
The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

author:BPA data fish

According to the results of the last seven days (July 24, 2021 - July 31, 2021) encyclopedia entry reading, let's take a look, in the past seven days, who is the hottest male celebrity after 85? Who are the top ten with the most fans? Let's pick up their gossip separately:

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > tenth place: Zhang Yunlong</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The tenth in line is Zhang Yunlong, and the number of new readings in the encyclopedia entry on the seventh day is 37,369.

@ Entertainment Yue Small Station: This summer is also a good drama continuously, a variety of themes of various types of film and television works have been broadcast, in these works there is such a phenomenon, that is, the same actor appeared in a number of film and television dramas, such as Zhang Yunlong today, in "Sea Flowers", "Armageddon", "Our New Era" and "Ancient Dust" and other dramas have participated, including both urban love dramas, fairy idol dramas, and more main theme tribute dramas. Although Zhang Yunlong in these dramas is basically a cameo supporting role, but each role has left a very deep impression on me, whether it is a warm heart doctor or a young village official, or the Second Highness of the Tiangong, Zhang Yunlong's interpretation is remarkable and very good, especially the two dramas "Flowers on the Sea" and "Ancient Dust", each drama Zhang Yunlong has abused me to cry.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The ninth in line is Zhang Ruoyun, whose new reading volume on the seventh day of the encyclopedia entry is 43,424.

@ Youli Entertainment: If you say how Zhang Ruoyun became popular, it may be the "Qing Yu Nian". Because of this drama, many people know Zhang Ruoyun and have begun to appreciate his acting skills. Now that the audience mentions Zhang Ruoyun, the first thing that comes to mind may still be "Fan Xian", of course, his sweet marriage. In fact, Zhang Ruoyun is relatively lucky, when getting married and having children, he met Tang Yixin, who truly loved each other, spoiled the other party as a princess, and felt happiness himself. Recently, some netizens have begun to look forward to Zhang Ruoyun's new drama, which is a "Knife Line in the Snow", from the release of stills to the trailer, it has been on the hot search. For actors, Zhang Ruoyun believes that the nourishment of life is very important. Maybe Zhang Ruoyun doesn't need to worry too much about whether there is a drama, after all, since he became an actor, this work is very good, and the actor's partner also has a lot of old drama bones.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > eighth place: Liu Xianhua</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The eighth in line is Liu Xianhua, whose new reading volume on the seventh day of the encyclopedia is 43,877.

@ Game all knows: On the occasion of this year's new round of e-sports competition, "Peace Elite" and Tencent Music Entertainment Group "Big Play +" specially invited liu Xianhua, an all-round music talent, to sing the theme song of the 2021 Super Cup "Born A Winner", and on July 19, it exploded online Kugou Music. Liu Xianhua's unique and recognizable voice is perfectly in line with the melody, with electric elements and rap elements, colliding with a new listening experience. It is worth mentioning that in this new song "Born A Winner", Liu Xianhua is not only a singer but also a producer of the work, and is also responsible for recording, harmony and mixing. Therefore, many fans joke that this is the "five love letters" given to everyone by Liu Xianhua. "Liu Xianhua is absolutely gone!" "One man, one band, Liu Xianhua yyds!" Worthy of being an all-round hardcore music talent Liu Xianhua! ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > seventh place: Chi Changxu</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

In seventh place is Chi Changxu, whose encyclopedic entries have been read by 54,637 new entries on the seventh day.

@Seven Words and Six Beats: No one ever expected that Chi Changxu would re-appear on China's hot search in this way. In a message sincerely wishing Oba a speedy recovery, we also saw some of the girls' sighs: Falling in love with Chi Changxu was still six years ago. Chi Changxu and his team have spent a year in China: from hair stylists to singers, good friends and agents, they have all seriously opened their own social media. On Ji Changxu's personal social media, the attention page is full of fans' concerns and greetings in various languages, to the effect that they are expecting him to recover quickly and hoping that he will not be as busy as ever. Ji Changxu is a desperate samurai, and his fans should know it. Coming to Seoul from Anyang City in Gyeonggi Province, Ji Chang-wook is not a person with too much background. The agent is Chi Changxu's best friend and high school classmate who appears the most.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > sixth place: Luo Yunxi</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

In sixth place is Luo Yunxi, with 58,316 new readings on the encyclopedic entry on the seventh day.

@Falling Night E-sports: It is worth mentioning that as a good friend of Ruofeng, Luo Yunxi also came to cheer. At the same time, before this debut, RuoFeng also officially announced that Luo Yunxi had become a partner of his club. However, before starting to play the game, RuoFeng revealed to Luo Yunxi for the first time his original intention to establish a team. Of course, since it is the debut of lol mobile games, Ruofeng naturally opened a black in the live broadcast with Luo Yunxi. What is more interesting is that in the process of double row, perhaps in order to be able to better take Luo Yunxi to "lie and win". In the first set, RuoFeng took out the blind monk who could show the operation, and Luo Yunxi took out Lu Zian, who was very good at the League of Legends. In the second set, Ruo Feng used the blue steel shadow to play wild, and Luo Yunxi chose a small cannon. In the end, also under Ueno's Carry, Wakakaze and Luo Yunxi won the victory again.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fifth place: Yuki Furukawa</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

In fifth place is Yuki Furukawa, whose encyclopedic entries were read by 66,492 new entries in the seventh day.

