
The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

author:Book audio
The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

I knew this movie a long time ago, but I never dared to watch it, especially when I saw the little girl in the stills, innocent and lovely, a pair of gray-blue eyes, but hidden hesitation and trepidation, I have seen the plot summary, I know her ending, and I also know what kind of encounter she had before leaving this world, as long as I think about it, I will feel chilling.

Maybe for me, even a horror film relative to the limit can't compare to the heartache that this movie brings, because it changes from the true story. Horror movies, watching is just a feeling of confusion and uneasiness, after watching, will spit on the rotten bridge, will complain about the screen full of flesh and blood fake Coke.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

"Girl in the Morning Light", with the development of the plot, the girls in the play fell into nightmares step by step, spending every day in being abused and tossed, physical pain, and spiritual help, the seeds of despair were planted deep in the heart, with the blood of the girl's wounds, the tears in the eyes, quickly sprouted, grew wildly, as if it was the shadow behind the girl, not abandoned, always followed, until she swallowed the last breath of this world.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

She died, and despair followed suit, as if there had never been this beautiful and lovely girl, as if there had never been despair. Even if in the end her stepmother and biological father were sentenced to prison, even if the priest committed suicide after seeing the girl's injuries, it could not dilute the despair and pain that the girl had experienced, and what she experienced was not only life, but the disgust from God to man, so that she died in despair.

What is despair, even if there is a trace of comfort, sympathy, a trace of light, should not be regarded as despair.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

Perhaps every kind of sad beginning will be infinitely beautiful, and the lovely girl once had a mother who loved her, hurt her father, and spoiled her grandparents. Unfortunately, it began with the mother's serious illness, the mother's illness, so that the family to bear a heavy financial burden, the father began to decadent complaints, and his cousin mixed with the secret affair, in the firewood room rolling sheets, and unfortunately bumped into by the girl.

The mother, who was seriously ill, had seen this cousin's abuse of her own son, and she knew how hateful this cousin's heart was, but unfortunately she could not stop her husband's betrayal, no matter how hysterically she struggled, or was bound to the hospital bed by death until she died.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

When his wife died, his father and cousin were married and the girl was taken back from her grandfather's house, and the girl's nightmare began.

Because she had witnessed the unbearable scene in the firewood room, the girl was resistant and disgusted with the woman who was originally a cousin and is now a stepmother, and she expressed this emotion in her own way, which was a provocation to her dignity in the eyes of her stepmother, and an unreasonable ignorance in the eyes of her father.

We have a folk proverb "there must be a stepmother must have a stepfather", this sentence can not be partial to the whole, good stepmothers are not lacking in their people, but if the stepmother regards the children of the ex-wife as a thorn in the flesh in the eye, it is necessary to pull it out quickly, then under her provocation, the father can no longer see the daughter's well-behaved and sensible, he will be brought into the atmosphere that has long been set by the step-room, unfortunately, the father in this film is also confused by the cousin, and even told her that this daughter is the product of his drunkenness and is a blasphemy against God.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

Belonging to the cousin seems to have found a reason to abuse the girl, since the girl's birth is a kind of blasphemy, a mistake, then her ability must also be disliked, even the priest is convinced, when he needs to help save people, he chose to ignore it.

Abuse, beatings, and eventually develop into abuse, in the father's indifference, the neighbors' love can not help, and the pastor's deliberate avoidance, the stepmother's means of dealing with the girl, has gone beyond the original intention of establishing prestige, into the abuse of the deformed mentality, the more painful and more afraid the girl, the more excited and happy she will be.

No one would help, no one would believe in herself, no one would even want to see her more, and the girl finally left this world in a festering wound, the pain of the cone, and infinite despair.

Many people say that the darkest time of the day is the period before the dawn, according to the chronological order, it is obviously past the early morning, belongs to the early morning, but the first rays of sunlight have not yet torn through the dark night, the darkness of this season, the most difficult.

The Girl in the Morning Light: From God to Man's Disgust, Despair to the End

Text: Time and space of the wolf and the dog (reprinted with private message authorization)

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