
Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Xu Yuyang

On October 27th, the "Zhejiang Ganzi Mountain and Sea Love" Ganzi Prefecture Advantage Project and Agricultural Tourism Characteristic Product Promotion Conference was successfully held in Hangzhou.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

It is reported that the event was hosted by the CPC Ganzi Prefecture CPC Committee and the Ganzi Prefecture People's Government, and hosted by the Ganzi Prefecture Bureau of Commerce and Economic Cooperation, the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, the Hangzhou Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, the Hangzhou Municipal Counterpart Support and Regional Cooperation Bureau, the Hangzhou Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Zhejiang Provincial Task Force for Helping Ganzi Prefecture, and the Hangzhou Municipal Ganzi Task Force, with the aim of further promoting the exchange and cooperation between agricultural tourism in Zhejiang and Gansu and seeking common development.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

At the promotion meeting, Nie Xin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ganzi Prefecture Committee and vice governor of the Ganzi Prefecture People's Government, delivered a speech and introduced the cultural tourism resources, industrial development trends and development policy opportunities of Ganzi Prefecture. He also pointed out that the new round of east-west cooperation and counterpart support deployed by the Party Central Committee has opened a new chapter of "Zhejiang and Sichuan working together to achieve prosperity, and Hangzhou and Gansu to hold hands and revitalize together". It is hoped that through this promotion meeting, the superior resources of Ganzi will be further publicized, the investment cooperation between Zhejiang and Gansu will be deepened, and a docking platform for the production and marketing of agricultural tourism products between the two places will be built to create a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation and development.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

Zeren Wengmu, secretary of the party group and director of the Ganzi Prefecture Bureau of Commerce and Economic Cooperation, made a presentation on the advantageous resources of Ganzi Prefecture, and vividly introduced the investment opportunities and environment of Ganzi from the aspects of humanistic history, red culture, industrial resources, ecological environment, and policy opportunities, and sincerely invited the representatives of participating enterprises to speak for "Ganzi", publicize Ganzi, understand Ganzi, and invest in Ganzi.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

Mr. Zong Qinghou, Chairman of Wahaha Group, a representative of Zhejiang enterprises, also attended the event and delivered a speech. He said that the landscape and humanities of Ganzi are unforgettable, and Wahaha Group, as a local enterprise in Hangzhou, must actively play a leading role in working with Ganzi Prefecture to create a special agricultural tourism advantage project, and is very much looking forward to long-term cooperation with Ganzi Prefecture.

Wang Hong, a member of the Party Group of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government of Zhejiang Province, delivered a speech, expressing a warm welcome to Nie Xin, member of the Standing Committee of the GANZI Prefecture CPC Committee and vice governor of the State Government, and his party, and detailing the development advantages of Hangzhou's history and culture, digital economy, and ecological civilization. He said that Hangzhou will give full play to the advantages of the digital economy and the market, deepen exchanges and cooperation from deepening industrial cooperation, promoting rural revitalization, strengthening people's livelihood cooperation, and strengthening ecological cooperation, so as to achieve complementary advantages and win-win development.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

This promotion meeting adopts the mode of "on-site promotion + immersive experience", bringing wonderful Tibetan costume display, cultural and creative product display, etc., all-round and multi-angle promotion. The Ganzizhou Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China also went to the scene to carry out financial supporting consulting services for investment projects, providing financial support for enterprises and helping industrial development.

Air-dried yak beef, hand-torn bacon, drinks made with natural barley... Ding Zhen's hometown originally had so many hidden delicacies

In the "wine meat tea fungus fruit and vegetable water medicine grain and oil" agricultural tourism special product display area of the flow of people, lively and extraordinary, but also exhibited the well-known scenic spots, scenic spots and boutique tourism routes in Ganzi Prefecture, the guests have "punched in" here to commemorate the occasion, and expressed their expectations for the early realization of the trip to Ganzi.

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