
The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

author:Nemo the ugly fish

The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

I have long seen the classic masterpiece "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child", and at that time I was deeply attracted by the fantasy experience of the little protagonist Remy. The suffering but fortunate Remy, the kind and persistent teacher, the brave dog, the clever monkey, every image is so warm and healing, especially the correct three views it presents, which also affects me in every aspect. Therefore, it is expected that it will be put on the big screen from then on. Now, that dream has finally come true, and the adaptation of "Remi' Adventures" is about to be released.

The completion of "The Adventures of Remi" is quite good, and the restoration of the classic masterpiece "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child" is also very good. With the blessing of audiovisual language, the film's storyline and characters are also more full and three-dimensional. The mystery of European castles, the magnificence of grassland lakes, and the delicacy of costumes and makeup are like oil paintings, which are pleasing to the eye under the presentation of the big screen, and complement the theme of warmth and healing in the film. Of course, there are also the heavenly songs, the beautiful sound of the piano, the clear eyes, the sunny smile, even if you encounter great suffering, as long as you think, see, and hear them, the courage to live with a smile will also be spewed out. Therefore, this is a film that exudes abundant texture and rich charm from the inside out.

The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

Remy was unfortunate because he was abandoned from London to distant Paris shortly after his birth because of a plot over his inheritance. But he was lucky again, and his adoptive mother was very kind to him, as if he were his own son. Vitalis, a street artist who discovered his musical talent and took him around, was also very kind to him, not only trying to maintain his life, exercising his will, but also digging up his musical talent and teaching him how to grow up in suffering... In short, in Remy's life adventures, most of the people he encountered were good people. This also includes Liz, who eventually became his wife, the doctor who offered to treat Vitalis for tuberculosis for free, the passerby who was found by the dog to help Remy get out of trouble, and the "fan" of Vitalis who gave them a big gold coin... There are many good people and few bad people, so the world will be so beautiful. Such true feelings, deep in love, will naturally make people's tears fall.

Suffering but also experiencing too much beauty, Remy's adventures, let him develop good habits and excellent character, but also quenched his strong will and persistent spirit. Remy, who knows how to repay the favor, successfully took his adoptive mother home to live with him, and also founded an orphanage, which helped many children, just as Vitalis helped him.

The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

"The Adventures of Remi" not only shows a beautiful and pure human true love and true love, but also presents a scene of touching moments between humans and animals. Especially when the dog bravely repelled the wolves at the risk of life, and found passers-by in the snowstorm to save Remy in time when his life was in danger, people could not cry in an instant. And the little monkey known as "Heart Beauty", clever, cute, wise, and has become the family and companion of Remy and Vitalis.

The true feelings between people can melt ice and snow, can fight back the darkness, can drive away the haze... It is precisely because of this true love and true love that Remy's adventure journey is more sweet in bitterness and joy in tears. "The Adventures of Remi" is not sensational, but it can always inadvertently make people cry. Because every emotion it presents is pure and beautiful, and it is not mixed with impurities. This kind of true love makes people cry, heals people's feelings, warms people's hearts, transforms people's souls, and encourages people to act.

Remy's lucky adventure reminds me of the children who were abducted by the "Aunt May". May they be treated as gentle as Remy and return to their parents and family as early as Remy.

The Adventures of Remi: Fantastic Experiences, Healing Tears, Warm Lives

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