
Qianlong asked He Shen to go to the disaster relief, but He Shen mixed sand into the porridge, and who knew that the disaster was quickly controlled

author:Suiyuan 19137

Everyone knows that He Shen was a corrupt official in the Qianlong period, but they don't know that he used an unbelievable method to solve a thorny problem during disaster relief. That year, a certain area was hit by a severe drought, and there was no harvest and starvation everywhere. When Emperor Qianlong heard the news, Long Yan was furious and immediately sent He Shen to relieve the disaster. As soon as He Shen arrived in the disaster area, he made a jaw-dropping decision: order someone to mix sand into the disaster relief porridge! What a ridiculous move? Could it be that He Shen is really as greedy as the rumors say, and even has to withhold disaster relief food? However, things turned out unexpectedly. Soon after, the situation was quickly brought under control. What's the mystery here? Why did He Shen add sand to the porridge? What was his real purpose in doing this?

Heshen's disaster relief strategy

In the 48th year of Qianlong (1783), North China suffered a great drought that had not been seen in a century. The drought lasted for months, crops died, rivers dried up, and people were hungry. When Emperor Qianlong learned of this, he was anxious and immediately convened his ministers to discuss countermeasures. The ministers gossiped and put forward various suggestions, but none of them satisfied Qianlong.

At this time, He Shen stood up and took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the disaster area for relief. You must know that although He Shen is a scholar and a minister of military aircraft, he has never personally participated in disaster relief work. Qianlong was quite surprised when he heard that He Shen invited him, and asked: "He Qing, do you know that disaster relief is difficult and dangerous, and the slightest carelessness will cause a catastrophe?" "

He Shen replied without humility or arrogance: "The minister knows that it is difficult, but the minister is willing to share the worries of the king and solve the difficulties for the people." Although the minister has never been to the disaster area in person, he has participated in disaster relief planning many times and knows a little about it. "

Seeing that He Shen was resolute, Qianlong nodded in agreement, and specially advised: "When you go to the disaster area, you must act impartially and do not engage in favoritism." If there is a little slackness, I will not be spared! "

After He Shen received the order, he immediately led a team of people to rush to the disaster area. Along the way, He Shen was shocked by what he saw: the road was lined with hungry people, some gnawing on the bark and grass roots, and some were dying. He Shen was secretly anxious in his heart, knowing that the situation was more serious than he imagined.

After arriving at the disaster area, He Shen quickly set up a porridge shed for disaster relief and began to boil gruel and distribute it to the victims. However, he soon discovered a thorny problem: there was a long queue in front of the porridge shed, but when he looked closely, there were many ruddy-faced and neatly dressed people. He Shen was suspicious, and secretly sent someone to investigate, and sure enough, he found that many local rich families and local ruffians were mixed in it, trying to fish in troubled waters.

How good is that? If these people were to be driven away, it would inevitably cause riots; If we ignore it, the real victims will have nothing to eat. He Shen racked his brains, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration and came up with a clever plan.

He ordered someone to fetch a large bag of sand, poured the sand into the porridge pot in front of everyone, and announced loudly: "Fellow villagers, this porridge is a life-saving food given by the imperial court, but the food is limited, and I am afraid it will not be enough for distribution." In order for everyone to have a bite of hot porridge, we had to add some sand to the porridge. Please understand, if you can eat a bite, it will be a bite! "

As soon as this remark came out, an uproar erupted. I saw that the "victims" who had originally looked calm changed their faces one after another, and some even slipped away quietly. But the really hungry victims didn't care, and still waited in line to receive the porridge.

Qianlong asked He Shen to go to the disaster relief, but He Shen mixed sand into the porridge, and who knew that the disaster was quickly controlled

Seeing this, He Shen was secretly happy in his heart. He knew that this seemingly absurd method actually cleverly solved the problem of fake disaster victims being mixed in. Those who are not short of food are naturally reluctant to eat porridge mixed with sand; And for the really hungry victims, even sand porridge is a life-saving nectar.

In this way, Heshen's strategy of "mixing sand porridge" quickly spread in the disaster area. In front of the porridge sheds, the victims who really need help have been fully cared for, and the efficiency of grain utilization has been greatly improved. Gradually, the situation began to improve, and the death toll decreased significantly.

