Just a year later, at the age of four, she appeared on the stage of "Yunnan Impression".

In this large-scale original song and dance collection, small bunting shows amazing stage performance. Her unique Tibetan dance and lotus waist made the audience exclaim, and it was hard to believe that it was the work of a young child.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Since then, Little Bunting has started her stage career. She followed Yang Liping like a shadow, and her footprints were all over the country, and she participated in many large-scale performances such as "The Sun" and "Pilgrimage".

Every time she takes the stage, the little bunting puts her heart and soul into it, as if she wants to immerse herself in the dance. Her progress was rapid, and she soon became Yang Liping's most proud protégé.

In a video circulating on the Internet, seven or eight-year-old bunting is playing drums. She was dressed in a Tibetan floral dress, her jet-black hair was braided into playful braids, and the silver bells on her head swayed with the dance steps.

Despite her young age, she is unusually light and displays an amazing sense of strength and rhythm. This video vividly shows the extraordinary talent of Little Bunting, and also allows people to see her rapid growth under Yang Liping's careful cultivation.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

From a little girl on the shore of Erhai Lake to a star on the national stage, the dance road of Little Bunting has gone very smoothly. However, does this seemingly bright path really match her heart's desire? What kind of challenges will the future bring to this talented girl? These problems gradually became apparent as she grew up.

For Yang Liping, Little Bunting is not only a gifted student, but also like her own daughter. She taught everything she had learned throughout her life, and even taught her most representative work, "Spirit of the Sparrow", to Little Bunting.

In Yang Liping's heart, the little bunting is the continuation of her artistic life and the successor who can carry forward her dance career.

Yang Liping's training method can be described as harsh. She asks Little Bunting to do long hours of basic training every day, even on the go. Little Bunting was often exhausted from intense training, but she never complained.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In Yang Liping's eyes, she sees a little girl who is tenacious and full of love for dance.

In order to make the little bunting grow faster, Yang Liping took her to travel all over the country. From the mountain villages of Yunnan to the Grand Theatre in Beijing, the footprints of small bunting are all over China.

These experiences not only enriched Little Bunting's stage experience, but also broadened her horizons and gave her a deeper understanding of China's diverse culture.

In the process of cultivating in this decade, Yang Liping has devoted all her efforts. From "Impression of Yunnan" to "Sun" to "Pilgrimage", Yang Liping has taught almost all her skills to Little Bunting.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Her goal is clear: to train Little Bunting to be the heir to her own business.

In 2010, Yang Liping made an important decision: to let the 11-year-old little bunting apply for the Beijing Dance Academy. Despite her lack of age, she was finally admitted with an exceptional performance due to her outstanding performance.

Yang Liping hopes that through systematic academic training, Xiao Bunting's dance skills will be more refined.

However, just when everyone thought that Little Bunting would focus on his dance career, an unexpected turn of events occurred. In 2012, 13-year-old Little Bunting set foot in the field of film and television for the first time, starring in the thriller "Horror Couple".

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

The decision came as a surprise to many, including Ms. Yang. Although Yang Liping ostensibly supports Little Bunting to try new things, she is inevitably a little disappointed in her heart.

She began to realize that maybe Little Bunting's plans for the future were different from her expectations.

In the face of the gradual independent tendencies of the little bunting, Yang Liping showed a rare understanding and tolerance. She did not force Little Bunting to follow the path she had planned, but chose to continue to support her silently behind the scenes.

In 2013, when Xiao Caiqi decided to sign with Tang Film and Television, Yang Liping even personally selected this brokerage company for her that was more suitable for her development.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Yang Liping's good intentions can be seen everywhere in the growth of Little Bunting. Not only does she teach her dance skills, but she also thinks about the future of the little bunting.

However, as Little Bunting grows up, she begins to have her own ideas and pursuits. This change made Yang Liping realize that perhaps her carefully cultivated "successor" plan was facing unexpected challenges.

Despite this, Yang Liping still firmly supports Little Bunting. She has publicly stated that Little Bunting is the love of her heart, and she will always support Little Bunting's choice.

This unconditional support shows Yang Liping's mind and provides a strong backing for the future development of Little Bunting.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In 2013, the trajectory of Little Bunting's life took a major turn. She signed a contract to become an artist under Tang Film and Television and officially entered the showbiz. This decision marks that she is no longer just a student of Yang Liping, but has begun to pursue her acting career.

Despite this, Yang Liping still silently supported her behind her back, and even personally selected this more suitable brokerage company for her development.

In 2014, Little Bunting's performance at the Spring Festival Gala once again put her in the spotlight. She stunned the national audience with more than four hours of continuous spins, showcasing extraordinary perseverance and skill.

