
Purifying Humanity, Chapter 100: Giving Advice

author:Dust in the dust

Zhao Jiuzhou said: "According to the information we have, they have long wanted to attack you. I have been planning for this for a long time, and it just so happened that last year you proposed to buy the island for independence, and it was in their arms, so naturally they were very willing. ”

  Yan Meidan continued: "We have learned that several countries around the world, because of your products, have caused a lot of trouble, but they have been suppressed by their governments and have not been able to spread it, so the outside world does not know." Under normal circumstances, when this happens, the government should follow the will of the people to hold them accountable. After our in-depth investigation, some kind of agreement has been signed between these countries. ”

  Emperor Wu drank tea and listened quietly, thinking in his heart.

  Yan Meidan continued: "It is not yet known how many countries are participating in this agreement, but according to our analysis of intelligence data, at least eight countries are participating. ”

  Deng Fei said: "Now they are waiting for the opportunity, as long as you move to Kauai, they will act immediately." We deduce that they will take the product for the problem and then claim a hefty fine from you. Each country asks for a sum, several countries ask for it once, and basically divide up your money. If you don't agree, military action is highly likely. You are an island country, and you can't do effective protection at all, even if we send 100,000 soldiers over, it won't be of much use. The area is too small to prevent. ”

  Zhu Wentong, who had not spoken, continued Deng Fei's question at this time and said: "The problem is, even if you don't move over, they will be in trouble sooner or later." They couldn't bear it for a long time, and if you hadn't bought the island as an independent country last year, they would probably have started to sanction you this year. ”

  Emperor Wu was still drinking tea indifferently, with an unhurried expression: "Before the Eight-Nation Coalition invaded our Yanhuang, now at least eight countries want to carve up the Wu State. What do you think of these nations if they were wiped off the face of the earth? ”

  Shan Fan's sentence was said by the second person, which would definitely make Minister Chen and others think that this person was scared stupid, and the fool said that he dreamed.

  But from the mouth of Emperor Wu, everyone seems to think that this possibility is not impossible.

  Minister Chen was the first to ask: "It seems that you have a solution?" ”

  "Not yet."

  Emperor Wu replied very simply, but then added: "We are sure that these countries that want to carve up us will be severely punished." ”

  Fu Dong said: "If they do it, they won't give you any respite." I will beat you to death with a stick, and unless you strike first, you will theoretically have no chance. ”

  Minister Chen just listened to Emperor Wu just say that, and still didn't understand his specific plan and plan, so he reminded him again: "Yongtao, now things are much more serious than you think. I see that you have a nonchalant expression, and it would be good if you had a solution. During this time, for the sake of Wu Guo, some political talents who were previously screened from China, I suggest that they can come over first. Either come to your island first, or go to Kauai. Kauaʻi's completion is nearing completion, and some people need to be put in to take care of it first. In addition, we came over this time with a set of solutions to the problem, and we would like to hear your opinion. ”

  Wu Huang said: "We have no better solution for the time being, and we also ask Minister Chen to contribute money." ”

  Minister Chen said: "We have comprehensively analyzed all the countries in the world that want to sanction you, and there are 12 of them, and they are currently in a situation where two or more factions are competing at home. Three of these countries have been identified on the list, and we can use the opportunity of their internal struggles to fight back. ”

  Wu Huang nodded, regarding the international situation, the worry-free group has not yet established a special agency and department, and lacks this information, so he asked at the moment: "Then how to fight back?" ”

  Zhu Wentong took Minister Chen's words and explained: "The plan is not complicated, you only need to invest money to support the side that is beneficial to you in these countries." For specific operation arrangements, we can help you do some referral and execution. This is also the only first-hand operation at present, otherwise when these countries take the initiative to jointly sanction you, you will not have the opportunity and time to resist at that time. ”

  Wu Huang said: "How much does it cost?" How long will it take to get these countries done? ”

  Zhu Wendao: "According to preliminary estimates, twenty trillion is needed. There is no guarantee that other countries will not impose sanctions on you, and sanctions from a few major countries, together with our assistance, have a 60 per cent chance of surviving this catastrophe. ”

  Emperor Wu looked at Mu Cheng, he was not worried about this because Mu Cheng and they were sure to manipulate this crisis, and at this moment he meant to see Mu Cheng's statement.

