
2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

author:A family of small fish

Hello everyone, I am a small fishha, today to share a very simple delicious and nutritious breakfast yogurt cake recipe

Ingredients: 2 boxes of yogurt, 3 eggs, 20 g sugar, 120 g flour

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Beat three eggs into a bowl

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Beat the eggs and add 20 g of sugar and pour in 2 boxes of yogurt

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Add another 120 grams of flour

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Stir until particle-free, batter-free

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

That's it

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Prepare a pan and put oil in the pan, if it is a non-stick pan, you can not put oil

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

After the pot is hot, turn off the heat and pour the batter with a spoon, the size of the bowl mouth is enough

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Don't rush to turn the noodles, it takes about 2 minutes, bubbles, and then turn the noodles when they are cooked

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

After turning the noodles, burn them for another 2 minutes

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

The heat is different, the color of the branding is different, and if it is not sticky, it is golden and more appetizing

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

The fluffy and delicious yogurt cake is made

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

It is simple and delicious, sweet and delicious, soft and delicious

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

Can be used as breakfast, dinner can be oh, and with a bowl of pumpkin paste

2 boxes of yogurt, a bowl of flour, no kneading dough, no rolling dough, no water and no oil, simple nutrition, yogurt cake

A good day starts with breakfast and a healthy day starts with breakfast

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