
The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

author:Tani Hihei
The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

At the same time as the Philippine government and China were in a tense confrontation and even friction in the South China Sea, Marcos Jr. suddenly found that his backyard was "on fire." According to the Philippine military, on June 26, the Philippine military and rebel groups exchanged fire in Nueva Ecija province, and the Philippine military said that seven rebels were killed, and then three more bodies were found in the search the next day, so the number of rebels killed rose to 10.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

(Rebel forces in the Philippines)

The Philippines is an archipelagic country, that is, a group of large and small islands united to form a country, and the reason why it is a country is because Western colonizers forcibly pinched it together by external forces, so there is the current Philippines. And because it is composed of a bunch of large and small islands, although they are collectively called "Philippines" externally, internally, they are full of factions, which is a bit similar to the ancient gate valve family on the mainland.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

At present, there are more than 100 families in the Philippines relying on their respective islands to divide their spheres of influence, and each Philippine president is elected from these more than 100 families, and Marcos Jr. is no exception, the reason why he was elected president of the Philippines is because he is united with the former President Duterte family, and after getting the support of the Duterte family, Marcos Jr. really has the strength to ascend to the throne of the Philippine president. This is also the unique gatekeeper politics of the Philippines.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

Another unique political feature of the Philippines is the "rebel army". Since the Philippines is an archipelagic country, and it is also an archipelagic country that has been forcibly pinched together by external forces, since the day the Philippines became independent, there have been various rebel organizations in various places, and they have been waging armed struggles against the Philippine government army in order to seek independence. This kind of war of the nature of banditry has continued from the founding of the Philippines to the present day, and it has never stopped.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

(Marcos Jr.'s one-sided policy is the key to the resumption of war in the Philippines)

During the Duterte administration, due to the Philippine government's vigorous development of the economy, and the rebel forces have maintained a relatively stable relationship, so the situation in the Philippines is relatively stable, and now Marcos Jr. pursues a one-sided policy towards the United States, resulting in a serious deterioration in Sino-Philippine relations, the mainland not only withdrew a number of investment projects in the Philippines, but also greatly reduced the number of purchases of Philippine agricultural products, which made the Philippines' originally stable economy fluctuate again, so the rebel forces began to rise again. Marcos himself has struggled to protect himself.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

(The Duterte family is also one of the gate valve families in the Philippines)

Since coming to power, the relationship between the Marcos family and the Duterte family has begun to deteriorate rapidly, after the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard came into effect on June 15 and the friction between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea on the 17th, the rift between the Duterte family and the Marcos family has gradually become public, and the daughter of former Philippine President Duterte, Sara Duterte, has resigned from the secretary of education appointed by Marcos Jr., the vice chairman of the "counterinsurgency force" and all the positions in the cabinet. Only the democratically elected vice-presidency was retained. And it has been confirmed that Duterte's two sons and daughter will participate in the Philippine parliamentary elections next year, and the youngest son, Sebastian Duterte, will challenge for the Philippine presidency in 2028.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

(Marcos Jr.'s government was completely defeated in the Second Thomas Shoal conflict)

It can be said that at present, Marcos Jr., and the Marcos family he represents, are already embattled: there is a conflict with China in the South China Sea, and the Philippines has been completely defeated in the confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao. Internally, the Philippines' previously stable political situation has been shaken up by the recession, and rebel groups have once again emerged, as evidenced by the recent crossfire on Luzon. At the same time, the contradictions between other gate valve families represented by the Duterte family and the Marcos family have become public, and the two sides have become irreconcilable, and they will inevitably fight to the death in the future.

The situation in the South China Sea was urgent, and Marcos did not expect that the Philippines would be in turmoil and the rebels would rise up

(When Marcos Jr. needed support the most, the United States patted his ass and left)

In this case, the United States, which had been fanning the flames in the South China Sea and had always claimed to support the Philippines, patted its ass and left when Marcos Jr. needed support the most: now one of the US aircraft carriers is planned to be deployed in the Middle East, and the other has returned to Guam. At the same time, Biden's promised $1 billion investment in the Philippines is now not even a shadow, and after the US election in November this year, it is difficult to say whether Biden is still the president of the United States, so the investment commitment is most likely just a dead letter, and now only Marcos Jr. is left alone in the embattled and stormy mess.

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