@ Two two talk about history: After Xu Xin Liu Shiwen also said sorry for everyone on Weibo, many people forwarded Weibo to express their support, just when netizens were comforting and encouraging them, Japanese actor Furukawa Yuhui suspected that he released two yin and yang weird Microblogs to satirize this table tennis game. Many netizens do not buy it, have accused him under Weibo, in fact, his previous "A Kiss and Promise" has gained many fans in China, many people have taken off the powder, watching things develop in an uncontrollable direction, Furukawa Yuhui deleted the previous Yin and Yang weird Weibo and apologized, many people expressed their disapproval.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > fourth place: Dou Xiao</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The fourth place is Dou Xiao, and the number of new readings in the encyclopedia entry on the seventh day is 81,746.

@ Di Oh Said Entertainment: On July 30, He Chaolian posted a video of going abroad with her boyfriend Dou Xiao on social networking platforms. Dou Xiao is wearing a white jacket, the spiritual essence of the two looks very good, they are still singing together to make gestures to interact with the other party, sweet smile looking at the camera camera, the two are sweet emotional, trick sprinkling dog food is enviable. Previously, Dou Xiao lowered his head at the airport and ignored his girlfriend, the two of them walked one after the other, Dou Xiao was in front, He Chaolian was still wearing a mask in the back, Dou Xiao ignored his girlfriend, but now there is no such worry. Dou Xiao previously videotaped the entertainment program "The Man Who Chased the Stars" with He Chaolian, and he mainly showed his boyfriend in the variety show very well, who was curious about all unknown things and took good care of his girlfriend.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third place: Li Xiaoyi</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The third place is Li Xiaoyi, and the number of new readings of the encyclopedia entry on the seventh day is 100,403.

@ Aidou Entertainment Peripheral: Recently, Li Xiaoyi Studio officially announced that Li Xiaoyi starred in the movie "Blood Boy", which will be started in mid-July, Xiaobian timely followed up the dynamics found that Li Xiaoyi wb has been forwarded, posted "big melon arrangement", netizens said that finally came out of the good news, let people look forward to becoming a hit, netizens commented: solo artists open a new journey, the first starring movie, unlock the new screen image, the attitude and sincerity of the role, this effort and persistence is worth every expectation, I wish the start of the machine, The shooting went smoothly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second place: Zhu Yilong</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The second in line is Zhu Yilong, whose new reading volume of encyclopedia entries in the seventh day was 13,621.

@Cheng tan said entertainment: The spy war film "Rebel" starring Zhu Yilong and Tong Yao was only one month after the central 8 sets were released, and it was continuously broadcast again in the best time slot of 75 counties and city television stations in 5 provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Shandong and Hubei. As an artist who has become popular with the double male drama, Zhu Yilong now has his own new representative works, which have been recognized by more audiences and will no longer be limited to the unpopular circle, which is a very commendable thing.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first place: Ren Jialun</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

The first in the ranking is Ren Jialun, and the number of new readings in the encyclopedia entry on the seventh day is 331,413.

@ Xiaohang said film and television: "Chinese table tennis team, the eternal pride of the motherland" to fight righteousness, attach importance to teammates, for Ren Jialun, who sent small congratulations, sent three microblogs in a row to send blessings to the athletes who won the glory. Debut 5 years, and singing intersects, yin and yang wrong to take the performance road, Ren Jialun's inspiration is by no means three words can be clearly explained, need to be summarized at length. Today's Ren Jialun, who has established a family and has his own career, still has not forgotten his best friend. As an actor, a poor man, such a Ren Jialun has not forgotten the original, proving that this big boy is born with a heavy heart and a respect for every opponent of the Shandong guy. In mid-June, "Sparkling You" came to the blood, and Ren Jialun talked about ideal ambitions and career planning. Ren Jialun's "Don't Say Goodbye" scolded all the way to the end, seeing the strangeness between people and viciousness. In 2021, Ren Jialun is the target of selection, and he is also the experiencer in the red and black tug-of-war. Pray for Ren Jialun together, wishing for the circle of absurdity, no more bad customs.

Which one are you most optimistic about? Like him, just like him! Love him, please take him away!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the full list please refer to the following figure:</h1>

The top ten post-85 male stars whose popularity has soared in seven days, Ren Jialun Zhu Yilong Li Xiaoyi led the tenth place: Zhang Yunlong ninth place: Zhang Ruoyun eighth place: Liu Xianhua seventh place: Chi Changxu sixth place: Luo Yunxi fifth place: Furukawa Xionghui fourth place: Dou Xiao third place: Li Xiaoyi second place: Zhu Yilong first place: Ren Jialun complete list Please refer to the following figure:

This article explains:

The main content of this article is the list of new attention times added by star encyclopedia within seven days, the main purpose is to meet the needs of the melon-eating masses to understand the recent popularity of stars;

In order to make this list, BPA data fish needs to sort out tens of thousands of star data, divide them into groups according to gender and age, record their data records one by one on each network platform every day, conduct statistical analysis according to the original data included, and finally make a corresponding list according to the analysis results;

Collecting, making and publishing the star heat list, belongs to the original content production behavior of BPA data fish, this process is very time-consuming and laborious, therefore, BPA data fish from the bottom of the heart believes that this article belongs to the original article; however, because BPA data fish is an objective third party, professional analysts engaged in data research, in principle, need to be no star powder or black, therefore, BPA data fish does not make any comments on stars, all the content of star reviews and gossip in this article, All are excerpts from wonderful reviews from online entertainment celebrities;

If you believe that this article infringes your rights, please feel free to contact me, BPA Data Fish can delete this article immediately at your request and transfer all the proceeds generated by this article to you.

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