
This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

Yak grows on alpine meadows at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, due to the harsh growth environment, the slow growth has caused more meat than buffalo tendons, and the meat is older and heavier. But it is more chewy and heavier to eat, and the nutritional value is very high! Today's yak shredded yak is particularly tender, so share it with you, and in the future, fresh yak beef will not only be used for roasting or stewing

By Joynjup


Yak beef 250 g

Ginger 10 g

Onion half a piece

1 fine green pepper

Ginger 1 small piece

1 garlic

10 peppercorns

1 scoop of watercress paste

1 scoop of sweet potato starch

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

1: Cut the yak into strips of ginger, pour in the appropriate amount of oil and knead for five minutes, add sweet potato starch and knead evenly, so that the oil starch dissolves into the yak shreds

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

2: Cut the onion, ginger, green pepper and garlic into strips and set aside

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

3: Heat the oil, sauté the garlic and green pepper until fragrant, add the onion and ginger shreds and stir-fry until the salt is cut off, then start the pot

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

4: Pour oil into a hot pot and sauté the bean paste and peppercorns until fragrant

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

5、Pour in the shredded yak and stir-fry evenly (no more than 40 seconds)

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

6: Pour the sautéed onion and ginger into the pot and stir-fry together (30 seconds) evenly

This stir-fried shredded yak beef is delicious

7: Put the pot on the plate and eat it while it is hot


1, in advance, the onion, ginger shredded fried raw in order to prevent the yak stir-fried too long and the chai can not bite. 2, if you do more dishes, this dish put the last stir-fry, start the pot to eat, stir-fry for a long time, the beef will not bite! 3, if you like to eat spicy, you can put one or two millet spicy, you can embellish the color and taste

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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