
Ren Zhenhe investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

author:Daily Gansu
Ren Zhenhe investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

Ren Zhenhe emphasized when investigating the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

Build a new home suitable for living and working with high standards and high quality

We will strive to win a comprehensive victory in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction

Ren Zhenhe investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

On June 30, Ren Zhenhe, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of Jishishan County, investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work. New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Sheng Xueqing

Ren Zhenhe, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of the province, investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County on June 30. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, always adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, resolutely shoulder responsibilities, anchor goals and tasks, strengthen overall coordination, accelerate the progress of work, ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule, with high standards and high quality, strive to win a comprehensive victory in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and hand over qualified answers to the party and the people.

In Gaoguan Village, Hulin Township, Jishishan County, Tuanjie Village, Liuji Village, Dahe Village, Dahejia Town, and Linjin Middle School, Ren Zhenhe walked into the model houses of the centralized resettlement sites of buildings and the centralized resettlement points of flathouses, as well as the reconstruction of farmers' homes and new schools on the original site, to see the progress of the project, ask about quality management, and carefully understand the comparison and use of building materials, the construction of supporting facilities, and the arrangement of work plans. He stressed that at present, the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of Jishishan County has entered a critical stage of tackling tough problems, and it is necessary to make persistent efforts and make concerted efforts to promote the overall improvement of production and living conditions in the disaster area, the steady progress of economic development, and the harmony and stability of the overall social situation with greater determination, more practical measures and better style, and strive to build the disaster area into a model of high-quality development of ethnic areas in the new era.

Ren Zhenhe investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

Ren Zhenhe stressed that it is necessary to coordinate the progress of the project and the quality of the project, seize the golden period of construction, keep an eye on the time node, reverse the construction period, speed up the construction, strictly control the safety and quality of the project construction, ensure that the project construction content, construction standards, and project quality are comprehensively excellent and up to standard, and ensure that the masses move into new homes that can stand the test of practice and history on time. It is necessary to coordinate the completion of the main body and the improvement of supporting facilities, take the reconstruction of mass housing as the top priority, simultaneously promote the construction of roads, electricity, water, networks and other infrastructure and public service facilities such as education, elderly care, and childcare in centralized resettlement sites, and comprehensively complete the repair and reinforcement of damaged schools, hospitals and other facilities. It is necessary to coordinate the reconstruction of new homes and environmental remodeling, learn to make good use of the successful experience of the "Ten Million Project", continue to improve the living environment, improve the appearance of the village, and strive to create a number of model demonstrations of harmonious villages, so that the home is in the garden and the village is in the scenery, so that the people in the disaster area can live a high-quality life. It is necessary to coordinate production and construction and social governance, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, promote the centralized resettlement of communities to improve the governance structure, enhance governance capabilities, strengthen grid management and services, timely coordinate and solve the interests of the people in all aspects and at all levels, do a good job in traffic management, conflict mediation, public security and stability, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to coordinate and serve the masses and organize the masses, always think and work together with the masses, ask the people's needs with true feelings, solve the people's worries with actions, unite the masses under the party flag, unite and work together to build a better homeland.

Cheng Xiaobo participated. (New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Jin Xin)

Ren Zhenhe investigated the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Jishishan County

Source: New Gansu Daily Gansu Net

Editor in charge: Yang Yang Supervisor: Mu Haoqiang

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