
This yak hot pot restaurant has unlimited quantities and can also help children in Tibetan areas go to school

author:Catering assistant

Born in Shenzhen, wild food and wild food, with the original intention of public welfare education, the main business is a self-service therapeutic hot pot with yak beef as the main food. Since its opening, it has been very popular, and it took only one week to rush to the first place in the Shenzhen taste list in the business district. How did founder Gyalon Ratso turn "wild food" into a phenomenon-level creative restaurant? Let's take a look.

Amazing taste + exciting price, the popularity remains high

In October 2019, the first wild food therapeutic hot pot store opened in Nanshan, and in less than half a year, it has grown to four directly operated stores, and each store is extremely popular, and queuing has become the norm. We casually interviewed several diners about why they were willing to wait in long lines, and most of them replied "Delicious!" "Enjoy! ", the original secret lies in the ingredients - yak beef, yak from Tibet, in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau without any industrial pollution of natural stocking, the taste is very tender and fragrant, but also with a faint milk aroma, high nutritional value to eat is not afraid of long meat, there is no shortage of Tibetan diners living in Shenzhen, unanimously evaluate the authentic yak, is the taste of the hometown. What surprised us was that such a high-end ingredient in the wild food only needed 69 yuan to let go of the belly willfully eat, it was really a figure to eat not fat, the wallet to eat not thin, no wonder every day queued. When we asked if we could make money for 69 yuan, Jiayong La Tso Wan'er smiled and said that the fresh yak beef, yak jerky and therapeutic soups after the dining experience were selling very well.

In addition to yak beef, the bottom of the therapeutic pot is also a major feature, you can first drink the soup of the health soup base, considering the heavy humidity in Shenzhen, the alternation of hot and cold during the meal also tests the spleen and stomach, so the soup base of the wild food in addition to the stewed yak stick bone broth, will also add a healthy spleen and stomach to remove damp food therapy soup, the soup will be replaced with the change of the four seasons. Drink a bowl of soup before shabu-shabu, delicious and warm the stomach.

This yak hot pot restaurant has unlimited quantities and can also help children in Tibetan areas go to school

The founders from volunteer teaching to education assistance, through the hot pot industry to alleviate poverty.

Behind the wild food is a touching story, the founder Jiayong Ratso once went to Tibet in 2011 as a volunteer teacher, in the process of home visits to see so many out-of-school children, so decided to public welfare education, through the charity sale of wild ingredients collected by the children's parents with the proceeds to continue the public welfare, to 2014, Jiayong Ratso set up a company to make the ingredients in Tibetan areas into therapeutic soup, 7 years later founded a restaurant - wild food therapy hot pot, the main ingredients in the hot pot restaurant are from Tibet, A sales channel has been established for Tibetan specialties to help the Tibetan industry alleviate poverty, so the wild food hot pot has also won the medals of "Charity And Caring Enterprise" and "Charity Caring Person" issued by the local government for precise poverty alleviation.

This yak hot pot restaurant has unlimited quantities and can also help children in Tibetan areas go to school

Global digital marketing for efficient conversion of traffic

Because it is from the food therapy hall cross-industry operation of catering, wild food wild food has adopted the simplest way - self-service hot pot, reduce the kitchen area to increase the efficiency, no need for a chef, the cutting master only needs to carry out simple processing of fresh ingredients every day, a store only needs to be equipped with more than ten employees, and the operation of the restaurant also relies heavily on the intelligent management system. Jiayong Lacuo said: "Some friends strongly recommend meituan cashier, not only to help restaurants collect money, but also to have a great traffic advantage. In the process of use, I feel that the Meituan cash register system is relatively stable, customers use online payment is very convenient, and the overall experience is good. ”

This yak hot pot restaurant has unlimited quantities and can also help children in Tibetan areas go to school

In addition, Wild Food also uses the omni-channel membership and marketing functions of the Meituan cash register system to integrate the user behavior data of omni-channels such as takeaway, group purchase, and offline consumption, attract customers through different interest stimuli, and effectively realize the conversion of the list traffic dividend. At the same time, it also effectively enhances customer stickiness and makes more and more repeat customers. Gyalon Ratso said: "The dianping system also automatically labeled us as 'high repeat customers'. ”

Chain management + supply chain management, operational capabilities have been greatly improved

At present, three stores have opened wild food wild food, all of which use the Meituan cash register system. "Through the chain management function, you can see very complete data, and it is very convenient to count the operation situation." The supply chain management function allows us to carry out reasonable food distribution according to the consumption of ingredients in each store, which can not only ensure the freshness of ingredients, but also avoid waste and achieve balanced development. Gyalon Ratso said.

This yak hot pot restaurant has unlimited quantities and can also help children in Tibetan areas go to school

Talking about future development, Gyalon Ratso said that he is preparing to open more stores. Wild Food Wild Food will also make full use of the omni-channel membership, membership marketing, chain management and other functions of Meituan Cashier, and continue to let more customers taste authentic yak therapeutic hot pot.

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