
【Epidemic prevention and control Linze in action】Zhang Hui and Zhang Peng investigated and guided the epidemic prevention and control work

author:Linze County Rong Media Center

On October 23, Zhang Hui, secretary of the county party committee, and Zhang Peng, deputy secretary of the county party committee, secretary of the party group of the county government, and acting county governor, investigated and guided the epidemic prevention and control work.

【Epidemic prevention and control Linze in action】Zhang Hui and Zhang Peng investigated and guided the epidemic prevention and control work

At the isolation point of the Danxiakou Stone City Hotel, Zhang Hui and Zhang Peng learned in detail about the isolation measures and logistics support, and pointed out that centralized isolation will help eliminate the source of infection to the greatest extent and cut off the chain of epidemic transmission, which is an important measure to effectively prevent and control the spread of the epidemic. It is necessary to scientifically standardize the management of centralized isolation points, improve the operation mechanism of "one office and seven groups", adhere to the combination of strict control and heart-warming services, and pay close attention to the work of all links. It is necessary to strengthen humanistic care, regularly monitor body temperature, detect nucleic acids, pay attention to the living conditions and emotional changes of isolated observers, and do a good job of psychological counseling in a timely manner. In accordance with regulations and procedures, it is necessary to promptly transfer personnel with "red code" and "yellow code" isolation and observation periods to villages (communities), and strictly implement home isolation measures.

At the southern end of the Danxia Expressway, the Danxia Gas Station of Zhangsu Highway and the Xiaying Village of Nijiaying Town, Zhang Hui and Zhang Peng inspected the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures on the spot, and expressed their affirmation and condolences for the persistence and dedication of frontline workers such as medical care, public security and volunteer services. Zhang Hui stressed that the situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe and complex, and the task of prevention and control is arduous and heavy. All towns, departments, and units must fully understand the arduousness, complexity, and severity of the prevention and control work, make ideological preparations for fighting tough and protracted battles, and prefer to be stricter and not to relax in the slightest. It is necessary to supervise and guide all kinds of business entities to strictly implement the prevention and control requirements, immediately press the "pause button", suspend production, construction and opening, and let the city "quiet". All road traffic checkpoints should conscientiously implement the requirements of "internal anti-rebound proliferation, external anti-output and input", so that in the post, in the state, at the scene, strict and strict, meticulous and meticulous to do a good job in prevention and control work. It is necessary to strictly regulate the implementation of the "five-member system" of traffic guides, scanning code prompters, body temperature detectors, information checkers, and coordination liaisons, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic. The broad masses of the people should be highly responsible for themselves, others and society, do a good job of personal protection in strict accordance with the requirements, take the initiative to be participants in blocking the spread of the epidemic, do not go out unless necessary, do not gather, do not get together, and weave a tightly woven epidemic prevention and control network. (Zhang Chaojun, Li Bing)

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