
61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

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In April 2023, "The Long Season" was born, although the show had hardly done any "foreshadowing" before, it still became a hit drama of the year for various reasons.

However, it is a small matter to refresh the record of domestic dramas, which can make the audience deeply realize that the excellence of the leading actor Fan Wei is the greatest.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

To this day, when it comes to Fan Wei, many people still think of his "golden partner" Zhao Benshan for the first time, after all, they have walked hand in hand on the Spring Festival Gala to bring us a lot of joy.

It's just a pity!

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Later, they were finally separated by various reasons and ushered in a situation of parting ways.

But now, this is definitely the most correct choice Fan Wei has made in his life.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

After leaving Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei began to march towards the big screen, and he took the lead many times, and he really took off the label of "green leaf" for himself.

But just when everyone thought that Fan Wei would win honor for himself by hard work, he missed this opportunity in front of everyone.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

However, Fan Wei has no regrets about this, rather than this, it is better to admit that his skills are not as good as others.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Self-contained portal

Why didn't Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei cooperate?

Back then, Zhao Benshan's sentence "Do you know how big Fan Wei's wrist is now" directly sent the other party to the forefront of public opinion.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

To this day, many people still don't understand the reason, thinking that Fan Wei didn't simply grow up and harden his wings, and there were other grievances and entanglements between him and Zhao Benshan.

Things are actually not as complicated as everyone thinks, Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan are just mutual achievements, and it is a matter of time before they are separated.

But what I'm going to say next, you really have to think about it.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

In 2017, the movie "A Problem That Isn't a Problem" directly sent Fan Wei to the throne of the actor.

Fan Wei's performance in this is certainly remarkable, but what is more important is what he acts like.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

If it weren't for this, Fan Wei would not have won the "Temple of Heaven Award" for Best Actor again after seven years 2 months ago.

But do you dare to think?

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Such a well-known old drama bone is actually a real "layman"?

It all started by that chance.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Accidental "rebirth"

Like Zhao Benshan, Pan Changjiang and others, Fan Wei was also born in the Great Northeast and likes to engage in down-to-earth art.

At the age of 15, at the suggestion of his family, the decent-looking Fan Wei apprenticed to cross talk actor Chen Lianzhong, laying a solid foundation for subsequent success.

One thing to say, Fan Wei's attainments in cross talk are still quite good, but in a few years, he has won provincial and national awards.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Even the famous editor of China's Central People's Radio was full of praise for him.

It's a pity that Fan Wei couldn't go all the way to the dark after all.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

We do not deny Fan Wei's achievements in cross talk, but we must also admit that it is indeed because of Zhao Benshan's relationship that he can be known to the national audience and can get to where he is today.

1995 was Fan Wei's first appearance on the Spring Festival Gala, and his name became an instant hit by starring in "Uncle Niu Tigan" with Zhao Benshan.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Since then, Fan Wei has become a regular visitor to the Spring Festival Gala in the real sense, and it is through this stage that everyone slowly becomes familiar with this comedian.

Fan Wei's works such as "Heart Disease" and "Selling Abduction" are still lingering in the minds of the audience today.

originally thought that Fan Wei would slowly move closer to Zhao Benshan and develop into a big sketch business, but who would have thought that he would choose to "change jobs" again.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

In an interview many years ago, Fan Wei said loudly that he would not go to the Spring Festival Gala again in the future, and he was already preparing to shoot a TV series.

At that time, many people thought that Fan Wei was making a small fuss, and felt that he was incapable, and he couldn't make any waves after leaving Zhao Benshan.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Since stepping into the film and television industry, Fan Wei has used his strength to remove one label after another and create a new image for himself.

Whether it is "Ears Are Blessed" or "There Are No Thieves in the World", Fan Wei's solid acting skills are shown.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

And his appearance in Zhang Yimou's New Year's film "Article 20" this year also reflects that he will definitely be the preferred actor of "Lao Mouzi" in the future.

This new film starring Fan Wei's partner Zhou Dongyu last month was also released.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

The advent of one powerful masterpiece after another has turned Fan Wei step by step into a titan in the mainland film industry, and it is he who the old artist of both virtue and art is talking about.

It's a pity that there has never been a victorious general in this world.

This time, Fan Wei still lost!

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

The world is unpredictable

This year's Magnolia was very loud as early as before the official start of the selection, and Wang Yibo and Wang Yang were "unhappy" because of this.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

After all, in recent years, the audience's three views have been gradually corrected, and they know that actors with masterpieces are real powerful actors.

And the gold content of Magnolia will be quite clear to everyone.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

As soon as the nomination information came out, many bloggers made predictions about who would win this year's award.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

Compared with other awards, everyone is of course most concerned about Best Actor and Best Actress.

Let's not mention this Best Actress, Zhou Xun is bound to win this, and the result is indeed so.

But the best actor is more difficult to say.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

This time, Fan Wei has to face opponents who are stronger than the other, with the "national actor" Hu Ge in front of him, and the "top class in the uncle circle" Wang Yang in the back, and an old drama bone Ding Yongdai and rising star Wang Renjun in the middle.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

But even so, friends who have watched "The Long Season" are still very sure of Fan Wei.

However, the result was a disappointment for everyone.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

The 29th Magnolia Award was finally won by Hu Ge.

As soon as the news spread, Fan Wei's name quickly rushed to the hot search, and netizens coaxed one after another.

Some people even say that Hu Ge was able to win the award because he is from Shanghai, and the background of the story of "Flowers" is also Shanghai, and the Shanghai Magnolia Award was awarded by looking at the household registration book.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

If you really want to think like that, it just doesn't make sense, right?

After all, Hu Ge's strength has been obvious to us for many years, from "Langya Bang" to "Flowers", his acting skills have never dropped.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

So Hu Ge definitely deserves to win the award.

As for Fan Wei, there must be regrets, but he will never doubt Hu Ge and Magnolia as netizens said.

Humility, he will always self-reflect and then admit that he is not as good as others.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

After all, if you want to be selected as the "Emperor", there are too many aspects to consider, and Fan Wei may still have many deficiencies in this regard.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that you are not as good as others

I hope that with Fan Wei's efforts later, he will be able to usher in this day, and I hope that he will bring us more good works in the future.

What are the different views on Fan Wei's "empty-handed return"?

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