
Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

author:19th floor
Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Ma Ma said that people should pray to Santa Philomena religiously, and God will let them do so, because God cannot bear to refuse the request of Santa Philomena, who has suffered so much. (At this point, I haven't made it clear which denomination they are, Christian, Catholic, silly and unclear)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Orol felt that Ma Ma was crying because she couldn't see the moon, so she took Ma Ma to find the moon and told Ma Ma that she couldn't see the moon stone because the moon was hiding behind the clouds. (Please raise your hand if you want to have a daughter's shoes in the future)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Whether you agree or disagree, the cousin or the successful dove occupies the magpie's nest, successfully buys perfume with rich and handsome money, successfully buys perfume while letting the people in the town know about her and her father, and some people in the town question dad's actions, and the conclusion is that the priest does not want them to be nosy. (Priests have great power and know very little about Western religions.)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

The stepmother told his father that Orol was eccentric and always talked to himself, but his father thought it was because Orol was conceived by him and his deceased wife after getting drunk, and said that whenever he saw Orol, he would think of that night. (Daddy, Daddy, you are deliberately no, people with common sense know that the consequences of this sentence are very serious)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

The aunt inquired about the recent situation of the Orol family and the person of the stepmother, and Aroll did not explain much, only to say that listening to the stepmother's brother said that childbirth was very harmful to the stepmother, and she had meningitis when she was 16 years old, afraid that her brain was broken. (Oh ~ it turned out to be brain damage, but the vicious stepmother wants to whitewash through brain damage, no way)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Auror fell into the memory of how much his father had loved them so much, giving them gifts and playing games with them, while Ma Ma had a sweet smile. (These three pictures are put together to illustrate it, and memories sometimes make people feel painful, without explanation)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

The nun expressed her doubts to the old nun, but the answer was that the priest said that Orol had been a liar since childhood, and the nun was helpless but powerless, and Auror's hope was shattered. (Well, not nurses are nuns!) Priest Nie Mei, who is the lying spirit in the end)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

When Orol confessed to the priest, she told the priest that she had lied in front of the sheriff, but the priest did not believe it, so Aurora was even more desperate, and she told the priest that she had only one wish, that is, to go with the hemp. (This paragraph has a small foreshadowing, followed by)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

As the camera pans, the sheriff finds the priest and discusses Aurore's situation with him, while the priest repeatedly argues for his stepmother, claiming that everything is rumor and that they are good parents. (Is this the legendary standing and talking without waist pain?) )

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Dad came back from work, and at the dinner table, he finally found that his daughter had not eaten dinner for two days, and asked his stepmother, who lied that Orol liked to eat in the afternoon and sleep at night. (The stepmother is calm, and the highest state of lying is that even she believes in herself)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Well, it was just Aurora's hallucination, the light receding, the scars and pain still there, and Auror once again collapsed desperately on the floor, quietly waiting for the arrival of death. (Here is Auror's ultimate despair, both in reality and mythology, Auror despairs)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Reading the priest's letter, the stepmother was messy, and she also realized the seriousness of the matter, knowing that without the support of the priest, the consequences would be unimaginable. (You might as well cut off the cow yourself, this kind of child abuse will not be good when you go to prison)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

At the beginning of the sophistry, the priest found the sheriff, not so much as repentance, but rather to give himself one more chance to plead, and he said excitedly that he did not belong to this small mountain village and that he should meditate in the Vatican cathedral. The sheriff ignored him, using sarcastic words and unabashed expressions of disgust. (Isn't it time to put a statue of you as a contemplative person in the church, the soul is weak)

Illustrated movie "Girl in the Morning Light", incest + child abuse of real events

Thirteen years after Orol's death, Dad wrote his last letter to his stepmother, who was still in prison. (Attached letter: My dear wife, my last two letters have no reply, if you don't reply, I won't write again, I have a lot of work to do, I need you to help me, I still fantasize about you coming home, this kind of thinking blocks drive me crazy, I believe you will be released soon, everyone will make mistakes, I make more mistakes than others. I sincerely pray for you. Seal it with a kiss and look forward to a real kiss on your pale lips! Your husband will not forget you! )

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