The real situation at the disaster relief site

Although Heshen's strategy of "mixing sand porridge" has achieved initial results, the real situation at the disaster relief site is still complex and severe. As the disaster continues, more and more victims flock to the porridge shacks, making the already strained disaster relief resources even more stretched.

In front of the porridge shed, there was a crowd of people and cries shook the sky. There were long queues of hungry victims, some of whom were too hungry to walk, so they had to be supported by their families. Some elderly people and children even fainted in the ranks due to physical exhaustion. Seeing this, He Shen immediately ordered the accompanying officials and soldiers to help these weak victims and give them priority in distributing porridge and food.

However, at this moment, He Shen discovered a more difficult problem. Ignoring the order, some able-bodied young men forced their way to the front of the line and snatched food from the weak, old and young. What's more, some ruffians took advantage of the opportunity to make trouble and threatened the staff to give them more porridge to eat. This situation not only disrupted the order of disaster relief, but also greatly affected the equitable distribution of food.

He Shen realized that it was not enough to rely on the strategy of "mixing sand porridge" alone. He must take more drastic measures to maintain order and ensure that food is distributed equitably to those who really need it. Therefore, he ordered to strengthen the vigilance, and arranged soldiers to guard in front of each porridge shack to severely crack down on the behavior of cutting in line and making trouble. At the same time, he also formulated a strict distribution system: according to the size of the family and the actual degree of difficulty, each household was issued with vouchers, which indicated the amount of porridge that could be received each day to ensure the fairness of distribution.

These measures alleviated the chaos on the scene to a certain extent, but new problems followed. Due to the prolonged duration of the disaster, there began to be a shortage of food allocated by the imperial court. He Shen had to face a difficult choice: to continue to distribute porridge in the original amount, but it was likely that he would soon run out of food; Or reduce the amount of allotment per person to sustain the bailout for a longer period of time.

After careful consideration, He Shen decided to adopt the latter option. He explained the current plight to the victims and promised to ask the imperial court for an increase in food distribution as soon as possible. Although this decision has caused some dissatisfaction, most of the victims understand the current difficult situation and are willing to get through it together.

At the same time, He Shen also noted another serious problem: due to chronic hunger and poor sanitation conditions, the affected areas began to show signs of the spread of the disease. Some of the victims suffered from diarrhoea, dysentery and other diseases as a result of eating rotten food or drinking unclean water. This not only exacerbates the suffering of the victims, but also threatens to trigger a larger outbreak.

In the face of this crisis, Heshen immediately took a series of measures. He ordered the accompanying medical officers to treat the sick and the victims, and at the same time organized the personnel to clean up the environment and improve the sanitary conditions. He also ordered some Chinese herbs to be added to the porridge to strengthen the resistance of the victims. Although these measures did not completely solve the problem, they at least controlled the further spread of the epidemic.

In the process of dealing with these problems, He Shen deeply felt the difficulties of disaster relief work. He had to face challenges and choices all the time, and every decision could be life-threatening. He realized that it was not enough to rely on one or two strategies, but that it was necessary to take into account all factors and respond flexibly to the changing situation.

Despite the difficulties, He Shen did not give up. He continued his efforts to coordinate resources and find ways to improve the situation in the affected areas. He even used some of his personal property to buy food and medicine to supplement the relief supplies. These actions not only won the gratitude of the victims, but also impressed the subordinate officials who were originally suspicious of him.

Qianlong asked He Shen to go to the disaster relief, but He Shen mixed sand into the porridge, and who knew that the disaster was quickly controlled

Other disaster relief measures in Heshen

While implementing the strategy of "mixing sand porridge", Heshen is also actively exploring other disaster relief measures to comprehensively deal with the complex situation in the disaster area. He is well aware that it is not possible to solve all problems with one approach, and that a multi-pronged approach is necessary to effectively alleviate the situation.

