
Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

author:Bunnies love to eat fish
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In this era of information explosion, a seemingly ordinary video is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves. The content shown in this video is not an earth-shattering event, but a seemingly unremarkable, but intriguing specialty.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

As soon as the video began, this unpopular specialty was unreservedly presented in front of the audience. There is no gorgeous packaging, no deliberate rendering, just a pure and direct display of its curriculum, employment direction and other aspects. It is this kind of "no-makeup" display, but it instantly catches people's attention and makes people can't help but want to find out.

In the picture, the introduction of this major seems a little pale. The curriculum seems to lack clear focus, and the employment prospects are vague, and the first impression is that learning seems to be useless. This intuitive feeling instantly aroused the strong curiosity of the audience, and everyone put a big question mark in their hearts: what is the meaning of such a professional existence?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

Speaking of which, I have to mention the confused expression of Mr. Zhang Xuefeng who appeared in the video. His wide-eyed eyes, slightly open mouth, and the confusion on his face that seemed to freeze made people laugh out loud. Mr. Zhang Xuefeng is well-informed in the field of education, but he is also a little overwhelmed in the face of this major. This expression seems to say: "I don't understand this profession!" His confusion and confusion undoubtedly added a lot of comedy to the whole video.

And the work arrangement of this profession shown in the video is even more unbearable. Imagine a job scenario that students face after graduation that seems to have nothing to do with what they learn in school. For example, some of the theoretical knowledge that is emphasized in professional courses is not used in practical work; And the skills that are really needed in the job are not taught in schools. This serious disconnect makes one wonder if the school is very thoughtful in setting up majors and arranging courses.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

As the video spread, netizens also joined the discussion. Their views are humorous and witty, full of ridicule. Some netizens said: "The students who chose this major were not the ones who filled in with their eyes closed?" Some netizens quipped: "Did you study this major to go to Mars to open up wasteland?" All kinds of new and interesting comments poured in, making this otherwise unpopular major a hot topic all of a sudden.

But behind this laughter, we should also calm down and think deeply about this phenomenon. First of all, is the reason why this profession is considered useless because our understanding of it is too one-sided? There may be a specific field or industry in which graduates of this major can play a unique role, but we have not yet discovered it. Just like some niche art forms, which may be incomprehensible in the eyes of the general public, but are highly regarded in certain circles.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

Secondly, the school must have its considerations for opening this major. Maybe it's based on some kind of prediction of future social development, or maybe it's to fill the talent gap in a certain field. It's just that at the moment, the effect has not yet fully appeared. This requires us to give some time to schools and majors to adjust and improve in practice.

In addition, it is important for students to choose a major, but it is more important to cultivate their comprehensive ability in the learning process. Even if the major you are studying doesn't seem to be too popular, you can't give up on yourself. Through independent learning and participating in practical activities, you can improve your competitiveness and find your own world after graduation.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

For example, there was a student who studied an unpopular major, and after graduation, he found that his employment opportunities were indeed limited. However, he did not get discouraged and used his spare time to teach himself relevant popular skills and actively participate in various internships. In the end, with his own efforts and accumulated experience, he successfully entered a well-known company and realized his career dream.

There is also a graduate, although his major is not popular, he is good at discovering the uniqueness of his major and combining it with his own interests. Through continuous innovation and experimentation, he has made a name for himself in an emerging field and has become a leader in the industry.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

Coming back to this unpopular specialty, we can't dismiss it altogether just because of its current performance. Perhaps in the near future, with the development of society and the change of needs, it will radiate new vitality and vitality. As bystanders, we should look at this phenomenon with a more inclusive and open mind, and avoid blindly following trends and one-sided evaluations.

All in all, the discussion sparked by this video shows us the focus on education and career choices. In this era of change and opportunity, we need to be discerning, learn and adapt in order to find the path that suits us best among the many options. And for those seemingly unpopular majors, we should also give them a certain amount of respect and understanding, and believe that they may also become popular choices one day in the future.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

We should recognize that the existence of every profession has its potential value and significance. Just like biodiversity in nature, each organism plays a unique role in the ecosystem. Lesser-known specialties may not be as visible in today's job market, but they may be an underexplored piece of land in the academic field, with unknown treasures waiting to be discovered.

For example, some disciplines that were once considered unpopular in history, such as astronomy, have relatively few research resources and few followers for a long time in the past. But with the advancement of science and technology and the growing enthusiasm for the exploration of the universe, literature has become a dynamic and promising field today. Looking at paleontology, which was once considered an unpopular major, now plays an irreplaceable role in biological evolution research and geological exploration.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

For this unpopular specialty that has aroused heated discussions, we cannot easily label it as "useless" because of the appearance in front of us. Perhaps it is in the latent period of development and needs more time and resources to nurture and grow. Perhaps in the future, with the rise of related industries, the talents cultivated by this major will become the darling of the market.

At the same time, we must also reflect on the society's criteria for judging the profession as hot and cold. The value of a profession cannot be measured solely by the ease of employment and the level of remuneration. The essence of education is not only for employment, but also for the cultivation of well-rounded individuals and the promotion of knowledge transmission and innovation. The knowledge and skills taught in this unpopular specialty may subtly cultivate students' way of thinking, innovation and problem-solving skills, which are also of great significance for the long-term development of individuals and the progress of society.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was stunned: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizen comments are laughing to death!

Therefore, we should look at this unpopular specialty with a more rational and long-term perspective. Give it a certain space and time to develop, and encourage educators and students to continue to explore and innovate in this field.

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