
In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

author:There is sunshine in the heart

Astound! A 40-year-old uncle saved a 22-year-old girl, and it turned out to be like this!

Have you ever heard the story of a pledge? That's all a lie! But someone took it seriously, and really married an uncle who was 18 years older than him! What is this brain circuit? Can love really cross the age gap?

A sudden earthquake completely changed the trajectory of Shagull's life. What was supposed to be a pleasant graduation trip turned into a life and death test in an instant. Just when Shaou was panicked and overwhelmed, a strange man broke into her sight.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Run with me! The man grabbed the sand gull's hand and dragged her out. Sha Ou was taken aback by this sudden move, but at that moment, she actually felt that she had met the true destiny!

You read that right, it's the real man! This man named Ba Shuai used his bravery and decisiveness to plant the seeds of love in Sha Ou's heart. But the problem is that this hero is already 40 years old, and Sha Ou has just turned 22 years old!

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

With such a big age gap, do you think they can be together? Anyway, Shaou's parents are firmly against it. 40 years old still single, there must be a problem! These are the exact words of Shaou's parents. But Sha Ou is like a demon, and he has to marry this uncle.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

You might say, is this girl in the water? Don't worry, listen to me slowly.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

After the earthquake, Shaou returned to her hometown, but she never forgot the man who saved her. She tried her best to contact Ba Shuai, and kept in touch with Ba Shuai in the name of caring about post-disaster reconstruction. Slowly, the more the two talked, the more speculative they became, and their relationship was quietly growing.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

But Ba Shuai is not a fool, he knows his age very well. In order not to delay the sand gull, he even lied and said that he had no feelings for the sand gull. But where is the sand gull willing to stop? She went directly to Sichuan, and she had to ask in person to understand.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Do you dare to say you don't like me? The sand gull looked directly into Ba Shuai's eyes. Ba Shuai was speechless when asked, and finally could only admit that he was also moved. But he still said sensibly: Your parents will not agree.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Sha Ou didn't care about it, and hugged Ba Shuai directly: As long as you like me, it's enough, I'll solve the rest!

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Do you think this girl is crazy? For an uncle who has just met for a short time, he dares to do it against his parents! Of course, Sha Ou's parents did not agree, they were angry and afraid, for fear that their daughter would be deceived.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

But who is the sand gull? Say no! She quit her job directly, packed her luggage and went to Sichuan to find Ba Shuai. This frightened her parents, and hurriedly called Ba Shuai and asked him to persuade this stubborn girl.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Ba Shuai was very mature at this time, not only did he not take the opportunity to keep Sha Ou by his side, but personally sent her home. This move made Sha Ou's parents' impression of Ba Shuai a 180-degree turn.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

After a long period of communication and hard work, Ba Shuai finally got the approval of Sha Ou's parents. The two finally achieved a positive result and tied the knot.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

You think that's the happy ending? How naïve! After marriage, the controversy on the Internet about this year-old love has never stopped. Some people say that Sha Ou married Ba Shuai because of gratitude, which is not true love at all; Some people also say that Ba Shuai is an old cow that eats tender grass, and the sand gull will regret it sooner or later.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

In the face of these doubts, Shaou chose to respond with actions. She stood on the stage of a variety show, and in front of the national audience, she presented a song composed by herself to Ba Shuai, telling their love story.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

I have never regretted my choice, Sha Ou firmly said, Ba Shuai gave me the happiest life, and I thank myself every day for my bravery.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

Ba Shuai also said: If it weren't for Shaou's persistence, I might never dare to take that step. It was she who made me understand that love can really transcend the boundaries of age.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

What do you think of this story? Can the 18-year-old age difference really be crossed? Love or gratitude, which is the foundation of marriage? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and tell us what you think. If you find this story interesting, don't forget to like it and share it with your friends!

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, after the hero saved the beauty, the beauty took the initiative to confess: Let's get married

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