
Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

Israel plotted to behead Allah's top brass and reproduce the "targeted killing" tactic?

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

According to Kuwait's Al-Jarida newspaper, Israel is plotting a precision strike against Allah's supreme commander Hassan Nasrallah and his deputy Naem Qasim. This is reminiscent of Israel's success in purging the former leader of Allah many years ago.

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

Targeted killings have reappeared, and Allah's top brass has become a thorn in Israel's side

Fighting continues in the Middle East, and conflicts between Israel and Allah are one after another. Recently, according to Kuwait's Al-Jarida, Israel is plotting a precision strike against the top leaders of Allah. It is reported that Allah's supreme commander Hassan Nasrallah and his deputy Naem Qasim have been added to Israel's strike list.

This news has aroused widespread concern in the international community. After all, Israel and Allah have a long-standing feud, and the two sides have repeatedly fought fiercely on the battlefield. Israel's "targeted killing" tactics this time are undoubtedly a serious threat to the top leaders of Allah.

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

The IDF performed another stunt, and the video exposed the moment of killing

In a demonstration of its determination and ability to strike at Allah's top leaders, the IDF released a video of the missile fired from the car in which Hussein Maitch was riding. In the picture, the missile accurately hit the target vehicle, causing a violent explosion in an instant. This kind of precise beheading of senior Allah officials is not the first time since the outbreak of war.

The exposure of this video has undoubtedly given people a deeper understanding of Israel's military strength. At the same time, it has also made the senior leaders of Allah feel unprecedented pressure. After all, under Israel's precision strikes, their lives are already in jeopardy.

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

The Middle East is constantly under war, and Israel and Allah have grudges

The Middle East has always been one of the most war-torn regions in the world. The feud between Israel and Allah is even more long-standing. Over the years, the two sides have waged many fierce battles on the battlefield, and each other has won and lost. However, the conflict does not seem to have found a solution, but has intensified.

Israel's "targeted killing" tactics this time are undoubtedly a fatal blow to the top leaders of Allah. However, this tactic can also trigger more serious consequences. After all, in a war, once both sides are caught in a vicious circle, it is difficult to find a peaceful way out.

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

The international community is concerned about the conflict and calls on both sides to exercise restraint

The conflict in the Middle East has been going on for many years, bringing untold suffering and suffering to the local people. The international community has been paying close attention to this and has repeatedly called on both sides to exercise restraint and resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation.

However, on the battlefield, both sides seem to be caught in a vicious circle of "countering violence with violence". Every attack and retaliation only makes the conflict more intense and the people more miserable. Therefore, the international community should strengthen its good offices and mediation, and push the two sides to return to the negotiating table and jointly find a peaceful solution.

Xiao Yi put it on again? The Israeli decapitation campaign is aimed at the top leader of Lebanon, which has long been Gaza

The road to peace in the Middle East is a long way to go, and we call on all parties to work together

Peace and stability in the Middle East are of great significance to the prosperity and development of the entire world. However, to achieve this goal, all parties need to work together and make a concerted effort.

First, Israel and Allah should put aside past grievances and hatreds and face each other in an attitude of peace and cooperation. It is only through dialogue and negotiation that a way forward can be found to resolve differences.

Secondly, the international community should intensify its good offices and mediation efforts to provide necessary support and assistance to both sides. At the same time, all countries should strengthen cooperation to jointly combat terrorist and extremist forces and maintain world peace and stability.

In conclusion, we call on all those who are concerned about peace and stability in the Middle East region to work together towards this goal. Only through our joint efforts and dedication can we achieve peace and prosperity in the Middle East at an early date.

The conflict in the Middle East has been going on for many years, bringing untold suffering and suffering to the local people. We call on both Israel and Allah to put aside past grievances and hatreds and to face each other in an attitude of peace and cooperation. At the same time, we also call on the international community to strengthen its good offices and mediation efforts to provide necessary support and assistance to both sides. Let us work together to contribute to peace and stability in the Middle East.

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