
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

author:Small stay has depth

Yuan Weimin, male, born in July 1939 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin was born in a vegetable farmer's home in the suburbs of Suzhou, and became acquainted with volleyball after he graduated from Suzhou High School, a key school in the country, with excellent results. In the three years of high school, Yuan Weimin was a good student with all-round development of morality, intellect and body. He is known for his active and active personality, and he has a strong presence in every sport: running on the football field, fighting under the basketball hoop, competing in track and field...

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

His wide range of interests and multifaceted talents have led him to many fascinating dreams of ideals. Just when he was calculating whether to take qinghua or Fudan, the flight instructor from a certain aviation school of the Chinese People's Liberation Army first took a fancy to him. He passed the initial physical examination and found that he had mild arthritis during a rigorous re-examination. It's a shame, otherwise he would have become a good pilot.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

The Air Force officers in tight uniforms had just left, and the sports coaches, who were accustomed to wearing only one sports uniform, had arrived again, and the provincial sports training class planned to select seedlings from among high school students. The physical education teacher recommended Yuan Weimin, who had grown to 1 meter 80 at the time, loved basketball, and had little interest in playing volleyball. To pick people is the basketball coach Mao Abao, monitoring to detect, he was selected.

It is also an honor to pick one out of a thousand. He gladly bid farewell to his parents and moved from his hometown to the provincial capital.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Since then, he has formed a fate with volleyball.

Yuan Weimin, who was only 1 meter and 8 meters tall, was not prominent on the volleyball court, but was selected by the coach at the time, Zhang Ran.

"Yuan Weimin should be said to be average in stature, he does not bounce out, his legs are short and his upper body is long, but he has a certain basketball foundation and flexible steps." Zhang Ran said.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In this way, Yuan Weimin became the second pass of the Jiangsu men's volleyball team and began his volleyball career.

In 1962, he joined the national team and gradually emerged as captain.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

It was not until 1974 that the Chinese men's volleyball team was able to enter the Asian Games, and Yuan Weimin also won his only medal in an international competition, and in the same year, the 35-year-old Yuan Weimin announced his retirement.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In 1976, Yuan Weimin was entrusted by the National Sports Commission to serve as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball national team.

Yuan Weimin: Lang Ping's lifelong mentor!

He also confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple!

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In 1974, Jiangsu volleyball player Yuan Weimin retired.

He was the main player in Jiangsu Province in the past.

Blocking nets, smashing, passing, he is proficient in volleyball play, and his reputation is well known throughout the country.

After that, the superior leaders found him and hoped that he would be the head coach of the women's volleyball team.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Without dodging, Yuan Weimin made a military order. Be sure to bring a good women's volleyball team and play Chinese style. At that time, the women's volleyball team became the focus of national development. In the unfavorable international situation, people need the women's volleyball team to enhance confidence.

In this way, Yuan Weimin became the "Devil 2.0" of the Chinese women's volleyball coach, and the already miserable training of the women's volleyball girls was even worse. As a former member of the men's volleyball national team, Yuan Weimin has his own experience in volleyball, which also helps him better guide the women's volleyball girls.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In 1976, the women's volleyball team trained for the first time in Qingdao, there was no indoor venue, they trained on the sand. Although outdoors, coach Yuan Weimin's standards have not been reduced, and they are required to save the ball must fall to the ground, and once they fall to the ground, they will be injured, so after a training, there are injuries on the body that are common for the women's volleyball girls. It is more difficult because the training ground is on the seashore and there is a lack of fresh water resources. In order to save fresh water, at the end of each training, Yuan Weimin asked the women's volleyball girls to go to the sea to bathe, and the injured women's volleyball girls were "in pain" every time. Another time was the training before the women's volleyball team won the championship in 1981, Yuan Weimin once again did not take the usual road, and selected six team members from the Jiangsu men's volleyball team to do sparring for the women's volleyball team. It can be said that the Chinese women's volleyball team can win the championship and the contribution of the Jiangsu men's volleyball team has a lot to do with it.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

It is precisely because of the strict requirements of Yuan Weimin and the strong execution of the women's volleyball girls, as well as the support of all walks of life for them, that the success of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been achieved. But their success is not only to win trophies and medals, but also to inspire people who are cheered up by their spirit of not accepting defeat. The spirit of the women's volleyball team is not only inspiring people of an era, it is worth learning at any time.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin is strict on the training ground to the point of impersonality, but he pays special attention to the psychology of the players.