First of all, He Shen noticed that the water problem in the disaster area is very serious. As a result of the ongoing drought, many rivers and wells have dried up, leaving people facing not only food but also water. To this end, Heshen organized a special water conservancy team, led by experienced craftsmen, to survey the terrain and find underground water sources throughout the disaster area. After a few days of hard work, they discovered an underground undercurrent at the foot of a mountain. He Shen immediately mobilized manpower and material resources and began to dig wells. The well not only solves the drinking water problem in nearby villages, but also provides a valuable source of water for irrigating farmland.

Second, He Shen realized that it was not enough to rely only on the grain allocated by the imperial court. He decided to take a local approach and make the most of the resources available in the disaster area. He sent people to search for edible wild vegetables and wild fruits in the barren mountains and mountains, and organized the victims to learn how to identify and gather these foods. At the same time, he also instructed the accompanying cooks to study how to process these wild foods into tasty food, both increasing the food source of the victims and improving their survival skills.

In addition, He Shen also noticed that many farmlands in the disaster area have been abandoned due to drought. He believes that if agricultural production can be restored, it will not only solve the current food shortage, but also provide long-term livelihood security for the affected people. So, he took out some seeds from the disaster relief materials allocated by the imperial court and organized the victims to start spring ploughing. Considering the local water shortage, he deliberately chose some drought-tolerant crop varieties, such as sorghum and millet. In order to encourage the victims to participate in agricultural production, Heshen also formulated a policy: in addition to the normal distribution of porridge, the victims who participated in farming could also receive some additional rewards.

These measures quickly had a positive impact in the disaster area. The digging of wells has solved the problem of drinking water, the collection of wild vegetables has enriched the food source, and the beginning of spring planting has brought hope to the victims. However, Heshen was not satisfied. He continued to go deep into the affected areas to understand the real needs of the victims.

During the visit, He Shen found that many of the victims were too weak to participate in heavy physical labor due to chronic malnutrition. To improve the situation, he ordered the imperial physician accompanying him to prepare a special medicinal diet containing a variety of tonic herbs. This medicinal diet not only strengthens the physical fitness of the victims, but also prevents some common diseases. He Shen added this medicinal diet to the daily distribution of porridge, and soon received noticeable results.

Another issue that worries He Shen is the issue of education in the disaster area. Due to the disaster, many schools have been forced to close, and children have lost the opportunity to learn. He Shen believes that education cannot be interrupted even in difficult times. So he set up a simple school next to each porridge shack, with accompanying civil servants as teachers, to teach the children basic reading, writing and arithmetic. This not only allows the children to continue their studies, but also gives them a place to forget about hunger and suffering for a while.

He Shen also noticed that many handicraftsmen in the affected areas were unable to continue working due to a shortage of raw materials. This has not only affected their livelihoods, but has also made some necessities scarce. To this end, He Shen came up with a solution: he transferred a batch of raw materials from other regions, and then organized these craftsmen to produce. Some of these products are used for disaster relief, while others are sold to other regions through Heshen's network. This not only solves the livelihood problem of the craftsmen, but also brings some income to the disaster area.

With the gradual implementation of these measures, the situation in the affected areas has begun to turn around. While the drought continues, people's living conditions have improved significantly. These practices of He Shen demonstrate his ability to think comprehensively and respond flexibly as a senior official. He not only solved the immediate problem, but also laid the foundation for the long-term development of the disaster area.

However, Heshen is also well aware that these measures are only temporary solutions. More time and effort will be needed to completely change the face of the affected areas. He began to think about how to develop a long-term development plan for the disaster area while providing disaster relief. This planning should not only take into account the current difficulties, but also prepare for possible natural disasters in the future.

and the impact of disaster relief strategies

Heshen's disaster relief strategy has had a wide and far-reaching impact in the process of implementation, not only changing the situation in the disaster area, but also arousing heated discussions in the government and the opposition. These impacts are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Qianlong asked He Shen to go to the disaster relief, but He Shen mixed sand into the porridge, and who knew that the disaster was quickly controlled

First of all, in terms of people's livelihood in the disaster area, Heshen's strategy of "mixing sand porridge" and a series of other measures have indeed alleviated the hunger problem of the disaster victims in the short term. By rationally allocating limited food resources, more people have been able to survive the crisis. In particular, measures such as digging wells, collecting wild vegetables, and organizing spring plowing have not only solved the immediate difficulties, but also laid the foundation for the long-term development of the disaster-stricken areas. Many of the victims were able to learn new survival skills under the guidance of He Shen, which had a positive impact on their lives later in life.

