
French film queens recommend that "The Adventures of Remi" should be fully hit by the tear glands

author:Cat's Eye Movie

The French adult healing fairy tale "The Adventures of Remi" will be officially released on November 22, and in the advanced screening held last Sunday, many viewers watched this warm and full of healing movies in advance. Both adults and children said that they were deeply moved by this movie, and they invariably gave it a heartfelt praise.

French film queens recommend that "The Adventures of Remi" should be fully hit by the tear glands

Pet love is full of tears, accompanied by guardians to be fully healed

The movie "The Adventures of Remy" tells the wandering journey of the ten-year-old Remy, in the process, the five-fold emotional interweaving is deeply moving, and it comprehensively hits the audience's tears. Whether it is the hardships of Remy and Vitalis in the snow and wind, or the emotional outburst of the two people supporting each other in the midst of danger, the audience is very moved. In addition, the addition of the little monkey's heart and the addition of The puppy Captain Kirby also added a lot to the wandering journey, and many viewers were hit by tear glands because of the plot related to them.

French film queens recommend that "The Adventures of Remi" should be fully hit by the tear glands

In the eyes of the audience, the little monkey is a clever, cute, very psychic and empathetic image, while Captain Kirby is a loyal, reliable, and brave "knight". Many viewers said that when The Beauty of the Heart was dying of injury, when Vitalis and Remy poured out their hearts to save the Heart Beauty, they felt the preciousness of this true feeling. Captain Kirby stepped forward in the crisis several times, whether it was in the face of the public officials who wanted to forcibly take Vitalis away, or the hungry wolves in the mountains, it never flinched, and this tenacity of self-denial deeply touched the audience.

French film queens recommend that "The Adventures of Remi" should be fully hit by the tear glands

Young and old should be warm and warm French film queen recommended

At the on-demand viewing scene, there are not only many adult audiences, but also many children, who are also touched by Remy's adventures and cry for the moving emotions in the film. A child said: "I couldn't help but cry when Grandpa Vitalis died", "This movie is really good, my mother and I love it!" ”

French film queens recommend that "The Adventures of Remi" should be fully hit by the tear glands

Many young viewers also said: "When Remy was taken away from her adoptive mother by Vitalis, it was the saddest part of me. Even in the process of wandering, little Remy has always kept in touch with his mother, but little Remy will eventually return to his birth mother, and this mother-son relationship is still full of regrets. For children, strong and hot feelings can directly touch them, and for adults, the euphemistic emotions can make them feel more real, "Remige" is such a movie that meets the needs of all ages, so it can get unanimous recommendation from the audience. Not only that, the French actress Virginia Radoyan, who played Lisse's mother in the film, also recommended the film, calling on the audience not to miss this comprehensive healing, warm and powerful story.

The tear-jerking fairy tale "The Adventures of Remy" was introduced by China Film Group Corporation and distributed by China Film Co., Ltd. Young and old should be warmly cured, parents and children should work together to recommend, November 22 shock attack, waiting for you to experience the power of growth together!

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