In 1981, the women's volleyball team won the world championship for the first time, and after the news returned to China, it won the cheers of the Chinese people, and there was also huge pressure. In the 1982 World Championships, the women's volleyball team's performance in the preliminaries was not good, and if you want to win the championship, you can't lose a round in the rematch. In the next six days, the women's volleyball girls shouldered huge pressure and were very depressed every day. Yuan Weimin's psychological pressure is also very large, but he is well aware of his position in the hearts of the women's volleyball girls, so he cannot show it. So, he became an "actor" for six days, pretending that he was already confident and determined to win the championship.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin's heart is delicate, he can let the women's volleyball girls unload the pressure on their bodies, "acting" for a whole six days of drama; Even if you are in a high position, you will personally go down to relieve the pressure for the team members. He never cared about his identity, he just wanted his team members to be better and make the country better. It is precisely because of a group of people like Yuan Weimin that the country will be so strong, and we have always had the motivation to work hard.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

The most memorable is the Olympic Games in 1984, the Chinese team met the American team twice, due to the economic development of the United States, the level of players is generally high, the first time in the group stage with the United States team to fight, the Chinese players are like carrying a big stone, but Yuan Weimin put forward three requirements for them before the game: one must have self-confidence, two must concentrate, three must overcome the fluke mentality, and work hard to fight! Unexpectedly, the Chinese team was chased by the American team several times when it seized the lead, so the big mess lost the first confrontation with the American team! When the second encounter with the American team was already in the final field, this time Yuan Weimin temporarily replaced Hou Yuzhu to serve, which made the American team tired of coping, and finally the Chinese team lost the opponent 3-0, won the Olympic championship, and successfully achieved the three consecutive championships!

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

He is man, not God.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin has not trained the game in a regular manner since taking over the women's volleyball team, and there is also another consideration in the employment of personnel. He took a look at Lang Ping, who was only 18 years old, let her be the main force of the volleyball team, Lang Ping also proved himself with strength, and soon became a trump card; he also let Zhang Rongfang, who was only 1 meter 74 tall, play the main attack, and the height of 174 was very "conspicuous" among the women's volleyball girls who were now averaging close to 187, but her strange hand caused headaches to opponents, and people would no longer underestimate her. Yuan Ruimin also led the Chinese women's volleyball team to usher in a peak era that cannot be surpassed so far.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Perhaps because the light brought by the women's volleyball team is too grand, or perhaps because he later served as the director of the State General Administration of Sports, Yuan Ruimin gave people a feeling of being on top.

But more than one person around him said he was a man and not a god.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Zhang Ran said that Yuan Weimin was my student. Zou Zhihua said that Yuan Weimin is a brother! Zhang Jieyun said that Yuan Tou will always be my teacher! Qin Yibin said that Yuan Dao is like our mentor and friend. Yuan Weimin is a person who can see openly, when he left the Sports Bureau, he did not give up, he will not express his opinion on sports, but he will not miss every volleyball game. As he said to his teammate Lin Yamin: "I have been in sports for 47 years, I have never had an easy time, retired, I finally relaxed!" ”

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Although the heyday created by Yuan Weimin has not been surpassed so far, it does not mean that this is impossible, in the 80s when the training conditions were so difficult, the women's volleyball girls relied on a "spelling" word to spell the world championship and fight for five consecutive championships. Nowadays, as long as the spirit of the women's volleyball team has been there, the women's volleyball girls will certainly be able to create glory again, as long as the spirit of the women's volleyball team has been there, the country and we will certainly become stronger.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Lang Pingzan has a good reputation for Yuan Weimin, but she has said modestly many times: Coach Yuan Weimin is the most respected teacher in her life. Without his guidance, there would be no she is now.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin is Lang Ping's mentor, and the outstanding achievements of Lang Ping's player period and the glory of the current coaching period are inseparable from the teaching of Yuan's guidance.

Yuan Weimin trained Lang Ping.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin has just taken over the women's volleyball team, and he feels a headache. The girls from all over the world vary in age and strength. How to cultivate talents, how to select talents. That became his biggest concern. In 1975, while inspecting the Beijing Sports School, he found 15-year-old Lang Ping. Lang Pingben practiced jumping. This Tianjin girl is tall and has long arms and strong limbs. Looking at her athletic figure, Yuan Weimin secretly applauded.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

At this time, Lang Ping did not want to practice volleyball. In the high jump and long jump, she has a very good result. Volleyball is about basic skills, and she doesn't have the confidence to catch up with others. After eating the closed door soup, Yuan Weimin did not give up. After participating in more than ten years of competitions, he can find good seedlings at a glance. Therefore, as a national coach, he always appeared at the entrance of the sports school. Sometimes, he was even used as a pickpocket by the security guards.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Watching Yuan Weimin so insistent. Lang Ping was also very impressed. Finally, she decided to give it a try. In 1976, she began practicing volleyball. Yuan Weimin played a trick, he arranged Lang Ping in the Beijing volleyball team. Lang Ping has good physical fitness and can bear hardships. Within a few months, she was able to play well in Beijing. Looking at his progress, Lang Ping was also frightened. Sure enough, following Coach Yuan, he did not choose wrong.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Half a year later, Lang Ping became the main force of the Beijing volleyball team. It was here that her vigorous smash was learned. In the national competition, Lang Ping gritted his teeth and was fierce. She turned the tide again and again and brought the Beijing team to the top. In the audience, Yuan Weimin took the lead in applauding. This female doll, she will definitely become a world-class player. In 1978, after two years of polishing, Lang Ping entered the national team. In two years, she received yuan weimin's attention. In terms of basic movements, strength training, and playing skills, she has come to the forefront of her peers.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In 1986, Lang Ping retired. She packed her bags and went to the United States for further study. After that, she settled in the United States. Every Spring Festival, Lang Ping sent letters to Yuan Weimin. Without Coach Yuan, she would not have succeeded. Thirty years have passed. In 2008, the American women's volleyball team coached by Lang Ping was facing the Chinese women's volleyball team. Before the game, Yuan Weimin and Lang Ping made a phone call. In the eyes of professionals, they already know the results. The American team won, but Lang Ping was not happy. As a world-class coach, she accomplished her mission. After that, she officially returned to China and began to take over the Chinese women's volleyball team. It turned out that under the recommendation of Yuan Weimin, Lang Ping was elected as the head coach of the women's volleyball team.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

