
"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

author:Cat's Eye Movie

The healing adult fairy tale movie "The Adventures of Remi" that will be officially released on November 22 today released a set of character posters in which the characters stand silently and have a thousand words in their eyes. Inexhaustible strong emotions, not enough to see the beautiful scenery, bringing a comprehensive enjoyment of vision and soul!

"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

The five emotions are deeply rooted in people's hearts and touched by the harvest of tears

As a healing adult fairy tale, "The Adventures of Remy" tells the wandering journey of the ten-year-old Remy, which includes both beautiful natural scenery, twists and turns, and moving emotions throughout. For example, the pet love between Remy and the little monkey and the puppy along the way, the clear emotion with the little girl and the two little guesses, and the backfeeding of the elderly Remy's establishment of the orphanage have brought a lot of touch to the audience.

"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

It is worth mentioning that vitalis and the emotion of Little Remy occupy an important position in the film, he not only discovered the musical talent of Little Remy, guided Little Remy to the road of music, but also helped Remy to open a broader life. The two of them are also teachers and friends, and the feelings of mutual encouragement, mutual support and mutual companionship between master and apprentice have moved many viewers. At the same time, as an adopted child, although Remy was not deeply impressed by his biological parents, the lullaby was always engraved in his mind. Such inseparable flesh and blood affection, along with the moving lullaby, played the strongest tear-jerking sound of the film, touching the softest place in the audience's heart.

"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

Returning to the hometown without stopping, the direction of the heart is home

The story of the movie "The Adventures of Remy" is ostensibly about a wandering, but in fact it is a long journey home for little Remy. The lullaby from the mother always guides Remy in the pursuit of hope and happiness. Among them, there is both the inspirational spirit of Remy not giving up in the face of difficulties and moving forward bravely, as well as the spiritual bondage from his homeland.

"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

The film received a lot of praise when it was screened at the Shanghai Film Festival, and many viewers were moved by such a pure and powerful story. Some viewers said: "On the way forward, you can feel Remy's desire for home at any time, which is very touching for those of us who are wandering outside", "Although Remy's life has experienced misfortune, he has always been brave and not discouraged, is a very firm person, and has given me a lot of encouragement", "The attack of Remy is really inspiring, and the positive energy transmitted in the movie also makes me regain the courage to laugh at life!" As a healing adult fairy tale, the "healing rule" of "The Adventures of Remi" is not only to give you a chance to cry and cry, but more importantly, to inject the motivation to move forward into your tired life, so that your heart is full of strength and continues to move forward.

"The Adventures of Remi" released a character version of the poster, and the five-fold emotional interweaving comprehensively hit the tear point

The film "The Adventures of Remi" was introduced by China Film Group Corporation and distributed by China Film Co., Ltd., and will be released in China on November 22. Clear and moving emotions play the strongest tear-jerking sound, this winter, release love and heal you!

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