However, the strategy of "mixing sand porridge" has also sparked some controversy. Some people believe that although this practice can save the emergency, long-term consumption may have an impact on the health of the victims. For this reason, He Shen had to explain the necessity of this practice to the victims many times, and promised to improve the quality of the porridge as soon as possible. He also deliberately arranged for the imperial doctor to regularly check the health of the victims to prevent large-scale health problems.

Second, within the imperial court, Heshen's disaster relief strategy provoked different reactions. Some officials praised Heshen's innovative approach, believing that it reflected his sense of responsibility and practical spirit as a senior official. They believe that Heshen has not only solved the immediate problem, but also provided new ideas for future disaster relief work.

However, there are also some officials who are critical of Heshen's approach. They believed that the practice of "mixing sand porridge" was suspected of deceiving the victims and was not in line with the original intention of the imperial court to provide disaster relief. Others questioned Ho Shen's use of private property in the disaster relief process, arguing that it might provide an excuse for him to pursue personal gain in the future. These different voices formed a heated debate within the imperial court, and even alarmed the Qianlong Emperor.

Emperor Qianlong showed great concern about this matter. On the one hand, he affirmed the extraordinary measures taken by He Shen at the critical moment, believing that this reflected the responsibility of a minister; On the other hand, he also reminded He Shen to pay attention to the method and not to lose the big because of the small. Qianlong also specially sent the imperial historian to visit the disaster area to understand the actual situation.

Among the people, Heshen's disaster relief strategy has also aroused widespread discussion. Many people expressed their appreciation for He Shen's practice of personally going down to the disaster area and showing sympathy for the people's feelings. In particular, his measures such as opening simple schools and organizing handicraft production are considered to be a sign of genuine consideration for the victims of the disaster. For a time, Heshen's reputation among the people has increased.

However, there are also some rumors that have begun to circulate among the people. Some people say that He Shen filled his own pockets in the process of disaster relief and kept a large amount of food for himself; Some people also say that he took the opportunity of disaster relief to buy people's hearts and minds in the disaster area and cultivate power for himself. Although these rumors lack factual basis, they still have a certain impact on Heshen's reputation.

Heshen's disaster relief strategy also had a certain impact on the social economy at that time. His practice of organizing the victims to produce has mitigated the impact of the disaster on the local economy to a certain extent. In particular, his practice of selling handicraft products from the affected areas to other regions through his network not only brought income to the affected areas, but also promoted economic ties between different regions.

In addition, Heshen's experience in disaster relief also had an impact on future generations. Many of his innovative measures, such as selecting drought-tolerant crops according to local conditions and organizing disaster victims to help themselves, have provided reference for subsequent disaster relief work. In particular, his idea of combining disaster relief with development was adopted by many officials in later generations.

However, Heshen's disaster relief strategy also exposed some problems in the disaster relief system at the time. For example, local officials did not anticipate the disaster situation enough, resulting in insufficient preparation of relief materials; The supervision mechanism in the process of disaster relief is not perfect, which is prone to breed corruption and other problems. These issues attracted the attention of the imperial court, which prompted them to consider reforming the disaster relief system.

In general, although Heshen's disaster relief strategy has achieved some results in the short term, it has also caused many controversies and problems. These controversies and problems not only affected He Shen's personal career, but also had a profound impact on the political ecology of the late Qing Dynasty. Some people believe that it was this disaster relief experience that made He Shen see the possibility of seeking personal gain in the crisis, and laid the groundwork for his future corruption.

and the historical evaluation of disaster relief strategies

Heshen's disaster relief strategy has sparked many controversies in the long course of history, and its evaluation has changed with the times. From the evaluation of the Qing Dynasty at the same time to the research of later scholars, there are different opinions on Heshen's disaster relief measures.

