
Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

author:Big Green Bull

Have you ever met the most vicious stepmother ever? Just because the girl said a wrong word, the stepmother picked up the wooden board with spikes and hit the girl the leg. The girl screamed and pierced through the woods to scare the horses away. The neighbor's aunt Wang, as soon as she heard this voice, knew that it was the little girl of the neighbor's family, because her father had just married a snake and scorpion beauty.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

The girl who just screamed was called Sasha, at the beginning she was very happy, there was a perfect family, her parents loved her very much, even if her father worked very hard, but when he returned home, he would smile and make the mother and daughter happy. His father was a blacksmith, and although his work was dirty and tiring, his father was able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and the family gradually became a well-off family.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

During a trip, my mother was unfortunately infected with an illness and was taken to the hospital, and after examination, I learned that this was an infectious disease, so my mother was isolated and treated. At this time, the father inquired around, this disease has no medicine to cure, it can not be cured at all, can only wait for death with his eyes, plus the mother is an isolated sick number, without the company of the family, the heart is definitely uncomfortable, and the condition is also very unfavorable.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

At this time, her father's cousin Lola quietly came to the house, her beauty is difficult not to be moved, and her father and Lola only spent one day together, and their feelings deteriorated. Father took the opportunity to let Luo Pull down, no need to go back, anyway, you only have yourself in the house, it is better to settle down here.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Because of Lola's special identity, her neighbors are very upset with her, which is a fact that is rumored to be, I heard that Lola's husband and two children died mysteriously, and they have not been able to find out the truth. The daughter was choked to death by potatoes, the son was suffocated to death, and the husband was even stranger, and it was impossible to detect the death.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

But everyone who has lived here knows that Lola often abuses children at home, but because of her embarrassing identity, no one is willing to go forward and take care of things, after all, it is a family affair. Sasha is sweet-looking and kind-hearted, but as soon as Lora enters the house, her life falls directly to the bottom. Sasha was really scared, so she often hid in the bed and cried, and one day she plucked up the courage to write a letter to her mother, hoping that her mother would be strong and would get better quickly.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

He also told his mother about Luo's entry into the house, but he didn't want to, and his mother couldn't accept it, and he died that night. At Sasha's mother's funeral, Lola came in a red dress, as if to announce that she would be the hostess of the house in the future, and the most hateful thing was that after they left, they still came home holding hands. After that, the two naturally married, Mark was busy every day, the children were taken care of by Lola, and at first Lola could still make a show of Sasha, and then she revealed her true face.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

A year later, Lola gave birth to a son, and she was even more unscrupulous with Sasha, torturing Sasha every day in different ways, and when she entered the door, because she did not say hello, she picked up the nail board and hit Sasha's leg. The pain in her legs was unbearable, and Sasha could only lie on the bed hungry, at this time, Sasha seemed to dream of her mother, so gentle, so feminine. The next day Mark led the family to play, Lola lied that Sasha was uncomfortable, directly did not let her go, Sasha did not want to go, she was better at home.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Who knew that Sasha came directly to the track of the train, she wanted to end herself, go to another world to live with her mother, who ever thought, the train suddenly stopped at the moment of a thousand guns, Sasha did not die. The staff sent Sasha home, knowing that her daughter wanted to commit suicide, Mark slapped her on the spot, and then pulled into the small black room very roughly, and Sasha's screams buried the whole village.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

The sister couldn't bear to listen and covered her ears hard, but Lola walked in to her, took her hand off her ear, and warned, remember this sound, don't make such a low-level mistake in the future. Neighbors talked about the Luo family's child abuse, and everyone thought of ways to see how to save Sasha, a good child.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Things were originally imagined to be very complicated, because the village was full of Christians, the priest was God here, the boss, everyone thought that the priest could understand the gods, full of benevolence and morality, in fact, it was just hypnosis. He always refused to punish Lola for various reasons, on the grounds that God did not feel that Lola had done something wrong, that people were educating children, not abusing children. I thought that this time it was futile again, who knew that the town's sheriff Lao Wang could not see it anymore, he said that he must take care of this matter.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Subsequently, Lao Wang called Sasha into the office and looked at the scars on the child's legs, Lao Wang was very distressed, and he slowly asked who made you look like this. Sasha's eyes were full of tears, she shook her head timidly, saying that she had accidentally touched it, how could Lao Wang believe her words, knowing that it was Lola who did it, that is, no one corrected her, until now, there was no evidence at all, so it was difficult for Lao Wang to deal with her.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

