
Thousands of people gathered at the Singapore Pink Dot rally, and the scene was exposed

author:Singapore Eye

Yesterday (29 June), thousands of people gathered at Hong Lim Park to celebrate the 16th annual Pink Dot rally. This year's event attracted the participation of many members of the community, including LGBTQ+ people such as gays and bisexuals, who hoped to promote Singapore towards a more inclusive society.

This year's Pink Dot event not only featured a wealth of performances and films showcasing the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, but also many dignitaries and celebrities in attendance.

Thousands of people gathered at the Singapore Pink Dot rally, and the scene was exposed

Senior Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Mr Chua Sui Loong, and members of the GRC Constituencies were present to support him. In addition, members of the Singapore Forward Party and two members of the Youth League, as well as the chairman of the Red Dot Unity Party, were also present at the event.

At the event, he wrote a letter to Singapore's Prime Minister Lawrence Wong

On August 21, 2022, Singapore announced the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code, which criminalizes sexual acts between men. The repeal of this provision is a major step forward for LGBTQ+ rights in Singapore, and means that there is more room for the group to engage in legal and free love.

However, at this year's Pink Dot campaign, people in the community began to call for greater rights, including the legalization of same-sex marriage.

(Netizens ask questions about the legalization of gay marriage in the comments section of Pink Dot Instagram)

Participants also wrote a letter to Singapore's Prime Minister Lawrence Wong at the event, expressing their concerns and expectations for the LGBTQ+ community, and hoping to see a more inclusive and accepting future under the new leadership. On Instagram, Pink Dot also called on the community to express their voices: "Write to Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and share your hopes and concerns about the LGBTQ+ community so that your voice can be heard!" ”

Thousands of people gathered at the Singapore Pink Dot rally, and the scene was exposed

The public also used lights to spell the word "EQUALITY", symbolizing the pursuit of gender equality and the expectation of a future society.

Thousands of people gathered at the Singapore Pink Dot rally, and the scene was exposed

Since 2009, Pink Dot has been held annually at Hong Lim Park to support the rights and freedom of the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore. The event is a major event for the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore.



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