This performance, titled "Time Messenger", not only showed Xiao Bunting's profound dancing skills, but also accumulated a lot of popularity for her, laying the foundation for her future acting development.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

After the Spring Festival Gala, a large number of photos of small bunting quickly appeared on the Internet. People were surprised to find that this fairy-like girl on the stage had a cold face, a solemn expression, and deep eyes, which contrasted sharply with her image on the stage.

This contrast has aroused public curiosity and concern.

Subsequently, Little Bunting participated in the drama "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" and began to try different types of performances. This experience made her realize that theatre and film and television performances require more skill and emotional investment than mere dance performances.

She began to study acting hard, hoping to make a breakthrough in a new field.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In 2016, Little Bunting ushered in its first TV series "The Legend of Qingqiu Fox". In the play, she plays the innocent little fox baby girl Ning. This role is quite similar to the image of the little fairy she shows in the dance, and her fresh and lovely performance has won the love of the audience.

The first broadcast of the show achieved a good rating of 1.13 on the whole network, and became the champion of the ratings in the same time period.

Immediately afterwards, she starred as Xiaoman, a minority girl, in "Fan of Sword and Fairy Cloud". This role setting coincides with Xiao Caiqi's identity as a Bai ethnic group in Yunnan, and it doesn't seem to test her acting skills too much, but more to show her pure and cute side.

However, the reality did not go as smoothly as expected. Although Little Bunting has shown her charm in these works, her performance has also been met with some skepticism.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Some viewers pointed out that her performance was more like a continuation of her image on stage, lacking realism and depth.

In the face of these challenges, Little Bunting did not back down. She continued to study hard, hoping to make a breakthrough in her acting career. However, as time goes on, she finds herself facing more difficulties than she ever imagined.

The transformation from a dance genius to an actor is undoubtedly a difficult process of self-exploration for the young little bunting.

As he grew older, Little Bunting began to face more realistic challenges. She studied dance with Yang Liping since she was a child and received little formal school education.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Yang Liping hired a tutor to teach her basic cultural knowledge, but this education model has obvious limitations. School is not only a place to impart knowledge, but more importantly, a place to cultivate how students interact with others and adapt to the social environment.

The lack of these experiences has led to some difficulties with Little Bunting in terms of social skills and life adaptability.

After entering the entertainment industry, Little Bunting found that the world was far more complicated than she imagined. All kinds of temptations and traps made her a little overwhelmed. She began to have some negative news and even fell into a whirlpool of scandals.

Some of her non-mainstream photos were exposed on the Internet, and some people accused her of being in good shape and giving up her dance career. These comments were quite a blow to the young little bunting.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In terms of acting, Little Bunting has also encountered a bottleneck. She found that dancing skills and natural aura were not enough. To become a good actor, you need more life experience and professional training.

However, she has lived under the protection of Yang Liping since she was a child, and has hardly experienced the ups and downs of life, which makes her lack realism and depth when creating characters.

These challenges made Little Bunting question whether she had made the right choice. She once embarked on a seemingly bright path under the guidance of Yang Liping. But now, she finds herself seemingly lost in the path.

How to adapt to the new environment while maintaining oneself, and how to combine dance talent with the career of an actor, these problems have become a huge challenge in front of Little Bunting.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

In the face of various challenges, Little Bunting did not give up. In 2018, she made an important decision: to study acting in the UK. This decision shows her determination to her acting career, and it also marks the beginning of her truly independent of Yang Liping's influence and going out of her own way.

In 2020, Little Bunting participated in the second season of "Actors Please Be in Place" and returned to the public eye. In the show, her performance sparked heated discussions. Although she showed her hard side in performances such as "Pulling Kisses", her acting skills were still questioned by some people.

Especially in the clip of "Wu Ji", her expression management and crying scene performance were considered a little reluctant by the audience.

However, this experience made Little Bunting more aware of his shortcomings and the direction of his efforts. She realized that in order to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, it is not enough to rely on her former dancing talent.

became famous overnight at the age of 15, and was directly trained by her aunt as a successor, she frankly said that she would not be the second Yang Liping

Today's little bunting is looking for its own path. She neither wants to be the second Yang Liping, nor does she want to give up her dancing talent. Her story teaches us that everyone has the right to pursue themselves, but at the same time, they must also keep their feet on the ground and constantly improve their strength.

The future of Little Bunting is still uncertain, but her courage to try and explore is commendable. Her growth path is not only a challenge to herself, but also a response to the audience's expectations.

We look forward to seeing a more mature and charismatic little bunting shine again.

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