
Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

author:IT Times
Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

Is filling in the college entrance examination volunteer consultation to cut leeks?

Author/ IT Times reporter Sun Yonghui

Editor/ Hao Junhui Sun Yan

The annual college entrance examination "noise" on social platforms began on the weekend of June 23.

"640 points!" With the results coming into view, Dai Yue is down-to-earth. For her, this is a result of normal performance, "When I checked the score, it was actually quite calm, and it was not very unexpected, because when I did the questions, I felt like usual." Dai Yue is a native of Mianyang, Sichuan, at 10 o'clock in the evening on June 23, candidates in Sichuan Province began to check the results, and the score line was also announced one after another, the first batch of Sichuan Province liberal arts undergraduate score line was 529 points, although the score far exceeded the first line, but whether she could go to the ideal school and major, or let her "entangled".

Yan Xianglong, from Dingxi, Gansu Province, did not have the calm of the time-sharing on behalf of Yue, two days later than other provinces and cities, and Gansu opened the inquiry system at 11 o'clock on June 25. "398 points." Yan Xianglong, who was nervous about reading the results, was worried, although the score exceeded the provincial undergraduate line by 28 points, but the overall unsatisfactory and the low ranking made him a little anxious, "Just go to school."

Recently, all provinces across the country have announced the scores of the college entrance examination, followed by voluntary filling. As early as the eve of the college entrance examination, Zhang Xuefeng's college entrance examination voluntary filling course of nearly 20,000 yuan has been hotly discussed, and even the voluntary filling service in 2026 has been sold out.

Now that the college entrance examination scores are clear, with the increase in the demand for filling in volunteers, a group of low-profile versions of "Zhang Xuefeng" have begun to be active on major social platforms. Some of them are individuals, with the slogan of having experienced volunteers to fill in the form, to solicit business for themselves; Some are volunteer to fill in the simulation platform, and in the account of social software, there is a video copy of "three points of hard work and seven points of reporting, once choose to determine the future"; There are also education and training institutions, which integrate subject counseling, postgraduate entrance examination training, and study abroad services, and also come to share a piece of the soup for volunteering during the college entrance examination season.

Various AI models have also joined this year's college entrance examination voluntary filling service, and some candidates and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" volunteered to fill in the AI, not only trying to borrow "one hand", but also striving to find the "optimal solution". However, according to the reporter of "IT Times", the actual situation does not seem to be ideal.

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

A "business"

"Send Sichuan candidates a good uncle." On social platforms, Amei sent notes to play "advertising" for her uncle - personal, non-institutional, one-to-one service, in addition, there are words such as no retreat, no slippage, plus career planning and package admission. Her uncle has been working in Sichuan for 12 years, and during the college entrance examination season, he often helps relatives and friends because he has studied the application for volunteers, and has been helping relatives and friends for 5 years.

Amei is a 2023 college entrance examination candidate, and she bluntly said that her uncle helped fill in her wishes. "There are more people who consult him every year, and this year he wants to try online help." In the conversation with Amei, the reporter learned that the uncle's fee was more than 1,000 yuan, and the way was telephone and video communication.

Hohhot has been sunny for several days, but Li Chen has not had the leisure to enjoy the blue sky and white clouds, in addition to his regular job, he is busy answering the voluntary inquiries of college entrance examination candidates online as in previous years.

"There are quite a lot of consultations, and there are candidates in all score bands." He said that this year is the first time he has posted on Xiaohongshu, and in the past, he mainly relied on Xianyu to post or be introduced by colleagues and friends.

Helping candidates volunteer to apply for the exam is Li Chen's side job. In 2012, after the college entrance examination, he was recommended by his teacher to work part-time as a part-time teacher in a tutoring institution in Chifeng City for several years. Later, as he went to graduate school and joined the work, Li Chen did not return to the institution and began to try to take orders by himself.

According to his observations, in recent years, there have been significant changes in the price of voluntary filling in training institutions in Hohhot, "In 2012, when I first applied for the exam in the institution, the teacher charged 1,000 yuan per person, and I would give 200 yuan; The last time I contacted that teacher was in 2019, when he charged 3,500 yuan per person and gave me 500 yuan. ”

Now, Li Chen has set his own charging model as: free consultation, only 800 yuan for one person (excluding early school selection, major selection and other actions), and 2,000 yuan for one person to apply for the exam, with more complete services. However, the "business" does not seem to be easy to do. He told reporters that so far, only a single order of 2,000 yuan has been made.

According to iResearch, the market size of China's college entrance examination voluntary payment market will reach 950 million in 2023, 7.3 times that of 2016. According to media reports, there are more than 1,400 volunteer-related companies in China. The reporter of "IT Times" entered the keyword "college entrance examination voluntary filling" in Qichacha for query, and a total of 2,262 results were displayed, excluding the "self-employed households" on platforms such as Xiaohongshu, Douban, and Douyin short videos.

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

Source: Qichacha

In Taobao, when the reporter searched for "college entrance examination volunteering" as the keyword, the page presented a certain number of stores, and the price varies according to the service category, such as the price of the college entrance examination volunteer 1-to-1 consulting service is between 998 yuan and 2980 yuan. However, the reporter found that although the price of some institutions is only tens of yuan, the actual fee is higher. For example, a store named "Yum Education" shows that "one-to-one college entrance examination volunteer full service" starts at 90 yuan, but the reporter learned from the store's customer service that "90 yuan" is only a deposit, and the actual price paid is 1880 yuan.

