
Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs



Nothing in the world can escape the fate of decline, and once the key conditions are missing, it will eventually come to an end.

No family lasts forever and lasts for generations. When the family is prosperous, the bloodline naturally continues.

However, once the family's fortunes reversed and entered decline, the saying that "no more than three generations of wealth" became a reality.

Poverty extends to the third generation, and financial constraints can lead to difficult marriages and stunted childbearing, putting the family at risk of being disrupted.

Under the current social trend, the five types of families facing the crisis of losing their heirs are particularly significant. In the torrent of the times, they may face the severe challenge of broken roots and veins and no successors.

Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs

1. It is difficult to ensure basic "food, clothing, housing and transportation" for families.

Dressing, eating, housing and getting around are all essential in everyday life.

Of these, housing is the most challenging. To have a spacious residence, the price is often expensive.

At present, for ordinary people, if they want to get married and have children, the most basic premise is to own a house and a car. However, not all families can afford both.

Even if they buy a house and a car while in debt, if they lose their jobs and are unable to repay their loans, young couples can divorce, suffer huge losses, or even lose their offspring.

In the past, everyone was relatively poor and did not have the concept of "you must have a house and a car to get married", so it was relatively easy to get married. But now, with the abundance of materials, the standards in all aspects are constantly improving.

Those families who are unable to fully meet the needs of "food, clothing, shelter and transportation" may unfortunately face a desperate situation of "no queen" at some point in the future and lose the ability to continue their offspring.

Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs

2. Families with weak family competitiveness.

In today's highly competitive society, "involution" has become an unavoidable reality.

It is not only a competition on the career track, but also quietly penetrates into all corners of life, including the field of marriage.

Just like the law of survival in nature, the strong have vast territories and many companions, while the weak face scarcity and loneliness.

Human society, despite its cloak of civilization, essentially follows a similar logic of competition: the strength of competitiveness is directly related to access to resources and opportunities for mate choice.

So, is reality really so ruthless?

In fact, the tougher realities of competition often come under the scenes. But it is undeniable that the competitiveness of the family is not only related to the current quality of life, but also the key to the future direction of the family.

What is the path to improve the competitiveness of families?

The answer may not be complicated: economic foundation, power position, social influence, deep background, extensive connections...... Even one of these factors can contribute to a family's competitiveness.

Therefore, strengthening the competitiveness of households is essentially the accumulation and optimization of these capitals. Whether it is to improve oneself through education, or to operate a social network, or even to increase wealth through smart investment, it is an effective way to enhance the competitiveness of the family.

In this process, we must recognize our own advantages, accurately position, and continue to work hard to win a place for our families in the fierce competition and create a better future.

Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs

3. Families whose education level is not low, but who are still poor.

In social phenomena, there is a contrast between poor and uneducated families who tend to have more children, while those who are educated despite financial constraints tend not to enter into marriage or postpone childbearing.

To put it simply, an uneducated individual, lacking goals and pursuits in life, may seek immediate satisfaction and joy in life through childbearing as compensation for spiritual emptiness.

On the contrary, educated groups have the ability to think deeply, have a more comprehensive understanding of the world, and are also aware of the limitations of personal conditions and social environment.

As a result, they tend to have fewer children and tend to have a simpler and less materialistic attitude.

This difference can be illustrated by a figurative metaphor: ignorant pigs only reproduce uncontrollably, and once they realize their fate, they naturally reduce their reproductive behavior.

In reality, young people who are well-educated but financially disadvantaged are more likely not to marry or have children.

The data support this observation that fertility rates in the highly educated group continue to decline, while those with low educational attainment have relatively high fertility rates.

Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs

4. Families mired in debt.

In this era of "national debt", the act of debt is essentially an advance of funds for future generations to meet the current consumption needs immediately, but ignores the fundamental principle of balancing income and expenditure.

Imagine a family that knows it's beyond the means of immediate payment to buy a home, but still chooses to take out a 30-year loan to achieve it.

As a direct consequence of this decision, their economic situation will remain tense for the next three decades.

Over time, such a family environment will also affect the next generation – children are likely to have to continue to carry heavy debt to start their own lives as adults.

A modest financial burden may not significantly inhibit the desire to marry and have children, but when debt reaches a certain high level, it will undoubtedly seriously weaken people's desire to start a family and have offspring.

Just as on the banks of rivers with abundant water, living things thrive because of abundant resources; On the contrary, in the arid desert, the spark of life is difficult to continue due to the lack of a survival foundation, and reproduction has become a luxury.

Similarly, debt, while meeting immediate needs, is silently eroding future possibilities.

Therefore, for every ordinary family, if it is not necessary, it should try to avoid going into debt.

Once you are mired in debt, the negative effects will be far-reaching and severe, not only in terms of the economy, but also in terms of the quality of life and hope for the future. Managing your money wisely is the key to building a solid foundation for your family's long-term well-being.

Family decay warning! These five types of families may face the risk of losing their heirs

5. Uphold the concept of "Dink lifestyle" in the family.

After discussing the four types of families that passively choose to have no offspring, we inevitably touch on one type of family that actively decides not to have children – the family that adheres to the concept of "Dink".

The germination of Dink's concept can be traced back to the phenomenon of "social atomization". This is an important concept in sociology, which depicts the tendency of the family structure to be loose and the life of the individual to become increasingly fragmented.

Especially in metropolises such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, social atomization is particularly prominent. The large number of individuals living in these cities seems to be isolated fragments, lacking a close connection with each other, which directly contributes to the high rate of singles.

This social phenomenon is essentially an inevitable product of the development of industrialization and the information age. Different from the model of people in the agrarian society in the past, people relied on the collective to survive, the leap in productivity in modern society made it possible for individuals to obtain sufficient resources and convenience even if they lived independently, which naturally gave birth to Dink thought.

We should not blame those who choose the Dink lifestyle. In fact, it is a manifestation of the pluralistic choices of human nature after the progress of productive forces, and it is also an integral part of the diversified trend of human social development.

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