
Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

author:Sanqin Graphic Text

On June 28, 2004, the Financial Associated Press published an article entitled "Three Departments Clarify the Work Arrangements Related to the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Financial Consumers", which was reported by major news media across the country. There was a strong response among all investors in the country.

Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers
Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

It is mainly sensitive to the term financial consumer, as the public's purchase of financial products over the years is often referred to as investors. This time, the term "financial consumer" was introduced to the public, which was relatively unfamiliar to the public.

In fact, in a speech three years ago, Shang Fulin mentioned the term financial consumer. At that time, the main issue was the issue of insufficient financial credit and the need to protect financial consumers.

Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

What is a Financial Consumer? According to the inquiry, financial consumers refer to natural persons who purchase and use financial products and services provided by financial institutions.

There are two types of financial consumers: one is consumers in traditional financial services, including depositors, policyholders, and others who receive services such as savings and insurance from financial institutions to ensure the safety and appreciation of property or to manage and control risks; The other category is small and medium-sized investors who purchase new financial products such as funds or invest directly in the capital market.

In the past, it was usually understood as depositors, policyholders, stockholders, basic citizens, and investors, but now the major media hype about financial consumers, which will really cause a lot of discussion for a while.

Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

Many investors believe that they should be shareholders and investors of the company after buying stocks. Stocks are not physical products, they are virtual things, not consumer goods, and they cannot be called financial consumers.

Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers
Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

There is a strict compensation system for the protection of consumer rights and interests, and counterfeit products must be compensated. However, there is no strict compensation for buying counterfeit company shares and delisting company ST company shares, is it appropriate, reasonable and legal for all investors to call them financial consumers?

Investors expressed their opinions and put forward suggestions on the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers

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