Where there is demand, there will be business. Some media compared the voluntary filling of the college entrance examination to "Tang monk meat", whether it is an individual or an institution, they all want to take the opportunity to benefit from it.

"You get what you pay for, compared with the future of the child, this is really nothing, and offline institutions often cost 5,000 yuan ~ 6,000 yuan." Another "teacher" who charges 2,888 yuan told the "IT Times" reporter.

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

"Cutting leeks" or does it really work?

Haojie, who is studying for a doctorate, has recently been "volunteering for the staff officer" for his cousin, a fresh science student in Sichuan Province, with a score of 548. He tried to screen colleges and universities with "Wenxin Yiyan", but the results did not satisfy him. "It's better to see for yourself." He complained to the IT Times reporter that the colleges and universities recommended to him by the AI model were either unable to admit or had very low admission scores.

Yan Xianglong is from the countryside, and he claims that his family and himself are "laymen" on how to fill in the volunteers. A friend bought a college entrance examination volunteer card with a price of 29.9 yuan, that is, candidates can check the school, major, employment prospects and other information by themselves through the institution's system. And used AI to check the situation according to Yan Xianglong's results. Under the recommendation of "intelligent school selection", in an instant, Yan Xianglong had dozens of choices. "It's still prudent, I chose a few, but I can't trust them all." He told reporters.

Unlike Haojie and Yan Xianglong, who actively use "AI", Dai Yue has his own method - a combination of online inquiry, research and enrollment exam registration and consulting the admissions team. However, her father used AI.

"What majors are there in the liberal arts?" "Liberal arts majors include finance, law and other ......" At 11:50 p.m. on June 20, Dai Yue was lying in bed when he heard his father asking about AI.

"He listened to some live lectures by 'experts' on the live broadcast platform, and bought the data, that is, the high-score admissions in Sichuan Province in previous years and a software with AI functions." Dai Yue said that his father spent 360 yuan before and after spending on a platform called "Youzhi". After paying, you need to download the "Youzhi" App, enter the account and password to complete the login, and then you can check the admission score line, rank and other information of the past years. But in Dai Yue's view, the paid service and the free functions that Quark can achieve are about the same, which is not very helpful.

In the stores of the two platforms of Taobao and Douyin, the reporter of "IT Times" learned that the situation is similar to that of Wenjia Education, and it is necessary to download the service of the "Excellent Volunteer" App and buy a volunteer card, which is priced at 300 yuan. "The bottom layer is AI." A customer service reporter told reporters. The reporter noticed that the AI functions that can be realized by the volunteer card include input scores, intelligent recommendations based on college priority and major priority, and one-click generation of volunteer forms.

The reporter of "IT Times" experienced the volunteer card of "Wenjia Education", and in the AI intelligent school selection, it was marked with the words "based on big data + exclusive AI algorithm engine, accurate recommendation". The reporter tried with Haojie's cousin's results, and came up with many results in an instant.

After a few comparisons, it can be seen that whether it is a 300 yuan volunteer card or a nearly 30 yuan application service, the effect of the so-called "AI application volunteer" is much the same.

In addition to these institutions, a number of Internet companies have also started to launch free services for filling in college entrance examinations, such as Baidu App's AI volunteer assistant. The reporter also tested with "Sichuan Science, 548 points", and obtained many results in an instant. The number of impactful and more secure institutions is clear at a glance. Similar results are also shown in the "Wenjia Education" volunteer card.

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

In this way, is it necessary to spend tens or even hundreds of dollars on the effect that free software can achieve?

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

The comer-said:

AI can only "hit assist"

The rise of voluntary college entrance examination filling services has developed into a business, and AI and big data have become technologies used by individuals and institutions, or as tools to become publicity "gimmicks".

The impact of the AI model on the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" varies from person to person and from region to region. "The AI model intelligently recommends colleges, majors, or candidates who are not suitable for Inner Mongolia." Li Chen told reporters that Inner Mongolia's college entrance examination voluntary filling is a dynamic process, for example, this year's science candidates with 500 points are equivalent to the level of last year's 470 candidates, so the accuracy of the colleges and majors screened by AI will be reduced, and the reference value is not large.

"In short, it's better to make your own plans, and AI will assist." Li Chen admits that in terms of volunteering to fill in the suggestions, he often uses Quark's free services.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Education's "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform opened the "Sunshine Volunteer" information service system for college entrance examination candidates free of charge, based on big data such as enrollment, employment, survey, and evaluation, combined with in-depth professional and vocational interpretation, to provide volunteer recommendation, professional introduction, psychological assessment, employment destination and prospect inquiry and other services. For candidates and parents, in the same service, it may be a better choice than social individuals and institutions.

Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

(At the request of the interviewee, Dai Yue, Yan Xianglong, Hao Jie, and Li Chen are pseudonyms in the article.) )

Typesetting / Ji Jiaying

Picture / Qichacha Wenxin Yiyan "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform Oriental IC

Source/"IT Times" official account vittimes


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Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI
Volunteering for the college entrance examination has become a business, and the low-profile version of "Zhang Xuefeng" encountered AI

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