Qianlong asked He Shen to go to the disaster relief, but He Shen mixed sand into the porridge, and who knew that the disaster was quickly controlled

In the Qing Dynasty, the evaluation of Heshen's disaster relief strategy was mainly divided into two schools. Supporters believe that He Shen's ability to respond quickly in the face of serious natural disasters and take extraordinary measures such as "mixing sand porridge" reflects the responsibility and wisdom of a minister. In particular, they affirmed He Shen's practice of personally inspecting the disaster area and showing sympathy for the people's feelings, believing that this shows a sense of responsibility as a senior official. A royal historian at that time commented in the recital: "He did not avoid hardships and dangers, and went deep into the disaster area, although his policies were controversial, but his intentions were good, and he was really a loyal minister of the imperial court." "

Critics, however, argue that Heshen's approach ran counter to the original purpose of the imperial court's disaster relief. They pointed out that although the "sand porridge" has solved the problem of food shortage in the short term, long-term consumption may cause damage to the health of the victims. An official named Li De wrote in his diary: "Although what He Shen did could solve the urgent need for a while, I am afraid that there is a risk of infinite harm. His intentions may be good, but his actions are sloppy. "

In addition, Heshen's use of private property in the disaster relief process has also caused controversy. Proponents see this as a sign of Heshen's selfless dedication, but critics suspect that it is a foreshadowing of Heshen's efforts to pursue his own personal interests in the future.

Emperor Qianlong had a mixed attitude towards Heshen's disaster relief strategy. In a secret message, Qianlong commented: "He Shen's move can be described as well-intentioned. However, the method is too radical and may be inappropriate. I have ordered the imperial history to make an unannounced visit to see the facts. This passage not only affirms Heshen's original intention, but also expresses doubts about his specific approach.

By the Jiaqing period, as Heshen was convicted of corruption, the evaluation of his disaster relief strategy became more negative. Some officials have begun to re-examine what He Shen has done in the disaster relief process, believing that there are many hidden means of profit. Emperor Jiaqing once said in a court meeting: "The crime of Heshen began with disaster relief. It seems to be loyal, but in fact it is selfish. To a large extent, this assessment set the tone for the official attitude towards Heshen's disaster relief strategy in the late Qing Dynasty.

In the Republic of China period, some historians began to try to objectively evaluate and Shen Shen's disaster relief strategy. They argue that Heshen's disaster relief efforts should be viewed separately from his later acts of corruption. The famous historian Ke Shaoxian commented in the "History of the New Yuan Dynasty": "Although the disaster relief strategy of Heshen is negotiable, its innovative move cannot be described as good. There are many ways to take disaster relief in later generations. "

In modern times, scholars have conducted more comprehensive and in-depth research on Heshen's disaster relief strategies. They not only focus on Ho Shen's personal motivations and behaviors, but also examine them in a broader historical context. Some scholars have pointed out that Heshen's disaster relief strategy reflected some common problems in the disaster relief system in the mid-Qing Dynasty, such as insufficient prediction of disasters by local officials and imperfect supervision mechanisms in the disaster relief process.

Some economic historians evaluate Ho Shen's disaster relief strategy from an economic perspective. They believe that Heshen's practice of organizing the victims to produce and selling handicraft products in the disaster area to other areas has reduced the impact of the disaster on the local economy to a certain extent, and has demonstrated a certain degree of economic wisdom.

At the same time, some scholars have studied the long-term impact of Heshen's disaster relief strategy. They found that some of Heshen's innovative measures, such as selecting drought-tolerant crops according to local conditions and organizing disaster victims to help themselves, provided useful references for disaster relief work in later generations. In particular, his idea of combining disaster relief with development is considered forward-looking.

However, there are also scholars who put forward a different view. They believe that although Heshen's disaster relief strategy has achieved some results in the short term, it has also provided an opportunity and an excuse for his subsequent corruption. One scholar wrote in his book: "Heshen's disaster relief was ostensibly to save the people from fire and water, but in fact it laid the groundwork for his future self-enrichment. The sophistication of its methods is breathtaking. "

In general, the historical evaluation of Heshen's disaster relief strategy is diverse. This change in evaluation not only reflects the deepening of people's understanding of Heshen as a historical figure in different periods, but also reflects the progress of academic research methods and perspectives. Whether positive or negative, He Shen's disaster relief strategy has undoubtedly left a strong mark in the history of disaster relief in China, and has become an important case for future generations to study the politics, economy, and society of the Qing Dynasty.

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