
After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

author:Singapore Eye

"Can't bear to have a boyfriend? It's not that he won't come back. Seeing Yan Yan crying profusely, his friends asked with concern and handed over tissues.

The person who went to Singapore with Yan Yan this time was Zhang Xin, a computer engineer about 30 years old, who was also introduced to work through an international company. Yan Yan didn't know him before, but because the work permits of the two people were approved at about the same time, the teachers of the international company let them go together.

"No, it's not." Yan Yan took the tissue, a little embarrassed.

"That's reluctant to be a parent. Three years passed quickly. I can't bear my wife and children. But in order to make more money, I had to endure it. Zhang Xin was also a little sad as she spoke.

"Hmm." Yan Yan suddenly felt that she was at least better than Zhang Xin, because now she had no other worries except her parents.

The plane arrived in Singapore at 4 p.m. It is one inch away from Beijing, and there is no time difference. Yan Yan and Zhang Xin got off the plane together and entered the arrival channel.

After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

Yan Yan instantly understood why Changi Airport was voted the best airport in the world. The floor of the passage is covered with a carpet of printed warm colors, which is soft and comfortable to step on. The passage is covered with tropical plants and exquisite modern landscaping. The facilities are advanced, and even the duty-free shop has a unique design, with a wide variety of products. Passengers of different skin colors and Chinese dialects shuttle among them, and the airport has become a small fashion showcase.

"It's so beautiful!" Yan Yan praised from the bottom of his heart.

"It's a garden city!" Zhang Xin also agreed.

The two of them enjoyed the beautiful interior landscape all the way, and followed the signs to the customs clearance. On the plane, the arrival card had been filled, and the customs officer, a darker-skinned Malay with a headscarf, had a small bowl of candy on the table where she worked. After checking Yan Yan's entry information, she nodded at Yan Yan.

After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

Everything went smoothly, they got out of the customs and picked up their luggage, and they saw the intermediary who came to pick them up from a distance. After explaining what to do at the immigration hall the next day, the agent said to Yan Yan and Zhang Xin: "I will drive you to your respective residences first, but tomorrow you have to go to the immigration hall by yourself." ”

As soon as he got out of the airport, Yan Yan felt a wave of heat rushing towards him. The two men got into the agent's car and drove towards the city.

The road is lined with tall palm trees and a variety of unknown tropical flowers, and it is already evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the plants on both sides of the road. Yan Yan felt as if the car was driving in a tropical forest.

After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

The agent introduced some customs along the way, the speed was very fast, and after half an hour, the surrounding houses gradually increased, all of which were more than ten storey buildings, and the exterior walls were painted with different colors of paint, simple and neat. Yan Yan thought to herself: This should be the legendary Singapore government HDB flat. The car drove into an open complex. From a distance, I saw a chubby girl in a black T-shirt waiting at the intersection.

"You are here, that is Miss Sun Wei who lives with you, she is from Shenyang." The intermediary pointed to the fat girl and said to Yan Yan.

made an appointment with Zhang Xin to meet at the immigration hall the next day, and Yan Yan got out of the car.

"Hello, it's Yan Yan, right? Emma, why did you move your home! Sun Wei couldn't help but exclaim when he saw Yan Yan's big box, with a strong Northeast accent.

Yan Yan smiled and said in his heart: Isn't it just to move the family over.

Sun Wei helped Yan Yan pull the big box back to his residence. She motioned for Yan Yan to take off her shoes and enter the house barefoot.

"It's hot here, and I don't wear shoes at home." Sun Wei said to Yan Yan.

It's a two-bedroom house with a large kitchen and two washrooms. The owner of the house lived in a master room with a bathroom, and Yan Yan and Sun Wei shared an ordinary room.

Sun Wei introduced to Yan Yan the precautions for using the kitchen and bathroom.

"The kitchen can only cook small dishes, that is, you can cook noodles, not stir-fry. The owner of the house himself rarely cooks, and eats in the market downstairs, and I will take you there in a moment. Sun Wei said.

"Why is there no hot water, how can I take a bath?" Yan Yan found that there was no water heater in the bathroom.

"It's hot all year round, and I take cold showers." Sun Wei replied.

"That's right." Yan Yan was so surprised.

Sun Wei took Yan Yan to the market for a good meal, and bought a thick sponge mattress at the home store next to him. Also bought bedspreads and pillows. Then I went to the NTUC next door to buy toiletries.

The two of them carried these things back home together. After taking a cold shower and lying on the soft new mattress, Yan Yan felt as unreal as a dream: is it good or bad for me to come to Singapore?

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After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

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After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

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After landing in Singapore, I was attracted by the legendary Changi Airport

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The official account "Kairong Nanyang"丨Source

Author of Jane Ma丨

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