
Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

author:Chief Film Critics

Author: Chief Film Critic

We have no way to choose how life begins, but we have the right to choose what kind of life we live.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie


Remy was unfortunately abandoned at birth, although he was taken in by well-meaning people, however, his adoptive father just wanted to use him to get some rewards, fortunately, his adoptive mother was very kind to him, as if he were his own, Remy slowly grew up in such an environment.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Although he did not receive any formal education, he learned how to be kind to the people and things around him from an early age.

The seed of kindness slowly began to sprout in his heart, and then no matter how bad the environment was, even deceived and hurt, he always adhered to the original intention of that year, cared for others with his own love, and melted the souls around him.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

The film is set in the 19th century French countryside, in the unpolluted land, the sky is blue, the grass is green, although the people are not highly educated, but they are still simple, not over-polluted by industrialization and materialization.

If life continues like this, Remy may become an ordinary farmer, quietly ploughing in the crop fields, marrying wives and children, and living a simple and happy life.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

However, his life is destined to be an ordinary life, and his good voice and dedication to music make him eager to learn and eager to prove himself.

When his adoptive father prepares to send him to the orphanage, Remy's life takes a turn for the better.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie


Life is so wonderful, and the biggest disaster may also hide the best opportunity, because when everything is lost, it is the beginning of a rebirth.

Luckily, Remy meets the man who changed his life, and a street performer, Vitali, takes him in.

During his time together, Vitali taught Remy a lot of things, from literacy to the truth of being a human being, and more importantly, he made Remy understand the meaning of self-confidence.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Despite his great talent, Remy is still a country boy who has never seen the world. His biggest weakness was that he often doubted his abilities, which made him unable to go further.

To this end, Vitali created the opportunity for Remy to show himself and try the most relaxed way to perform, which made Remy gradually come out of the psychological shadow and face the outside world with a more positive attitude.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Healing film, the biggest feature is to slowly affect the audience through details and emotions, compared to the ups and downs of other movies, it does not have the kind of pride that falls in love at first sight, but there is a kind of moisturizer silent length. It's like a cup of tea, the first taste feels like the taste, until the taste comes back to know the refreshing.

The film exudes a strong humanistic care, does not need too exquisite layout and complex plot, simple process, not many characters, outline the unique atmosphere and brilliance of that era.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

This classical temperament, which has experienced the baptism of time and the tempering of time and space, is still thrilling after more than a hundred years, which may be the charm of art.

The film focuses on the relationship between Remy and Vitaly. Through some small details, tacit words and deeds, let the audience feel the most sincere dedication and the most simple emotions between people.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie


In the eyes of others, Weta is free and unconstrained by rules, but in fact, he has an unknown past.

He was a famous violinist, but in the face of material temptations, he gradually lost himself. When he wandered around social occasions day after day and mingled with the upper class, only his ten-year-old son silently lit a candle for him, waiting for his father to come home.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

The accident happened, a fire, the house, his wife and children were instantly destroyed, and since then he has chosen to hide his name and exile himself.

When a person cannot forget the sad past, he can only hide his enthusiasm quietly. Only in the face of music can he behave like a devout believer, because the undisguised devotion is the most basic respect for music.

He saw Remy like he saw his innocent self. In Remy's singing, he found his first touch on music.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Sometimes, people are so wonderful between people, all acquaintances and acquaintances are not accidental. Remy lost all his relatives, but found a man who could give him father-like care, and Vitali was the same, who thought that this life would go with the flow, but found that there was still a person in this world who deserved his own care and love.

This fate also happened to Liz. A rich lady, in a short time together, has developed a faint sense of dependence on Remy.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

The days when the two young people were together were happy and warm, but no matter how reluctant they were, Remy knew that he must go, because if he continued to stay here, he would always be just an inferior person who sent people under the fence and had no self-respect, and only by breaking out could he harvest his own world.

As Vitaly said to Liz's mother: Remy can be your daughter's servant, but I want to give him a better chance, and when one day succeeds, he will be able to propose to her as an equal.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

In this world, too many parents want their children not to suffer, and in order to make their future happy, they are willing to choose to be a stepping stone to pave the way.

Many times, they do not even seriously consider the ideas of their children, and whether they are willing to use the so-called kindness as the love of their children, but they do not know that sometimes it is far more meaningful to give them the opportunity to choose than to pave the way for them.

Remy, who left Liz, began to wander again, and he decided to rely on his hands to achieve his dreams.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Everyone will face many choices in their lives, some are wrong, some are right, and each choice may completely change the trajectory of your life, but even so, we still have to do it this way.

Because standing still will only not think of making progress, only by taking that step will there be more hope. And what we have to do is to make a decision, we must be responsible for our own future.

The wandering life is hard and difficult, and sometimes it is even attacked by wild beasts. However, the wandering days are easy and happy, because they are free and unrestrained, they can breathe fresh air, come to different cities, and meet different people.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

But once again, Fate showed Remy its magic. When he finally found his own parents, Vitaly was unfortunate to contract tuberculosis and urgently needed to be hospitalized immediately.

Just when the two were about to break up, the truth suddenly came, and it turned out that there was a shocking conspiracy behind Remy's abandonment. In the face of this bud that had just sprouted, what Vitaly could do was to use the last bit of his strength to protect Remy's well-rounded.

On that snowstorm night, he used practical actions to explain what is called the deepest love in the world.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie


The film's sensationalism is extremely restrained, and even the most intense emotional conflict chooses to interpret it in a light way. However, the weaker the sound, the more powerful it tends to be.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

We will meet all kinds of people in our lives, some will help you, some will educate you, some will cheat on you, some will hurt you. Fortunately, no matter how tortuous and bumpy the process was, most of them eventually came out.

No one in this world has to be born good to you. We must be grateful for the help of others, and we do not always have to be grumpy about the harm of others, because whether it is good or bad, it is a gift from the world. Only by accepting it and transcending it can we make ourselves stronger.

Remi: When you're confused, check out this movie

Not everyone is so lucky to meet Vitali in his life, like Remy, but we can try to be other people's guardian beacons. Because there are still countless lives that need to be cared for, and there are too many souls that need to be soothed.

Although human life will pass away, but love will never die, Remy finally created the Vitali Orphanage, just to let this spirit pass on and live forever. After a wonderful and brilliant life, he chose to return to the original point.

[This article is the original chief film critic, welcome to pay attention to the chief film critic public number]

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