
The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

author:Little fun to talk about entertainment
The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

"The end of all tragedy is death, and all comedy ends of betrayal." - Byron

Small towns in Canada, with vast wilderness fields and crimson skies, but these beauties this little girl could never see again.

"Girl in the Morning Light" is a movie that many people do not want to watch for the second time, because the short life of this little girl is too tragic: the death of her mother, the cold eyes of her father, and the abuse of her stepmother will push her step by step into the abyss.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > helplessness within the family ring</h1>

The death of the mother, the infidelity of the father, and the intervention of the stepmother have torn this otherwise happy family to pieces. The cowardice of the father made him acquiesce in the harm that the stepmother had done to the children, and even denied that these injuries were related to himself, and pushed the mistakes to the young and ignorant children, the sick and weak mothers, who even had difficulty standing up, and how to protect their children, they could only lose their lives on that angry rainy night.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

The stepmother was undoubtedly intelligent, and she knew that as long as she could get the trust of the head of the family, she could gain a foothold in this family. Even if her husband Toro reacts in the end, she will become an accomplice to the whole incident, and she will erase all traces of the woman, in this family, and encourage her husband to burn his ex-wife's daily necessities, as well as these children who are related to her.

The stepmother was well aware of her position in her husband's heart at each stage, which is why she was so kind in the beginning. When a period of time has passed, he will be violent in the name of teaching, satisfying his perverted desires.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

Nothing is warmer than home, nothing is more precious than affection. The husband of the head of the family, during the period of his wife's serious illness, could not bear loneliness and gladly accepted the woman who was sent to the door, although the beautiful woman was indeed very attractive, but these became excuses for the destruction of marriage, must be spurned, based on reality, the husband is indeed unhappy, God's injustice to the wife, into a reason to quickly seek a solution to loneliness. What the husband did was the beginning of all the tragedies.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

Finally, the wounded little girl looked at her father, full of hope, this father who once said " you are my sunshine " , but finally took away his last glimmer of light.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > society outside the ring</h1>

In a Small Catholic Town, the relationship between people is both simple and complex, simple in the fact that a priest can judge the affairs of the whole village, can make moral precepts on behalf of God; simple in such a judge who determines the fate of the town, is a person who has been expelled from the Vatican.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

The complexity is that everyone's ideas in the town are dominated by his tongue, and God can decide good and evil according to his will. Just because morality is only a double-edged sword played in the hands of power, every decision must be worn down and delayed under multiple standards, everyone's life will become the talk of the town after dinner, and everyone carefully maintains their ridiculous, illusory image in the eyes of others.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

The most ridiculous thing is that the butcher with the knife was actually God's spokesman, and with that self-righteous ethical and moral standard, to let Toro take the hand of the new joy at his wife's funeral into God's will. It seems that with the label of God, you can take the stick of power and slaughter dissidents. A rebellious look, a hint of doubt will bring huge losses, so never tolerate, resolutely fight back.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

The sheriff's last comment about the priest is: You always think that you really represent God. Everyone in the story knows that the little girl has been abused, but no one has stepped forward to stop it, some just look at the little girl coldly and look up to it, see the little girl's tragic situation, and even have no courage to face the guilt and remorse in their hearts, push all the faults to the sheriff, so as to alleviate their sins, and even paralyze themselves through hypnosis, and then end their lives with guilt.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

In this world, there is nothing to be proud of, to bow your head and face the problem, there is no better saint in the world, only innocent weak people. We are too small for the big men, because their thick arms have stopped the pace of those who rescue them; because of their opposition, the only way to prevent the tragedy is to cross the level of appeal.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > keep your heart and laugh at suffering</h1>

To be born as a human being, we must maintain a good heart, and we must not be abusive or abused. At the end of the film, after five years in prison, because her husband who performed well was released early, he had no remorse for the death of his daughter and ex-wife, but wrote a letter to the vicious stepmother in prison, full of thoughts and love between the lines, but only four words of guilt and guilt.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

The film records the short life of a child through montage techniques. The plot is compact, the actors' performances are also outstanding, the plot does not have the slightest drag, and the attraction of the story itself has immersed the audience in it.

There are many children like little girls in this world, living in the depths of the water, we can only do our best to help, the dark side of the world is far more than this, more unknown shocks, but also buried in the soil, only hope that there can be more power, let these darkness be exposed to the sun, let these children see the beauty of this world, just like the little girl in the basement to see the sun and the white pigeon.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

Although there is never an end to the evil and stupidity of this world, it is undeniable that good people always make up the majority, and as long as they live, they will certainly see hope. In fact, from a certain point of view, life is actually a confrontation between the heart and the outside world, as long as there is a strong heart, no matter how difficult, it can last.

Every child is an angel, I hope they can live happily, I wish everyone has a strong enough heart, to clear the fog, to let go.

The audience does not want to relive "The Girl in the Morning Light": it tells the story of a little girl's short life within the helpless circle of the family circle outside the helpless circle of inaction outside the social preservation of the heart, laughing at the suffering

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