
In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

author:Xiaochuang Literature Society
In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation
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In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

In May 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake was like a ruthless blade, tearing apart the lives of countless people. However, in the midst of this catastrophe, a love story that crossed the age gap of 18 years quietly sprouted.

22-year-old Sha Ou, a young girl from Henan, was on a trip to Sichuan when she encountered this 8. A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 0. At the last moment, the 40-year-old Ba Shuai stepped forward and pulled her back from the brink of death.

This seemingly accidental encounter turned out to be the beginning of a legendary love. However, the road to their relationship was not all smooth sailing. In the face of secular eyes and family opposition, how do the "old husband and young wife" stick to their choice? Now, 13 years later, are they living as happy as they had hoped? Let's unveil the mystery of this post-earthquake romance and witness how true love transcends the barriers of age and blooms with the most touching light.

May 2008 is destined to be an unforgettable day. The Wenchuan earthquake was famous for its 8. The power of level 0 instantly turned the land of Sichuan into ruins.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Nearly 70,000 lives have been lost and millions have been displaced. However, in this catastrophe, the gears of fate quietly turned, wonderfully intertwining the life trajectories of 22-year-old Sha Ou and 40-year-old Ba Shuai.

Sha Ou is a Henan girl who loves to travel. That morning, she politely declined her companion's invitation and went to a restaurant near the hotel alone. Tired, she just wanted to have a quiet breakfast, but she never thought that fate was waiting for her.

Just as Sand Ou sat down to prepare for a meal, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the lights in the restaurant went out instantly. The panicked people screamed and fled in all directions, and the sand gulls subconsciously burrowed under the table.

At the last moment, a pair of powerful arms pulled her out from under the table.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

"It's too dangerous here, come with me!" A calm male voice was particularly clear in the chaos. Before the sand gull could react, she was tightly hugged by the stranger and quickly led away from the crumbling building.

When they finally reached safety, the sand gull was able to see the face of the savior. It was a tall, middle-aged man with a resolute face. Before she could say thank you, the man did not hesitate to turn and rush into the danger zone to continue to help the others.

Looking at his busy figure, Sha Ou's heart was filled with a strange feeling. This man who stood up at the moment of life and death is the 40-year-old Ba Shuai. His bravery and selflessness impressed Shaou the most during this disaster.

After the earthquake, Shaou's heart could not be calm for a long time. At that moment, those firm eyes, that warm and powerful embrace, were deeply engraved in her mind.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Even if her friends teased her for paying attention to the "handsome guy" at such a time, Sha Ou just smiled slightly and didn't say anything. But she knew that her heartstrings had been gently plucked.

In this way, in this disaster that claimed countless lives, a love relationship that crossed the age difference of 18 years quietly sprouted. Sha Ou and Ba Shuai, two originally unrelated lives, were closely connected because of this earthquake.

The wonder of fate lies in the fact that it can always weave the most moving stories at the most unexpected moments.

The haze of the earthquake gradually dissipated, but the throbbing in the heart of the sand gull became clearer and clearer. Ba Shuai's figure is like an imprint, deeply imprinted in her mind. Even if her friends often joke that she "doesn't forget to appreciate handsome guys in disasters", Sha Ou just smiled and silently treasured that budding heart.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Fate seems to favor this pair of destined people. During a return visit to the disaster area, Shaou visited the restaurant of Destiny again. To her surprise, Ba Shuai was nearby to help clean up the rubble after the earthquake.

Seeing that the object of his affection was right in front of him, Sha Ou plucked up the courage to come forward and talk to him, and asked cautiously, "Do you remember me?" It's the girl you saved that day.

Facing this familiar and unfamiliar young girl, Ba Shuai was a little confused for a while. It wasn't until Sha Ou reminded him of the details of the day of the earthquake that it dawned on him. "It's you! I didn't expect to see each other again, what a coincidence.

Ba Shuai smiled gently.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Taking this opportunity, Sha Ou asked for Ba Shuai's contact information and began frequent and enthusiastic contact. However, during the conversation, Sha Ou was surprised to find that the man who made her heart flutter turned out to be a full 18 years older than her! This discovery did not extinguish the enthusiasm of the sand gull, but made her cherish this hard-won fate even more.

But Sand Gull doesn't intend to give up easily. She resolutely bought a plane ticket, flew to Sichuan, and confessed to Ba Shuai again. Standing in front of Ba Shuai, Sha Ou took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say: "I know there is a big age gap between us, but love should not be bound by age.

I like your maturity and steadyness, your bravery and selflessness. I believe that as long as we love each other, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Faced with Sha Ou's true confession, Ba Shuai set off huge waves in his heart. He looked at the girl in front of him, who was nearly 20 years younger than himself, and was both moved and hesitant.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Sha Ou's persistence and sincerity made him start to re-examine this relationship.