  Mu Chengdao: "There is no problem with twenty trillion, the problem is that these countries will never be fed." I have calculated that twenty trillion can be safe for a year at most, and it may be less than a year. A year later, the assets of the worry-free group will at least triple, and it is expected to be 300 billion by then. When they are one hundred trillion of us, they can't help but want to divide up our assets, let alone three hundred billion. A year later, even if we expanded, the island was limited in size, and the cost of filling it out was high, especially the time cost. A year later, our military capabilities have barely materially increased, and we are still being sanctioned and attacked by these countries at any time, unless we continue to feed these great powers with huge sums of money. ”

  Zhu Wendao: "What do you mean?" ”

  Mu Chengdao: "Yongtao and I have discussed the preliminary plan, and we will not give them a penny of the twenty trillion." It is better to use the 20 trillion yuan to buy a batch of heavy weapons from Yan Huang, in short, all the most advanced weapons in the sea, land and air force will give us a batch. Also, the original 20,000 troops helped us increase to 50,000, both by land, sea and air. For the rest, we'll arrange it ourselves. ”

  As soon as he said the first sentence, Emperor Wu looked at Mu Cheng and thought, when will he discuss the preliminary plan with himself? Since Mu Cheng said so, there should be a clear method, and he cooperated with Mu Cheng at the moment: "As long as the country gives us this batch of weapons and equipment on time, we have our own way to deal with this crisis." ”

  After listening to Emperor Wu's words, Minister Chen and the others couldn't help but shake their heads or smile bitterly, using this method to deal with this terrible joint sanction is undoubtedly capricious, unwise, and using an egg to hit a stone.

  Minister Chen patiently persuaded again: "Yongtao, even if all the country's weapons are pulled over, Kauai is such a palm-sized place, and it is impossible to achieve comprehensive defense." You are not a reckless person, you can fully trust the people I brought today, and if necessary, Kyushu and Tokyo can be by your side to help you with advice during this time. I'm sorry, but I didn't hear anything subtle about your plan. By doing so, not only will it not help, but it will make it possible for you to destroy the country. ”

  Emperor Wu just said this with Mu Chengcai, and at this time he was at a loss in his heart, so he could only look at Mu Cheng again, and only Mu Cheng could explain this matter.

  Mu Cheng didn't plan to say his plan: "Buying weapons to increase the number of troops is all a pretense, and it doesn't have much effect." The specific plan, you will naturally know when the time comes. I promise that Yan Huang will not be implicated. Twenty trillion is nothing to us. We won't give them this money for nothing, so just take it out and buy weapons. You can give us a few sets of each weapon at the market price. By the way, we mainly need naval forces, and you will give us this part according to the ratio of 60 percent of the land, sea and air. ”

  Hearing Mu Cheng say this, Minister Chen and the others were surprised, which they had not expected before.

  The plan they formulated before they came originally thought that with the current situation, Emperor Wu and his 99 percent would implement this plan.

  Seeing Mu Cheng's resolute attitude, Minister Chen said helplessly: "Since this is the case, let's follow your plan, although we can't understand it." Yongtao, Kyushu and Tokyo are all the top military strategists of the country, and if you need to, stay with you during this time. ”

  Emperor Wu smiled: "This is not good, stay with me, what should I do on the country's side?" By the way, Miao Mulan is very capable, so why don't you transfer her over. ”

  Minister Chen and the others heard the meaning of Emperor Wu's words, because they didn't want to keep these people on the island, and once again exceeded their expectations.

  According to their internal discussions before coming, the worry-free group should be in need of a think tank to help them make suggestions, and this time, Zhao Jiuzhou and the five people are also ready to assist the worry-free group to tide over this difficulty.

  Wu Huang's words just now made everyone feel a little embarrassed, like a hot face on a cold buttocks.

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