
The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

author:Words rhyme in spring and autumn

The little protagonist, Orol, grows up happily in a burst of laughter, because she has a beautiful, gentle and virtuous mother Marianne who loves herself, and a hard-working and capable father, Topo, and a sister and sister who love each other.

The family is rich, life is naturally beautiful, at that time, mom and dad also loved each other, among many children, dad was very fond of Orol, calling Auror the warmest sunshine in his life.

The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

However, this beautiful life is like Lin Hua thanking Chunhong, coming and going in a hurry, too late to savor it, and an illness will destroy the once dream-like happy family, leaving no trace, and the ugliness of human nature will also be displayed at a glance.

Because Aurore's mother had tuberculosis, the disease was an incurable disease under the medical conditions at the time.

At first, Auror's father, Topo, vowed to cure his mother's illness even if he lost his family, and as soon as the front foot was finished, the back foot hooked up with her cousin.

How hypocritical a man's love is and how fast it changes.

The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

When his wife was sick, one second he vowed to smash pots and sell iron to see his wife, and the next second he betrayed his faith, hating that his wife was sick and spending money and not being able to take care of the family.

You're useless, there's so much to do in the house, I have to go out to work, I have to take care of the children when I come back, I have to take care of the farm, I can't be busy alone, just his cousin Marianne, Wood has lost her husband, can come to the house to take care of the children and housework, and most importantly to satisfy the primitive desires in his body.

Even if the wife roared hysterically and did not agree to the woman entering her house, how terrible the woman was, Orol's mother knew very well, a woman who could keep her own children in the barn, it was conceivable that if that woman entered her own house, what would happen to Auror's children, she knew, and the thought of this made her shudder.

But her objection was so pale and feeble that her husband turned a deaf ear to it.

How long it takes to see the essence of a person, some need to spend a long time together, you will find the essence of a person, some only need a day to understand the quality of a person, just like the little protagonist's father, her mother found the essence of men in the last days of life, and for that Marian, Wood, she only took one day to see her face.

Does a man have any love for her? Love is there, but before he got sick, he loved only her body, just to satisfy his own desires. A man who is only content with his physiology. When one went to his cousin's house with his wife and children, in the face of his cousin's provocation and seduction, he had long been in his heart, and when his wife fell ill, the two people naturally hooked up and became adulterous.

His wife's resistance had no effect on him at all, and he coldly threw away his wife's wedding ring, and without hesitation, he turned away, and when he turned away in treachery, he also lost his minimum conscience as a man.

Cousin Marianne, Wood came uninvited, came directly to Topo's house and lived as a hostess. These two faceless men and women are really one and the same.

Aurora's mother Marianne was hospitalized due to illness and could not take care of Orol and several other children, and Aurora lived in her grandfather's house, and the years when she lived in her grandfather's house were the happiest times in Aurora's life. The previous life in heaven, the life after Aurora's return fell into a bottomless hell.

Orol was taken back from her grandfather's house by her father, and she saw her father's betrayal with her own eyes, and her naturally sensitive heart had a shadow from then on, and her heart was full of hatred for her father and the so-called cousin, and this vicious woman threw her mother's things out and took possession of her mother and their things.

When he saw that this cousin aunt was delicately entangled with his biological father, Orol hated the vicious woman very much in his heart, so he wrote to his mother, hoping that she would come back.

The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

The mother held Auror's letter, thinking of the good memories of the past, the sweet words of Topo, and the oath of the former mountain and the sea that was so vulnerable in the face of reality.

In the call of her daughter, she struggled with her last breath to try her best to protect her children, but she was already powerless, and her body had reached the end of her life and collapsed on the way back to find her daughter.

Under her sunken eye sockets shed the last crystal clear tears of her life, which contained her reluctance to fate and her worries about her children, and left forever with infinite regret.

His mother died, and Auror's tragic fate was doomed.

It is said that the husband and wife are originally the same forest bird, and the big disaster is about to fly by themselves. The wife has abandoned, but the children! Your children always have your blood in them! In the face of that abominable woman hurting your daughter, you can be so desperately indifferent.

With a stepmother there is a stepfather, and a child without a mother is like a grass. This statement is not false at all.

Orol, a girl with a beautiful face like her mother," aroused marianne, Wood,' jealousy and resentment, and she wanted to erase all memories of the former hostess.

Aurora's little angel, who had once been more brilliant than a flower, brighter than all the light, and full of hope for a future life, was killed by her stepmother Marianne after the death of her mother. Wood was tortured to the point of utter cruelty, a woman with the same name as her mother, but a heart that was world apart from her mother, a fairy with a good heart, and a witch with a vicious and cruel heart.

The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

If the stepmother was the mastermind of Orol's murder, then Topo was her accomplice, more ruthless than the mastermind Mary Annwood, the man who used Aurora as a warm sunshine. Because of his own desires, sparing Marianne, Wood inflicted cruel harm on Orol.

When Orol was hurt by her stepmother to the point where she was completely hurt, she longed for her father's care and hug with tears in her eyes, hoped with infinite expectations that his father would come over, hug her tightly, as he had once loved her, and said to her, You are my sunshine, we drive the vicious woman out, no one hurts you again, but this is just her wishful thinking, the poor face and the painful tears have not received the slightest help from her father, even a small word of concern, for her is the hope of her life. The greatest sorrow in life is the death of the heart, and there is nothing to support her to live

At this time, Auror was already desperate for life, numb, did not know why people live, what the meaning of living, and now she only wanted to follow her mother.

The movie "Girl in the Morning Light" reflects how hypocritical a man's love is

But it was so hard for Auror to die a painful death. The stepmother's abusive addiction came up again, and she burned the fiery hot iron that she had just taken out of the fire on Orol's body, and kept it hot, and finally even the stepmother's own son could not see the tragic scene, and said: Stop! It smells so bad! The stepmother put down the iron in her hand and sat down in the chair. It wasn't the discovery of her conscience that sent the iron, it was that she was tired, this crazy woman doing such a cruel thing in front of her son, I don't know how her son felt when he grew up, how he looked at the woman.

When the fat woman next door came to Topo's house and went up to the attic to see the dying Orol, she was so upset that she ran to tell the sheriff, who could not believe what his eyes were seeing, this scarred, scaly, breathless girl, without a single piece of intact skin. Hoping for a miracle, he hurried to get the doctor to treat Auror, who, after careful examination, said that there was nothing he could do.

In the end, Auror, the beautiful girl, finally left, and she went to a beautiful paradise, where there was a mother who loved her, and there were younger brothers and sisters.

Orol's departure did not cause remorse among the two men.

The film concludes with her stepmother originally sentenced to be hanged, and finally under pressure from the crowd, two days before her execution, the Attorney General commuted her sentence to life imprisonment She was released for health problems after serving 15 years in prison, and she died of breast and brain cancer in Montreal a few months later. Topo was sentenced to life in prison for manslaughter.

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