
Don't miss it! How to make yak beef is delicious

author:QYF I have
{"info":{"title":{"content":"重大揭秘,不要错过哦!牦牛肉如何做才好吃","en":"Don't miss it! How to make yak beef is delicious"},"description":{"content":"椰奶牛肉汤是一道创意性的汤品,用椰奶来煮牛肉,让牛肉含有奶香,一口咬下牛肉,椰奶都会冒出来,津津有味的品尝每一块牛肉,椰...","en":"Coconut milk beef soup is a creative soup, use coconut milk to cook beef, let the beef contain milk aroma, bite the beef, coconut milk will come out, relish tasting each piece of beef, coconut..."}},"items":[]}

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