There was no way for Lao Wang to angrily scold Mark for not being a human, seeing that his daughter's leg scars were all pus, and he was not sent to the hospital. In the hospital, Sasha was happy, because without having to go home, her stepmother would not be able to torture her. The nurse was particularly kind and would give Sasha a candy every day, and the two of them slowly became acquainted, and Sasha told the nurse the truth. Even if the nurses knew the truth, they would not say it, because they were all Christians, and there was nothing wrong with them saying that the priest was not wrong.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

When Sasha was discharged from the hospital, she explained to the priest the reason for her lying, she said that in fact, the wound on her leg was not touched by herself, let alone the boy in the neighbor's house, who was the whole, she and the priest knew it. But the stepmother happened to hear the conversation outside the door, and with a fierce look in her eyes, she stole the priest's gold coins and interrupted the planting of the stolen goods to frame Sasha.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

In the evening, Lola found Mark and explained to him that her daughter's theft was also stealing from the priest, which would offend God, and our family would not have a good life in the future, and if it was spread, our family would be pointed out by a thousand people, and if you did not stop it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Mark was almost frightened when he heard this, and he immediately went home and pulled the sleeping Salsa into the small black room, which was undoubtedly another violent beating. The next day, the stepmother tied Sasha to a chair and took revenge like never before, and Lola unhurriedly picked up the red-hot iron rod and left a deep mark on Sasha's body.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

Once not relieved, twice, two times without breathing, three times, each time after the iron rod cooled, the stepmother burned red again, and repeatedly did not know how many times. Sasha screamed from the beginning to the last when the voice could not be shouted, Lola's son spoke, mom don't continue, don't you think there is a smell in the house? Sasha couldn't imagine that she had been tortured by her stepmother all day, and she was still struggling not to die, and she didn't know if she was lucky or unlucky.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

At dinner time, Mark saw that Sasha was covered in scars, and for a moment he did not dare to look directly into his daughter's eyes, and seeing this scene, Lola scolded Sasha to go to the house, and Mark wanted to question Lola. And Lola replied viciously, don't forget that we are grasshoppers in a boat, you have also abused Sasha, you started, I learned from you. These words silenced Mark, who simply ignored them and left Sasha to fend for herself.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

On the floor of the little black room, Sasha suddenly saw her mother, she was calling herself, she was so happy at the moment. A ray of morning sun shone in, it was a warm light, sasha tried to lift her body to touch the warmth, and she smiled contentedly. The next day, the neighbor's aunt did not see Sasha for a few days, afraid that she would be hurt again, and plucked up enough courage to break into Mark's house to find someone, and saw Sasha without breath in the small black room, and the aunt was shocked.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

At this time, Lola happened to come out to prevent Big Mama from approaching Sasha, and Big Mama simply went to move the rescue soldiers, and Big Mama was willing to testify, so that Lao Wang had the opportunity to ask his superiors for an arrest warrant. When everyone rushed to the little black room, Sasha's body was already very cold and stiff, and Lao Wang and the others arrested Mark and Lola.

Girl in the Morning Dawn: Based on true events, stepmother and father tortured their daughter to death

The priest came to see this scene, and he was full of guilt, and lao wang scolded, don't be in that fake feeling. At Sasha's funeral, the priest spoke at a time, lao wang directly scolded, you will only say some high-sounding words, do not do personnel behind your back, you have long let you rescue Sasha, what is the reason you give.

Now that the child is dead, you say something good, what can you make up for, God just let you do things, after saying that the old king slammed the door and left. The priest realized his mistake, lived facelessly in the world, and finally followed Sasha. At the end of the film, Mark and Lola are sentenced to life imprisonment and never come out of the Hoho.

This (girl in the morning light) I wrote it with tears, because when the mother can't stand this plot, in fact, this film is a real-life adaptation, there are really demon stepmothers in the world, angel daughters finally ran into the arms of their mothers, which is also a relief.

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