
The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

author:Cat's Eye Movie

The French healing adult fairy tale movie "Remy's Adventure" will officially land in domestic theaters on November 22, with a world-class gold medal IP live-action adaptation, a top team escort, and six major attractions to shock and warm your winter!

Watch point 1: world-class IP adaptation The plot is full of core and profound

The movie "The Adventures of Remi" is adapted from the famous French children's literature work "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child", which is a well-known work in France, and also has a high reputation in China, which has won the love of many readers and constitutes a valuable part of their childhood memories. As early as 1913, this work, which was put on the big screen, has undergone many adaptations, and it is still full of vitality, and the classicity of its story and the depth of its core can be seen, and the wonderful degree of "The Adventures of Remi" is also worth looking forward to.

The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

Highlight two: The film emperor film queen co-starred in the gold medal team forging good quality

In order to better present this world-renowned literary masterpiece, "The Adventures of Remi" selected a number of powerful actors and gold medal production teams to join. Among them, not only Daniel Otto, the double film emperor of the Cannes and European Film Festivals, the famous actor and director of the documentaries "Ocean" and "Migrating Birds", Jacques Behan, and Virginia Radoyan, who won the Best Actress Award at the Paris Film Festival, also participated. In addition, the film also invited the original team of "The Spring of the Cattle Herding Class" to participate in the production, which is expected to create a healing movie classic.

The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

Highlight 3: Natural children's voices sing beautiful scenery Strive to create an audio-visual feast

The story of the movie "The Adventures of Remy" revolves around the wandering journey of Little Remy, which not only has the beautiful Natural Scenery of Europe like an oil painting, but also the accompaniment of Little Remy's natural children's voice. The film is very elaborate in terms of costume, perfectly restoring the elegant style of medieval France and constructing a gorgeous medieval ukiyo-e. Marum Kampa, who plays Little Remy, joined the Paris Choir at the age of five and has a veritable "natural children's voice". With a beautiful singing voice that washes the soul and the pure and moving angelic faces, singing in the oil painting-like landscape, "The Adventures of Remić" presents a comprehensive audiovisual enjoyment for the audience!

The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

Watch point four: the film festival screening reputation is not bad Before the screening of the fire triggered the audience's expectations

As a classic work that carries many people's childhood memories, "The Adventures of Remi" has always received a lot of attention. During the screening of the Film Festival, the film received a large number of praise. Whether it is a touching story that heals people's hearts, or a delicate and exquisite costume production, it has impressed and satisfied the audience. Many viewers said: "This movie moved me to tears, but also made me miss my mother very much, if I have the opportunity to release it, I will definitely take my mother to see it", "Not only was it healed, but I also got strength from it, I like this movie!" "The Adventures of Remiqi" was well received, and the audience expected to climb the value of the festival, and the fire was not screened!

The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

Watch point five: five emotions touch people's hearts Tear-jerking giants harvest tears

Moving people with emotion, healing fatigue, and bringing strength are a major feature of "The Adventures of Remi" The film focuses on Remy's wandering journey, showing the various stories and emotions that Remy encounters in the process. The affection between Remy and Vitalis, the affection between the father and the son, the companionship between the little monkey and the dog Captain Kapi, the two little unsuspecting green plum bamboo horses between the little girl and the emotion of never meeting her parents before but deeply related to each other. Remy chose to open an orphanage after he grew old, which is not only a inheritance of vitalis' quality and spirit, but also a direct feedback to people's hearts. The five emotions echo each other, touch people's hearts, and harvest tears.

The six major points of "Remy's Adventures" are comprehensively healed, and the attacking Remy teaches you to laugh at life

Watch Point Six: Adult Fairy Tales Heal Hearts Attack Remy teaches you to laugh at life

As a healing adult fairy tale, "The Adventures of Remy" not only has a touching multiple emotions, but also an attack on Remy to teach you to laugh at life. Although Little Remy was abandoned and faced with a life of displacement, with the help of Vitalis, he never gave up hope. With amazing musical talent to open up new possibilities in his life, he also found his biological mother under the guidance of music, wandering all the way and growing all the way. The healing brought by the brave and optimistic little Remy is not only to soothe your fatigue with gentleness, but also to bring you the strength to grow and provide you with the courage to move forward. Attack on Remy teaches you to laugh at life and keep moving forward!

The film "The Adventures of Remi" was introduced by China Film Group Corporation and distributed by China Film Co., Ltd., and will be released in China on November 22. World-class IP into the domestic big screen, multiple emotions heal people's hearts, touching and profound adult fairy tales, waiting for you to see!

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