
Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

author:Hubei swallow

Shaanxi special food Kang Kang steamed bun, Hanzhong people love to eat it in the morning in addition to eating the skin of the noodles, with the method attached. Shaanxi Hanzhong people generally love to eat noodles with porridge for breakfast, but in addition to eating noodle skins, they will also love to eat this Kang Bun. Kang kang steamed bun taste crispy on the outside and crispy on the inside, very fragrant. Many people in Hanzhong will cook some porridge for breakfast, and then buy some Kang steamed buns with porridge to eat.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

Most of the shops selling steamed buns on the street in Hanzhong will sell this Kang Bun at a price of 1.5 yuan, which is affordable and the taste is very crisp and delicious. What if you want to eat Kang Dumplings for friends who are away from home? In fact, you can make your own food, let me share the homely practice of Kang Kang steamed bun to everyone.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

<h1>The homely practice of Kang Kang steamed buns</h1>


Cake preforms: 500 g of high gluten flour, 5 g of salt, 5 g of yeast, 250 g of water, 50 g of rapeseed oil.

Puff pastry: 20 grams of flour, 5 grams of salt, five-spice powder, cumin powder, white sesame seeds, crushed peanut granules, etc.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns


Step 1:

1: Pour the flour into the soup bowl and add salt and rapeseed oil. The yeast is poured into warm water, poured into the flour, stirred with chopsticks into a flocculent shape, then kneaded the dough with hands, kneaded into a smooth dough, covered with a lid and placed in a warm place to ferment for more than 1 hour.

2: Pour flour into a bowl and add the appropriate amount of five-spice powder, white sesame seeds, cumin powder, and crushed peanuts. Pour cooking oil into the pot, the oil temperature is 70% hot, use a spoon to scoop up the hot oil and pour it on the flour and spices just prepared, stir well with chopsticks while pouring, so that the fragrant puff pastry is ready.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

Step 2: Observe that the dough group accumulates larger, and there are many small seven holes on the surface, which proves that the fermentation is good. Take out the dough and put it on the board, start kneading the dough to exhaust, knead the dough into long strips, and divide it into small, evenly sized dough.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

Step 3: After kneading each small agent, roll out with a rolling pin into a thin rectangle with two sides of the middle. Then spread the puff pastry evenly on the surface of each dough raw.

Shaanxi special cuisine, 1.5 yuan a, crispy outside is the best partner for porridge, with the conclusion of the homely practice of kang kang steamed buns

Step 4: Spread the baking sheet with tin foil, put the prepared raw blanks on the tin foil, preheat the oven 180 degrees in advance for 5 minutes, put the baking sheet in the middle of the oven, turn on the heat, and bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. When the time comes, you can bring out the baked Kang Bun.


With the amount of flour and seasonings on it, you can make appropriate adjustments according to the number of your family and taste, and for friends who love to eat sweet, you can also make sweet Kang steamed buns. Kang kang steamed buns should be observed during the baking process to avoid baking paste. The temperature of the oven should also be adjusted according to the temper of the oven. Friends who love to eat Kang Kang steamed buns and love to do it, you can try to make Kang Kang buns for your family to eat! I am @ Hubei yanzi, welcome to leave a comment, or follow me, thank you!