
How did the widow of the American soldier become the most attractive Japanese uncle

author:Mess around Tokyo

The snow outside the window is flying, the warmth of the room is melting, the thick eyelashes are full of chuchu, the confused pupils of the light blue coast, the protagonist holds the amber jade liquid jelly in his hand, and drinks lightly... The latest advertisement of Yangsheng Wine suddenly touched the softest point in the audience's heart.

Typical Westerners' facial features, but a kimono is worn out of the elegant style, and the iron armor of zhengzheng is worn out of the lonely courage of the warring states. Time drama fans will be able to say his name immediately, and yes, it is Masao Kusakari who invited him to the sake!

In show business, looking at faces is an immutable unspoken rule. Stained with the light of the image, Masao Kusakari often gets characters with a full personality and an audience. Either a noble prince from a well-off family, or a successful administrator, or not, a general who commands all armies, Sanada Yukimasa, Sanada Yukimura, Masahiro Abe, Masanobu Honda, Okita Soji... The most famous figures in Japanese history were all spoken by him.

Who would have thought that Masao Kusanagi, who was 185 tall and always spoke for his noble son, had a tragic childhood that was different from ordinary people?

How did the widow of the American soldier become the most attractive Japanese uncle

Masao Kusakari was born in 1952 in Kokura, Fukuoka. At that time, Japan was still under allied custody, more or less, half a colony of the United States. Masao Kusakari's father was one of the American soldiers who occupied Japan.

His mother told Masao Kusakari that his father died on the Korean battlefield while he was still in his mother's arms. After his father died, his mother personally disposed of all his photos, so Masao Kusakari had no idea what his father looked like.

Unlike ordinary Japanese boys, the three-dimensional facial features were sold at once as the son of the "occupation army". When he was a child, Masao Kusakari was isolated and discriminated against by his children. In Tsukijo, not far from Masao Kusakari's house, there is a U.S. military base, and several children who have similar experiences to Masao Kusakari can bring him some comfort.

In order to share the pressure of his mother, who works in a grocery store, young Masao Kusakari began working early and completed elementary school on the basis of his income from delivering newspapers and milk.

How did the widow of the American soldier become the most attractive Japanese uncle

The pressure of his outlime height and obvious Western appearance did not turn Masao Kusakari into a rebellious and well-behaved bad child, relying on his mother, who was strictly tutored.

The mother is a typical Kitakyushu woman, tough and strong, even more than a man. "He is a good man who is considerate and gentle", whenever Masao Kusakari asked about his father, his mother always answered him in this way, and refused to reveal more. When I was in junior high school, an uncle said to Masao Kusakari, "Your father is still alive." I pressed on, but there was no other news.

The mother and son rented an old house only five square meters in size, and despite the lack of living, the mother still saved money, often taking Masao Kusanagi to watch the era dramas filmed by Toei. At the age of 12, Masao Kusakari was selected to star in the play "Beimihu" of the Elementary School Art Association, and immediately traveled to the Kofun era in Japan. This may be counted as masao Kusakari's earliest "era drama"!

When he was 17 years old, the owner of the bar where he worked recommended Masao Kusanagi, who was tall and long-legged, to modeling agencies in Fukuoka and Tokyo. The following year, when God appreciated the meal and ate him, he was favored by Shiseido and became an exclusive model, thus opening a new stage of glittering life. Another year later, Masao Kusakari, who had just established himself in the metropolis, took his widowed mother from Fukuoka to Tokyo.

How did the widow of the American soldier become the most attractive Japanese uncle

Masao Kusakari has a smooth journey, at the age of 22, a fledgling, he starred in the movie "Beimihu" on the real big screen, and in the same year, he won the Producers Association Best Newcomer Award for the film "Okita Soji". In 1988, he signed up for marriage with Etsuko Otsuka, who had been married for nine years. After marriage, the two had two daughters and a man. The eldest daughter Kusanagi Red Orchid, the eldest son Kusakari Yushi and the second daughter Kusanagi Kama have all entered the Japanese entertainment industry near the water tower.

Perhaps because he lost his father before he was born and never experienced the feeling of family reunion, Masao Kusakari has an indescribable deep attachment to his family. Except for the occasional game of tennis, Masao Kusakari likes to stay at home the most, and people who know him well have given him the nickname of "house bug". After the death of his strong mother, Masao Kusakari wrote a book for his mother,—— "Letter to the Deceased Mother", which revealed the true feeling between the lines and caused many Japanese readers to cry.

A concerto of happiness came to an abrupt end in 2015. Masao Kusakari's 23-year-old son, Yushi Kusakari, died from Masao Kusakari's office in Aoyama. This day is February 14.

All kinds of claims are rampant. Some people say that Kusanagi is caught in the vortex of financial fraud. Some people believe that the grass blade male is taking drugs that inhibit depression, and when he is affected by the drug, he is in a trance and accidentally loses his foot. Some say it was an accident caused by the loose handrail of the building, after all, he was still holding a balcony railing in his hand when he fell to the ground. These details, on the contrary, have attracted more interpretations.

Masao Kusakari, who was the widow, lost his only son at the age of 63. "Young people lose their fathers", "white-haired people send black-haired people", the most painful things in life, all fell on The body of Masao Kusakari. In the "Tetsuko's Parlor", when confronted with direct and frank inquiries, Masao Kusakari strives to suppress the grief in his heart with a professional smile.

How did the widow of the American soldier become the most attractive Japanese uncle

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Masao Kusakari's acting career, and he has been filming the "Pot of Beauty" series for NHK for 12 years. From tea ceremonies, porcelain, japanese food, sacrifices, ceremonies... Under the leadership of Uncle Du Meng, admiring the beauty of Japanese tradition is an enduring charm program, like a pearl of the deep sea, which is timeless and beautiful.

A peaceful and peaceful life is certainly a rare blessing. If you are unfortunate enough to draw a weak deck of cards and try your best to deliver a good answer, it may be a greater consummation.

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