
14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

author:Doudou Entertainment
14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?
It is said that those who read my article have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to the like, don't want to get rich It's hard to do a like to take a walk, love you to permanently, focus on a little, get rich to permanent, I wish you good luck in spring, autumn and winter, and meet nobles in the southeast and northwest
14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

#长文创作激励计划#我们听过很多关于 story of "wealth and status", but Liu Dacheng's story is so special, his road to success and unwavering determination are like a beautiful landscape in this era. He comes from a rural family in Jining, Shandong Province, and his family conditions are not good, but this has not stopped him from loving music. In those days when there were no sound or musical instruments, he had already learned to blow leaves with his mouth and imitate the sounds of various animals. Those sporadic musical talents are like the best memories of his childhood.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Although his family was poor, he could not receive a formal music education, but his passion for music grew. Just as the fresh air in the fields attracts butterflies and bees, his love for singing slowly translates into action. When he was a child, he always didn't understand why his father always wanted him to see the outside world, so in the dead of night, he would run to the field path and sing to the dark sky.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

When he grew up and needed to take on more responsibilities, he showed his artistic talent in the factory, which became an important stage in his life. These seemingly ordinary experiences have actually laid a solid foundation for his future success. It is because of this love and persistence that he has been able to make a name for himself in various talent shows.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Although we are required to write the stories behind grassroots celebrities and society, and to ensure the quality of the language and a positive image, I still want to emphasize that we must not forget our core values: even if we have seen the prosperity of the world, we must keep our hearts pure and free from external influences.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Liu Dacheng on the stage, his enthusiasm and dreams burned like fire, and his clear and emotional singing voice was like a deep homesick song, which moved all the audience to tears. For a farmer who can't even read the big characters, participating in "Avenue of Stars" is like a big gamble. However, the moment the lights came on and the music sounded, his whole person exuded incomparable confidence.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

At that time, he stood in the spotlight, with a deep love for his wife and a dream that the national audience did not know yet, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to every performance. Each of his songs sings about the true feelings of life and the deepest desires of his heart. In the surprised eyes and warm applause of the judges and the audience, Liu Dacheng showed his extraordinary strength and talent.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

On the stage of the final, he sang "My Sun" to win him. This song is not only inspirational in lyrics, but also a deeply buried love confession. Because of his beautiful singing voice and those pieces of music that can touch people's hearts, he continued to improve in such a competitive competition, and finally won the honor of the annual championship.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

However, as everyone knows, the news and public opinion will always seize on the mistakes of others or set off an uproar. After becoming famous, it was accompanied by all kinds of gossip; Some people think that he is just an ordinary farmer, so they have doubts about his achievements; Some people speculate that he will lose his wretched wife who shares hardships after he soars? In the face of these social phenomena and doubts, Liu Dacheng chose to respond positively, and stated that he would prove everything through practical actions - just as he once promised everyone in public: "Whether I succeed or not, my love for my wife will not change".

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Relying on the rich rewards of fame and the huge rise in social status, Dacheng chose to improve the living conditions of his family, and at the same time, he did not forget his original intention at the beginning, and spent a good time in the sun with his wife Wang Min every day. The people around him blessed them, and the people in the family cheered for him, but none of this made him let his guard down, forget where he came from, and forget the role he played in society.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Dacheng did not lose himself because of the secular definition of "success", on the contrary, he explained an easy-to-understand truth with practical actions: no matter how the outside world changes, as long as the heart is firm, it will not waver. In this hustle and bustle of showbiz, there is a steady stream of invitations to various programs and platforms, but only when he comes home and is with his family, we will find the satisfaction and peace in his eyes.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Improving living conditions was the first important decision Dentons made after becoming famous. His home has become warmer, the children's laughter is more crisp, and his wife Wang Min's eyes are more gentle, all of which make him extremely proud. In this loving family environment, Dentons has always stayed true to its original intention and has never forgotten to give back to the people of his hometown with the wealth he has gained.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

As a child from the countryside, Dacheng did not hesitate to devote himself to the work of helping left-behind children, and he funded the construction of a left-behind children's home, which has a variety of books, electronic organs, computers and televisions, so that children can feel the charm of knowledge and the joy of life in a variety of entertainment activities. This kind of kindness not only created a stage full of dreams for the children, but also fully demonstrated the eternal kindness and gratitude in his heart.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Having said that, someone asked him at the beginning, if he made money, would it change? It's like everybody is watching him and seeing how he responds. As a result, he answered the question with his own actions, as forcefully as he was justifying. For example, he created a comfortable old age for his parents, personally took care of his father-in-law when he was sick until he was cured and discharged from the hospital, and his love for his wife was also consistent······ The things he did were all strung together by a lot of small things, which made people see his firm original intention.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Even though he lives in the bustling city of Beijing, he still maintains the true character of a peasant; The bits and pieces of life are like a long picture, and from the perspective of his 14 years of living in the countryside to the city, his life is still so flavorful and full of enthusiasm.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Perseverance can really overcome the barriers of time and change the direction of life. Now Liu Dacheng is no longer the wage earner who sings freely in the fields. The passage of time has not made love lose its color, but has given it a deeper and more magnificent flavor. 14 years have passed, and in those seemingly ordinary but not ordinary days, Liu Dacheng and Wang Min have used their actions to tell us again and again how powerful the power of love is.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

We can feel sincere feelings from the small things in daily life that are not easy to detect: for example, when we hear the sound of him chopping vegetables in the kitchen, we can think of his hearty laughter, and when we see the documentary pictures he teaches children to grow up, we can feel the affection in his eyes. When the two of them attend parent-teacher conferences together at their children's schools, they are always able to tacitly understand each other's views on education. When playing the role of a good househusband and father, he was always gentle and considerate.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

This journey allowed them to hold each other's hands tightly and taste the many sweet fruits of life together—such as the understanding and companionship of others, the warm moments captured in simple and simple life, and the deep affection that has been precipitated by the test of time. The importance of being able to maintain a calm mind in the fast-paced real life is self-evident.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

Like many ordinary fathers, Liu Dacheng always pays attention to the children's learning and the cultivation of hobbies in his busy daily life. Every evening, he sits at his desk with his children to complete their homework, or takes them to the countryside on weekends to enjoy the joy of nature.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

When the melody of "The Years Are Quiet" sounded leisurely, people could not help but feel emotional, especially when they recalled themselves when they were young, and felt that because of these encounters, life became so colorful. It is not easy to stay together for a lifetime, whether it is as an artist or a husband or father in the family, the consistent relationship for ten years is undoubtedly the most desirable ripple in everyone's heart. Behind his hard work, his family gave him endless tolerance and silent support.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

No matter how unpredictable the road ahead may be, the vow to "never abandon the chaff wife" provides all of us with a reason to sincerely look forward to the future of life. Although life seems to be calm now, there are countless beautiful hopes that will lead us to a happy life on the road ahead.

14 years ago, did he fulfill his promise that he would never abandon his bad wife after becoming famous?

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