
Harvest the tears of hundreds of millions of viewers! The movie "The Adventures of Remi" will be released

author:1905 Movie Network
Harvest the tears of hundreds of millions of viewers! The movie "The Adventures of Remi" will be released

The upcoming poster for "The Adventures of Remi"

1905 Film Network News French Healing Department Tear-jerking Adult Fairy Tale "Remi Adventure" will be released in China, the film was screened at the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival on June 16, this healing adventure full of truth, goodness and beauty has won the tears and praise of the audience.

The film "The Adventures of Remi" is adapted from the novel "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child" by the nineteenth-century French writer Ekdo Marlowe, first published in 1878, and later translated into English, German, Russian, Japanese and other languages, and is still known as "one of the favorite novels of French teenagers". Until more than a hundred years later, it continued to be popular in France, and was repeatedly put on the screen to harvest the tears of the audience with a healing story full of truth, goodness and beauty. In China, "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child" has been reprinted and published continuously since 1933, and has repeatedly topped the children's bestseller list.

Although it has been remade many times, "Remy's Wanderings" has achieved a new breakthrough compared with the previous version. The film's cast includes Daniel Otto, famous actor and director of the documentaries "The Ocean" and "Migrating Birds" Jacques Behan, and Virginia Radoyan, who won the Best Actress Award at the Berlin Film Festival. The plot and characters in the film show the essence of the healing fairy tale, the genre is novel, and it is a family fantasy adventure film based on family and family story.

Heavenly children's voices are accompanied by healing fairy tales Adult fairy tales harvest the tears of the audience

The movie "The Adventures of Remi" tells the story of 10-year-old Remy who was sold by his adoptive father to the street artist Vitalis, and since then, he has been with him, with loyal monkeys and puppies wandering around to sell art. Vitalis not only taught Remy to read, but also discovered his unknown natural voice. They traveled all over France on a great adventure, experiencing many unforgettable landscapes along the way, as well as encountering a crisis in which their lives were on the brink. A mysterious lullaby that has flowed in Remy's heart since childhood, dragging Remy slowly to discover his true identity, Remy's life began to face great challenges and changes...

During the screening of the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival, the film received unanimous praise from the audience. Some fans said: "The actor who plays Little Remy is so good-looking, his eyes are very clean, like a little angel." Many fans even shed tears at the scene, they said: "high-quality, strong plot, crying many times", "beautiful scenery, very touching", "full of warmth, the role performance is outstanding", "very healing, suitable for parent-child viewing, educational significance".

Although Remy experienced various difficulties in the process of wandering, he always maintained the inner qualities of simplicity, kindness and bravery, and actively faced life. Such a tortuous and full of positive energy plot is very suitable for Chinese families to watch, whether parents or children, you can feel the warmth and healing together, and understand the power of growth!

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