With the support of Yuan Weimin, Lang Ping carried out the reforms in a bold way. After the implementation of the big national team plan, many outstanding players were selected. In August 2016, after three years of hard training, Lang Ping led the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the Rio Olympic Championship. After many years, the Chinese women's volleyball team has stood on the top of the world. Lang Ping made an immeasurable effect. Yuan Weimin was very proud. The disciple continued his myth, and the spirit of the women's volleyball team returned.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

He discovered and excavated Lang Ping's treasure, trained him to be a devil, and eventually made Lang Ping a dazzling star in volleyball.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

When Yuan Weimin was just coaching the Chinese women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team was not a strong team in the world at all, but under his guidance, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the World Cup, the World Championship and the Olympic Games in a historic way, and since then the rest of the world has no longer dared to underestimate the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

The team that won the five consecutive championships was created by his own hands, and the women's volleyball girls of Lang Ping, Sun Jinfang and Zhou Xiaolan became the pride of the people of the motherland. The results of the five consecutive championships have not been broken so far, during that time, the self-confidence of the Chinese people has been greatly encouraged, in the international competition, whether it is the United States, Cuba and other strong teams have become the defeated players of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

The Chinese women's volleyball team became the greatest pride of the Chinese people at that time, and the creator of all this was Yuan Weimin.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Years later, when Yuan Weimin's former disciple Lang Ping led the Chinese women's volleyball team back from the Rio Olympic Games, Yuan Weimin gave Lang Ping a high praise. And what Lang Ping said touched countless Chinese people even more, she said: "Yuan Dao, I am your last disciple who is still on the front line of volleyball, I must fight for you." This detail is also enough to see the deep love between the two masters and apprentices.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin, now 83 years old, has lived a retired life.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Now, yuan lao, who is nearly 83 years old, has retired and idle at home, but a one-day volleyball player, a lifelong volleyball player, still cares about volleyball, and even goes to the scene many times to watch the game. However, Yuan Lao, who is at the level of Taishan Beidou in the volleyball industry, does not look forward, does not guide, and does not comment on the Chinese women's volleyball team, Yuan Lao said: "Lang Ping's ability level is obvious to all, and more talk will give her pressure, I only care about it." "Quite an elderly style.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

In his spare time, he read newspapers and raised flowers, and his life was very comfortable.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

He occasionally comes to campus to teach children to play volleyball, and although he is 83 years old, his movements are very standard.

Just like the ordinary retired old cadres, Elder Yuan's greatest hobby is to accompany his children and grandchildren, spend his old age in peace and stability, even now, Yuan Weimin has always enjoyed the joy of heaven, his children are very filial piety, and his sons and grandchildren are also very cute.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

No matter when, Yuan Weimin will always be a kind, kind, and friendly look, so that people can't see that this is the devil coach who led the team members to the various major competitions and defeated the invincible hands in the world.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin is 83 years old and still looks young, with a kind face and love to exercise.

The former head coach of the women's volleyball team, known as the "father of the women's volleyball team", retired from the army, lived the retirement life of the old cadres, which was very comfortable.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin's life has been dedicated to the cause of Chinese sports, he is a volleyball player in his youth, he is a women's volleyball coach in adulthood, he is the director of the National Sports Bureau in middle age, and in his old age he is a retired elderly who pays attention to sports communication and sports. It can be said that Yuan Weimin is the leader of the Chinese women's volleyball team, he created the era that belongs to the Chinese women's volleyball team, so that the spirit of the women's volleyball team inspires every Chinese, and he is the well-deserved "father of volleyball".

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Chinese sports have experienced a process from decline to prosperity. Behind this is the effort of all athletes. It is their belief in working hard, never giving up, and persevering to the end that has made China brilliant in the sports world. I believe that in the future, China will get better and better in the sports world and build a legendary empire that belongs to the Chinese team.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

It can be said that whether it is a player period, a coaching period, or a politician period, Yuan Weimin's love and dedication to his post are admirable. Now, time has passed, coach Yuan has also become Yuan Lao, but even if he gets old, the spirit in his body is still vigorous.

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

Yuan Weimin - the founder of the Chinese women's volleyball championship! Win glory for the country, dedicate your life to the cause of sports, and pay tribute to Elder Yuan! I wish Yuan Lao fu and good health!

Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple
Yuan Weimin's recent situation, 83 years old, his face is still young! He confessed that Lang Ping was his best disciple

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