
Tianjin Jinghai Fire Protection has taken four measures to solidly carry out fire prevention and control work in bad weather such as high winds

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Tianjin Channel Original draft

Recently, the Tianjin Jinghai District Fire Rescue Detachment in view of the current jurisdiction is in the autumn harvest season, strong wind, drought and other meteorological conditions superimposed, it is very easy to cause large-scale camp fire accidents, solidly carry out strong winds and other bad weather fire prevention and control work, fully maintain the continuous stability of the fire safety situation in the whole region, and implement the "I do practical things for the masses" activity.

Strengthen deployment and consolidate fire safety responsibilities. The detachment organized all commanders and fighters to hold a work conference on combating and extinguishing fires in response to strong winds and bad weather, carefully analyzed and judged the areas and characteristics of the laws and regulations where windy weather and fires were frequent in the whole region in recent years, formulated a plan for "preventing wind and reducing disasters," and actively deployed preventive countermeasures. At the same time, the detachment issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Prevention and Control of Fires in Extreme Weather in Gales" in the name of the District Consumer Safety Office, requiring all industry departments and township streets in the district to effectively consolidate the main responsibilities of industry supervision and territorial governments, implement the fire safety responsibility to the post and the person, and ensure that there are no problems in the industry areas and territories under their responsibility.

Integrate advantages and establish an information sharing mechanism. The detachment actively strengthens information connectivity with meteorological, public security, transportation, emergency response and other departments, timely grasps the early warning information of windy weather, and establishes a rapid response and coordinated combat mechanism. At the same time, the detachment unites the township streets and police stations to conduct field investigations in areas prone to fires in the jurisdiction, carries out fire prevention guidance work for vegetable greenhouses, crop crops, etc., and forms a joint force to fight "bad weather" rural fires by dispatching township full-time (part-time) fire brigades and rural volunteer fire brigades. Communicate with the local meteorological department in a timely manner, timely enter the level of combat readiness according to the fire risk trend forecast, timely mobilize various fire fighting forces, and fully prepare for "extinguishing fires and saving major disasters".

Wait in a strict position and prepare for fire fighting and rescue. The detachment strictly implements the system of combat readiness for duty in bad weather, ensures that all grass-roots team stations stick to their posts, conscientiously perform their duties, and are ready to receive the police at any time. At the same time, we should further improve the fire fighting and rescue plan, and extensively carry out actual fire fighting exercises in accordance with the plan, earnestly enhance the fire fighting and rescue capabilities of all commanders and fighters, and make preparations for the work of extinguishing fires and fighting big battles.

Targeted publicity to strictly prevent small fire deaths. The fire propaganda personnel of the detachment focused on strengthening the help and publicity and education of the families of the disadvantaged groups, and united the street grid members of each township and town to arrange special personnel to guide the services one by one according to the specific conditions of the accounts of the vulnerable groups in the jurisdiction, check whether there are fire hazards in the aspects of household heating equipment and electricity lines, and strictly prevent the occurrence of "small fire deaths". Through the distribution of pamphlets, the posting of wall charts, the publicity of village loudspeakers, etc., publicity activities have been carried out in communities, rural areas, families and places where people are densely packed. In key unit groups, high-rise building groups, communities, village (neighborhood) committees and other groups, the masses are reminded from time to time to strictly abide by fire prevention rules and regulations, effectively improve the fire safety environment, and form a good atmosphere of "home fire, home defense, mutual supervision, and common compliance". Up to now, more than 2,000 copies of publicity materials have been distributed and more than 3,000 people have been educated.

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