After careful consideration, Ba Shuai was finally moved by Sha Ou's sincerity. "Maybe you're right, love really shouldn't be defined by age. If you want, we can try to get along.

Ba Shuai finally gave this relationship a chance.

In this way, a love affair that spanned the age difference of 18 years quietly sprouted on the ruins of the earthquake and bloomed into a flower of love. Sha Ou and Ba Shuai have embarked on a challenging and hopeful emotional journey together, proving that true love can cross the age gap and write a moving chapter with their actions.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

As soon as the love affair between Sha Ou and Ba Shuai sprouted, they faced a severe test. When Shaou joyfully announced the good news to her family and friends, she was greeted with a wave of skepticism and opposition.

"How can you find a man who is so much older than you?" Shaou's father was furious, and his face was full of disapproval. "If you insist on being with him, don't call me Daddy!" These words were like a basin of cold water, which extinguished the joy in Shaou's heart.

In the face of strong opposition from his family, Shaou felt both aggrieved and helpless. She couldn't understand why she had found true love but not been blessed. But she didn't give up, but decided to give Ba Shuai and her family a chance to get to know each other.

After learning of this situation, Ba Shuai decided to visit Shaou's parents in person. He carefully prepared gifts, put on the most decent clothes, and came to Shaou's house with a nervous heart.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

On each visit, Ba Shuai brings carefully prepared gifts, sometimes as a specialty that Shaou's parents loved, and sometimes as practical household items. He also took the initiative to help Shaou's family do what he could, showing the responsibility and thoughtfulness of a mature man.

At the same time, Shaou is constantly explaining and communicating with his parents. She recounted the process of meeting Ba Shuai, shared the happy times the two had together, and expressed her firm belief in this relationship.

Finally, under Ba Shuai's insistence and Sha Ou's bitter pleading, her parents began to slowly accept this eldest son-in-law. They saw Ba Shuai's sincerity and sense of responsibility, and also felt their daughter's happiness and firmness.

A year later, 24-year-old Sha Ou and 42-year-old Ba Shuai finally received their marriage certificate and held a grand wedding at the end of that year. Accompanied by his father, Shaou happily walked on the red carpet and accepted the blessings of relatives and friends.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

At this moment, all doubts and objections disappeared, leaving only full of blessings and touches. With their persistence and sincerity, Sha Ou and Ba Shuai proved that love can cross the boundaries of age and won the understanding and support of their families.

Married life is not as difficult as expected. On the contrary, the relationship between Sha Ou and Ba Shuai has become deeper and deeper, and their lives have become more and more happy.

A few years later, they welcomed a pair of lovely sons and daughters, bringing even more joy to the family across ages. Ba Shuai often looked at his daughter affectionately and sighed: "This child is simply a copy of Shaou, not only inheriting his mother's beauty, but also her intelligence."

Sha Ou would respond playfully: "If I don't like to admire handsome guys, how could I meet such a good man as you?" This kind of conversation always causes Ba Shuai to laugh heartily and fills the whole family with laughter.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

In their careers, the two have also achieved enviable achievements. With many years of experience and steady character, Ba Shuai has won many awards in his work and his career is thriving.

Shaou used his youthful vitality to find his own development direction in the emerging industry and gradually became a leader in the industry.

They support each other and make progress together, proving that the age gap is not a stumbling block to happiness, but a complementary advantage. Ba Shuai's maturity and stability provide a solid backing for the family, while Shaou's vitality and innovative thinking inject fresh vitality into the family.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the love story of Sha Ou and Ba Shuai has gone through fifteen spring and autumn. Today, they still maintain the original sweetness and tacit understanding. In their spare time, the two always return to the small restaurant that witnessed their first meeting and savor the thrilling and passionate years.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Sitting on the familiar seat, Ba Shuai stroked Sha Ou's hand, his eyes were full of affection: "Do you remember how we met in the earthquake here?" The sand gull smiled and nodded, as if everything had happened yesterday.

They often tell their love stories to children who are already sensible, conveying the life values of cherishing true love and pursuing bravely. Sha Ou always said with emotion: "Love has no age limit."

The important thing is that when you meet the right person, you have the courage to pursue it and grasp it.

Their story is not only a romantic legend that spans ages, but also a persistence in true love and a love for life. From the dependence of life and death in the earthquake, to overcoming many obstacles and walking into the palace of marriage hand in hand, to the happy family life now, Sha Ou and Ba Shuai have used their own experiences to interpret what true love is.

In the 08 Wenchuan earthquake, the girl in the flower season was rescued by a 40-year-old uncle, and she promised to be herself, what is the current situation

Looking back, they are deeply grateful for their perseverance. This love, which spanned 18 years old, has withstood the test of time and bloomed with the most brilliant light. Their story teaches us: when you meet true love, don't hold back because of the eyes of the world.

As long as two hearts trust each other and support each other, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

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