
Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

author:Gentleman K
Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

Title: Aurore (Girl in the Morning Light) Age: 2005 Country: Canada Director: Luc Dionne Starring Marianne Fortier

There is a type of movie that has to endure great psychological torture when watching, and child abuse movies undoubtedly belong to this category, one side is unscrupulous harm, the other side is powerless to bear self-preservation, and the audience is more than enough and insufficient anger and helplessness.

Remade in the early 2000s of a true story in a small village in Quebec, Canada, the film was shot to reflect on this heartbreaking story. Child abuse is not easy to be detected by the outside world because of its concealment, child abuse is not a family affair, we think that not interfering in other people's family affairs reflects noble qualities, in essence, it is just an accomplice to aiding and abetting abuse. Abuse that occurs in the family is not discipline, and when the abuser holds high the banner of discipline, then the intervention of external forces must be required. Child abuse has never disappeared from this world, and the fact that others don't care about themselves will only make the abuser's methods worse and more public. The true story takes place in a small village with a strong religious heritage, where people first turn to the priest who represents God, the messenger of God the priest, incarnated as the representative of justice, but it is the blind obedience to religion that in this simple little village, there are angelic beautiful children who are sent to the Yellow Spring Road.

Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

In a small village in Quebec in 1918, Aurore had a happy family, a young and beautiful mother, a gentle and considerate father, and a kind and kind grandparent, all of which were so happy. The nightmare began when Aurore's mother contracted tuberculosis in the winter of winter, and in an era when medicine was not yet developed, this was tantamount to a death sentence, but fortunately the father said that even if he sold his property, he would cure the mother of the child.

Before Aurore's father could sell his property to heal his wife, he hooked up with his cousin, whose mother had visited, because her child smelled of skunk. Aurore's mother really can't understand that the same mother's treatment of her child is quite different, which is a blatant abuse. Knowing that she will soon die, this woman with a snake and scorpion heart will become the mother of her child, and her heart will not be at peace under any circumstances. Treating your own biological children like this, you can imagine how much difficulty your children will face if they die of illness. After unsuccessfully fighting her parents and husband, Aurore's mother died on a cold, bleak winter day, leaving her with a wedding ring still in bed sheets.

After marrying his cousin, Aurore's father took back the child who was staying at his grandmother's house when he was ill, according to the priest's advice, and the reluctant grandparents had no choice but to warn Aurore's father to take good care of the child. The small village was not optimistic about this foreign woman, but because everyone benefited from the help of Auror's father, coupled with the priest's attitude of ignoring abnormal events, everyone dared to be angry and chose to be silent.

Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

The young Aurore has a sensitivity than the age of the child, during the mother's illness she witnessed the father's adultery with the stepmother, and the stepmother has a different disdain for the other siblings, which naturally does not attract the stepmother's likes. Once Aurore's father told his stepmother that Aurore was the product of their couple's drunken passion, Aurore's stepmother transferred her jealousy and hatred for this beautiful young mother to the girl who looked exactly like her mother.

Aurore, a product of drunkenness, became synonymous with the evil in the mouth of the stepmother's abusive mouth, the first scolding, the subsequent beating, all of which Aurore's father was indifferent, Aurore's father even beat his own child with an axe stick in order to please this woman, and the child's screams made the villagers indignant, unfortunately their anger stopped at nosy.

For a village of faith, the priest's behavior is the benchmark and the basis for people's actions, and the priest's ambiguous attitude towards this matter has led to missed opportunities to save Auror.

Auror was not without resistance, she ran away from home and committed suicide in exchange for a harsher punishment. When the magistrate found that the child was injured, the child did not dare to confide in the truth, and during the child's treatment in the hospital, the nun learned the truth of the matter and reported to her grandmother, who quoted the priest's words and prevented the nun from taking the matter. In order to maintain the purity of the community, the priest opened his way to the Vatican, even if he looked down on the small village full of peasants from the bottom of his heart, which was the starting point for him to start the Vatican. He could not tolerate the imperfections and incompleteness of his own community, and for the incident of the little girl's abuse, he only persuaded after knowing the truth, and after the persuasion was ineffective, he chose to ignore, denigrate the little girl, and even let all the villagers not believe the little girl's words.

Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

The child's grandfather turned to the magistrate, who was furious and confused, unable to see the child and without the priest's authorization, and one of the neighbours inadvertently broke into Aurore's house, and what appeared was a heartbreaking scene, where the skinless, ragged Aurore lay on the floor of the attic, dying. The magistrate rushed to the seat of government in Quebec for help, and in the absence of evidence, the criminal prosecutor could only recommend the initiation of a private lawsuit, and if the husband and wife were not finally found guilty, the costs of the proceedings would be borne by the magistrate.

After the magistrate promised to cover all costs, the Criminal Prosecutions Commissioner of Quebec called the priest to visit Aurore's home. The priest did not actually visit Aurore after receiving the call, but chose to communicate with Aurore's stepmother by letter, trying to clear his responsibilities. After Aurore's death, the priest, even crying bitterly at Aurore's scarred corpse, still wanted to erase the impact of the incident on his future, and he told the villagers that they should not ask about it, and they must forget the impact of this incident, which is a stain on the village and of course the priest himself. The magistrate angrily threw himself away before the priest could finish speaking, and the villagers followed suit, a religion that was not worthy of faith without reflection.

Aurore's parents were arrested at Aurore's funeral for murder, her stepmother was sentenced to death for murder, and three days before the execution, because of the pressure of public opinion, the Attorney General eased her sentence to life imprisonment, and she was released after serving 15 years in prison for health problems, and then died soon after cancer. Aurore's father was sentenced to life in prison for manslaughter and released 5 years later for good performance, and after his release, Aurore's father was obsessed with his wife, and the daughter who lost his life at the hands of their husband and wife did not make the father feel guilty. The priest, after being torn off by the magistrate of the peace, began to seriously reflect on his way of doing so, and it was precisely because of his selfishness that he blocked the opportunities that could have saved Aurore, and he completed his redemption by means of self-determination.

Just because you didn't do it doesn't mean you're not a murderer – The Girl in the Morning Light

Whether in the movie or in real life, there are many opportunities to save children, and all the opportunities are lost, which is the saddest place. The child is slowly dying in torture, and the neighbors are watching the child being destroyed step by step in the screams of the child. Behind this incident is not only the silence of all people, but also the silence may be aided by abuse, and the submission to religion makes people give up integrity, kindness and softness.

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