
The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

author:Dream of the crow film and television world

"The Adventures of Remi" is a film that can directly hit people's hearts, because the film has a well-known excellent original work, but also lies in the film's reasonable secondary processing on the basis of the original work, the emotion is delicate and warm and moving, and the natural sound and sapphire pure heart that little Remy can cure everything, on this cold day, it is undoubtedly a warm masterpiece that is quite suitable for the scene.

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

The film is adapted from the novel "The Wanderings of the Bitter Children" created by the French writer Ekdo Marlowe, first published in 1878, which is a popular person, and this story is very familiar to post-80s audiences, because its well-known other name, "Mimi Wanderings", is the warm animation film, which is adapted from this story.

"The Adventures of Remi", as a work from the perspective of street children, is undoubtedly difficult to describe in terms of content, the reason is that the wandering story itself is too inclusive, but also because its perspective as a work for children is somewhat unique.

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

The story of the original "Wanderings of the Bitter Child" is more complicated, telling the story of the protagonist Remy Jr. who was abandoned on the street due to the greed and cruelty of his parents, and later followed the old Italian old man Vitalis who sang monkey opera to sell art everywhere, and later went to the coal mine to do child labor. While preaching the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, he also used a lot of pen and ink to attack the coldness of reality. However, the adapted animation "Mimi Wanderings" dilutes the latter's sense of reality, thereby enhancing the contrast of the world of truth, goodness and beauty from the perspective of children, in this regard, "The Adventures of Remi" is similar to the angle of the cartoons of that year, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a "live-action version of "Mimi's Wanderings".

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

It can be seen that although this film takes Remy's encounter as the main line, the choreographer pays more attention to the reflection of the vast scene of real society, and slightly modifies the original story, reflecting the kind human nature from the cruel encounter, such as Vitalis performing on the street, being unreasonably interfered with by the police, and finally Vitalis was treated fairly, but in order to atone for his crime, he refused to reveal his real name, which was sentenced to prison. At the same time, there is the setting of the Milligan family, in order to rob the property, Uncle Remy actually let people kill Remy in a frenzy, but the hired murderer could not get his hands on it, so he chose to steal it.

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

It can be seen that the embellishment of the cruel world in the story, especially the cold details of the original work, have been deleted one by one, so that the pen and ink are more placed in the praise of the child's beautiful soul and the good taste of the cold reality, and always retain a trace of good bottom line. It is in this social context that Remy, as an "outcast", naturally embarked on a rough road of life and a way to find light in the darkness.

On this basis, the film carefully portrays many ordinary and upright characters, such as Aunt Babelan, Vitalis, Liz and others. 8-year-old Remy not only learned to read, read, sing and play the piano from Vitalis, but also learned how to face the harsh life from the old man, to challenge the sinister fate with optimism and diligence.

As Vitalis, who had just come out of prison when Liz's mother first wanted to keep Remy by her side, said, "I taught him how to live a hard life around me, and told him that it was much more useful than you telling him to leave me and live a life of slavery." This clearly shows that what this film intends to show is how to cultivate the character of children and teenagers, and hardships and hardships are an effective way to exercise children's healthy growth

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

It can be seen that the theme of "Remiqi" in the depths of the theme of edutainment, as a film for children, the most taboo is the paternalistic style, which is inevitably overcorrected in operation. The encounter of the little protagonist in "The Adventures of Remi" is only the appearance of the wandering story. The spirit of the film, or the humanistic color it fits, is the praise of truth, goodness and beauty, and the lashing of false evil and ugliness, although the society is so sinister, good people will often suffer tragic endings, but it is precisely those precious qualities that flash the most moving brilliance, which is the warm and healing soul of the film, and it is also very suitable for the post-80s audience of "Mimi's Wanderings" that year, who can take their children to feel the moving charm of this story.

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

Such a realistic work full of desolation, the delicate French have made it a touching macro. The beautiful pictures of the film like oil paintings make people relaxed and pleasant, the backlit photography scenes everywhere are warm, and the remy's natural singing voice touches everyone. For the audience of the film, whether it is parents or children, the creator's sense of social responsibility is indeed admirable, who said that the film does not need to integrate into the educational significance? Who says that what children are shown to is just entertainment?

A "Remich Encounter" gave a teenager with such an encounter a pure heart like a sapphire, we should look back at it and think about that innocent past... You will feel empathy.

The Adventures of Remi: You have a touching natural sound and a sapphire pure heart

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